Dark Active 9 years, 11 months ago

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    Enemies have levels (tap+hold over them, it’s the star in the top left corner, looks just like your level) and in some levels the pigs scale with your level. They recently updated it so that pigs scale closer to, or at, your level rather than far below your level, so things are harder now.


    That’s just how wizpig’s ability works afaik. It’s been that way forever, whoever he randomly targets with his support ability to attack (himself included) deals double damage. Demonic wizpig… I don’t know, I’ve never been able to survive phase 1 without red as paladin, and that mitigation support ability isn’t enough to survive his one-shot explosion. It’s all a matter of getting lucky that he just sits there and does nothing for a couple turns before charging his attack up.


    Only a handful of levels are “pseudo-random” in what pigs show up, and only on subsequent attempts at the level (after you’ve beaten it already).

    By and large, a vast number of the guides on this site are outdated and useless. Rovio has made significant changes and balances to a lot of levels and the guides just don’t reflect the current state of levels anymore. Case in point, look at Wizpig castle and cave 1 shaking halls 1. Demon wizpig hits a lot harder now and has almost 2.5k more hp than when the video was taken months ago. And the cave 1 levels, those videos show 10 waves for levels with completely different pigs, whereas now they’re 3 waves with much worse pigs that now hit for numbers in one-shot territory. Most guides demonstrate some really broken/hacked accounts where they got their silly overflow numbers bug for their coins where they’re decked out in every 3-star set piece in existence and afforded elite classes long before they should. Overall, not helpful at all.


    The only bug I’m still having is the Monday dungeon not resetting. I haven’t been able to replay that dungeon since the first time I beat it several weeks ago.

    I guess after the update I also lost a bunch of exp as well, but I’m not terribly concerned about that (went from about 75% to 10% exp on level 16).


    Didn’t see this in the first post, so I’m gonna try and explain this bug I’ve found:

    This has to do with Bomb’s counter support ability as a Canoneer, and is not a problem of counter going off or not, but is caused by when the counter, as expected, doesn’t go off. The way I’ve triggered it is by putting counter on a bird that also has another buff that deals damage to pigs that attack that bird, such as Chuck’s shock shield as mage or the Blue trio’s cupcake trap as rogue. What ends up happening is pigs will attack the designated bird, take damage from the shield/trap and die from that damage. Then afterwards when the counter would happen, nothing would happen, which I would expect since the target pig for the counter is no longer there.

    Here’s where the bug happens. The canoneer’s counter is a 40% damage counter. If the counter does not happen because the pig dies, that 40% damage “state” still continues to be in effect. So on my next turn when I try to attack normally with that bird I only deal 40% damage. This state also seems to queue for each counter that doesn’t happen, so if say 3 pigs die from shields/traps that negate 3 counters, then my next 3 normal attack/turns will all be at 40% damage for that bird.

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