Rank |
Nickname |
Score |
1401 | disneyfan421Rank: Flinger with 60 points Platform: iPhone | 54,860 | |
1402 | muddog911Rank: Flinger with 90 points Platform: Android | 54,840 | |
1403 | AdamzappleRank: Deputized with 230 points Platform: iPhone | 54,840 | |
1404 | kodiakexpressRank: Shooter with 930 points Platform: iPhone | 54,830 | |
1405 | PNAPHSRank: DaBomb with 385 points Platform: iPhone | 54,820 | |
1406 | hesparza77Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,800 | |
1407 | siskocdRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,790 | |
1408 | lalas1986Rank: Fling King with 4785 points Platform: PC | 54,790 | |
1409 | Seymour ButzRank: Flinger with 60 points Platform: iPad | 54,770 | |
1410 | ry5Rank: Master Slinger with 5465 points Platform: iPhone | 54,740 | |
1411 | tbundyRank: Deputized with 115 points Platform: None Entered | 54,740 | |
1412 | westbumsRank: Flinger with 50 points Platform: iPad | 54,740 | |
1413 | CraigRank: Master Slinger with 5385 points Platform: iPhone | 54,730 | |
1414 | edunc0126Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: iPad | 54,730 | |
1415 | moyedaRank: DaBomb with 345 points Platform: iPad | 54,720 | |
1416 | iqoRank: DaBomb with 360 points Platform: iPhone | 54,720 | |
1417 | trogonRank: Explosive with 2150 points Platform: Android | 54,690 | |
1418 | rasmith8357Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points Platform: Android | 54,680 | |
1419 | adoss124Rank: Flinger with 80 points Platform: Android | 54,670 | |
1420 | kendoRank: Flinger with 60 points Platform: iPhone | 54,650 | |
1421 | sandjoyRank: Gold Flinger with 9535 points Platform: iPad | 54,650 | |
1422 | kirsikkaRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,650 | |
1423 | capinheiroRank: DaBomb with 300 points Platform: Android | 54,650 | |
1424 | primus.omniumRank: Slinger with 1210 points Platform: iPhone | 54,650 | |
1425 | truck5513Rank: Deputized with 125 points Platform: iPhone | 54,640 | |
1426 | paulsimmondsRank: Flinger with 15 points Platform: iPhone | 54,640 | |
1427 | moondannceRank: Champion with 3465 points Platform: iPad | 54,620 | |
1428 | MumsieRank: Pig Leader with 11700 points Platform: iPad* Certified Nester | 54,580 | |
1429 | gille10Rank: Slinger with 1220 points Platform: iPhone | 54,580 | |
1430 | stang88okRank: Flinger with 25 points Platform: PC | 54,580 | |
1431 | Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,580 | |
1432 | AuMichRank: Slinger with 1230 points Platform: iPhone | 54,570 | |
1433 | oxJennxoRank: Flinger with 5 points Platform: None Entered | 54,570 | |
1434 | jlaurenRank: DaBomb with 255 points Platform: iPhone | 54,560 | |
1435 | bnjmnmflkRank: Shooter with 775 points Platform: iPad | 54,550 | |
1436 | pisces377Rank: Well Traveled with 1505 points Platform: Android | 54,540 | |
1437 | PigsLoveEggsRank: Flinger with 75 points Platform: Android | 54,540 | |
1438 | ixan57Rank: Sling God with 36250 points Platform: Android Tablet* Certified Nester | 54,530 | |
1439 | lucaRank: Hardened with 665 points Platform: Android | 54,530 | |
1440 | meroveusRank: DaBomb with 255 points Platform: Symbian | 54,530 | |
1441 | javignacioRank: Explosive with 2315 points Platform: Android | 54,530 | |
1442 | jbygdenRank: Gold Flinger with 9210 points Platform: iPhone* Certified Nester | 54,520 | |
1443 | aggitatedLILeggKKRank: Deputized with 215 points Platform: iPad | 54,520 | |
1444 | memorias87Rank: Deputized with 135 points Platform: iPhone | 54,500 | |
1445 | dreadprtrobertsRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,500 | |
1446 | Thee ElfRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,490 | |
1447 | smjPenn1991Rank: Flinger with 5 points Platform: iPad | 54,490 | |
1448 | E-StarRank: Master Slinger with 6640 points Platform: iPad* Certified Nester | 54,460 | |
1449 | Kiwi62Rank: DaBomb with 275 points Platform: iPhone | 54,460 | |
1450 | wens zeelandRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,460 | |
1451 | RC1138Rank: Flinger with 60 points Platform: iPad | 54,450 | |
1452 | prechlapslarRank: Flinger with 35 points Platform: Android | 54,450 | |
1453 | AdamRank: Hardened with 520 points Platform: PC | 54,450 | |
1454 | elwynRank: Shooter with 900 points Platform: PC | 54,440 | |
1455 | booskijkendenvogelRank: DaBomb with 275 points Platform: iPad | 54,440 | |
1456 | elwyn63Rank: Hardened with 555 points Platform: PC | 54,420 | |
1457 | dan zoomRank: DaBomb with 350 points Platform: None Entered | 54,400 | |
1458 | memebenne903Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,370 | |
1459 | TenJokerRank: Well Traveled with 1505 points Platform: iPhone | 54,360 | |
1460 | toofRank: Well Traveled with 1555 points Platform: iPad | 54,360 | |
1461 | Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,360 | |
1462 | bigbucks200Rank: Deputized with 190 points Platform: Android Tablet | 54,340 | |
1463 | DizneygeekRank: Deputized with 185 points Platform: iPhone | 54,330 | |
1464 | NeilC32Rank: Flinger with 80 points Platform: iPhone | 54,320 | |
1465 | MTRedEyeRank: Shooter with 825 points Platform: Android Tablet | 54,320 | |
1466 | allencRank: DaBomb with 345 points Platform: iPad | 54,320 | |
1467 | Liger PistonsRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,280 | |
1468 | ciffeRank: Flinger with 35 points Platform: iPhone | 54,280 | |
1469 | GoCougsRank: Deputized with 110 points Platform: Android | 54,270 | |
1470 | NikiRank: DaBomb with 305 points Platform: PC | 54,270 | |
1471 | racaulkRank: Flinger with 30 points Platform: iPhone | 54,270 | |
1472 | pixtuRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,260 | |
1473 | HhansmuellerRank: Master Slinger with 6595 points Platform: iPad | 54,250 | |
1474 | APTHEGREATRank: Flinger with 45 points Platform: Android | 54,230 | |
1475 | Harrystar6Rank: Fling King with 4870 points Platform: iPod Touch* Certified Nester | 54,230 | |
1476 | catchowRank: Flinger with 45 points Platform: Android | 54,220 | |
1477 | pizzogolRank: Well Traveled with 1980 points Platform: iPad | 54,220 | |
1478 | Ammojoe1Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,180 | |
1479 | n33d4pigsRank: Slinger with 1190 points Platform: Android | 54,160 | |
1480 | RangergirlRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,160 | |
1481 | jdubb07Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,160 | |
1482 | TwartagueulRank: Shooter with 825 points Platform: iPhone | 54,150 | |
1483 | ninjanator15Rank: Flinger with 40 points Platform: PC | 54,140 | |
1484 | Yellow Dog 24Rank: Master Slinger with 7200 points Platform: iPad | 54,140 | |
1485 | JstabumRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: Android | 54,130 | |
1486 | RifleRank: DaBomb with 455 points Platform: PC | 54,120 | |
1487 | bkrpRank: Flinger with 25 points Platform: None Entered | 54,120 | |
1488 | chipmunkRank: Deputized with 195 points Platform: iPod Touch | 54,110 | |
1489 | vhfreakRank: Deputized with 160 points Platform: iPhone | 54,090 | |
1490 | momof3Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,090 | |
1491 | TigersharkRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,070 | |
1492 | krafishRank: Well Traveled with 1880 points Platform: iPhone | 54,060 | |
1493 | jimjimRank: Flinger with 55 points Platform: PC | 54,020 | |
1494 | BbradsRank: Shooter with 910 points Platform: iPad | 54,020 | |
1495 | GracherlRank: Well Traveled with 1810 points Platform: iPad | 54,020 | |
1496 | richieRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 54,000 | |
1497 | criminal90Rank: Deputized with 150 points Platform: iPhone | 53,970 | |
1498 | jager66Rank: Deputized with 140 points Platform: iPhone | 53,960 | |
1499 | i955561976Rank: Master Slinger with 5540 points Platform: PC | 53,960 | |
1500 | MarleenRank: Shooter with 990 points Platform: PC | 53,950 | |