Chacer Active 8 years ago

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  • Chacer

    The rewards went out when the daily reset for me.


    No stat boost , just a special Icon for your rank.
    Gold is 1-500
    Silver 501-2000
    Bronze 2001-5000(? I think, I don’t know because I was silver when they were introduced)


    My apologies , I may be thinking of an older cheat.
    It’s not the type of thing I keep myself up to date on.
    I am sure you will test it thoroughly.


    Thank you!


    Guys, the game is perfectly fun without being a lame cheater. Don’t promote exploits.
    The offline one doesn’t even really work anymore, and sometimes people just really go offline due to disconnects or afking. (like me)


    How did they find this “secret” item? thru data mining or what?

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