Rank |
Nickname |
Score |
1101 | hopsalot77Rank: Flinger with 20 points Platform: iPad | 57,490 | |
1102 | ncohen13Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: iPod Touch | 57,460 | |
1103 | atoRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 57,460 | |
1104 | msdenilynnRank: Out of this World with 2935 points Platform: Android | 57,450 | |
1105 | IceSh4rKRank: Champion with 3830 points Platform: Android Tablet | 57,440 | |
1106 | taqqieRank: Debriefed with 1370 points Platform: iPhone | 57,430 | |
1107 | CherkanoRank: Deputized with 115 points Platform: iPhone | 57,420 | |
1108 | caroloz64Rank: Flinger with 80 points Platform: iPad | 57,410 | |
1109 | Dutch72Rank: Deputized with 200 points Platform: Symbian | 57,390 | |
1110 | Nancy5527Rank: Flinger with 25 points Platform: Android | 57,380 | |
1111 | PiGurporal PorkerRank: Master Slinger with 5410 points Platform: PC* Certified Nester | 57,380 | |
1112 | bigreddawgsRank: Fling King with 4175 points Platform: iPhone | 57,370 | |
1113 | jaimecoxRank: Flinger with 50 points Platform: iPhone | 57,370 | |
1114 | cali_momRank: Pig Leader with 11235 points Platform: iPhone* Certified Nester | 57,360 | |
1115 | PappyRank: Debriefed with 1385 points Platform: iPad | 57,360 | |
1116 | GerryVRank: Flinger with 35 points Platform: Android | 57,350 | |
1117 | isosamiRank: Hardened with 620 points Platform: PC | 57,350 | |
1118 | alfredhartojoRank: Master Slinger with 6945 points Platform: Android* Certified Nester | 57,320 | |
1119 | USMC-Fla248Rank: Flinger with 35 points Platform: Android | 57,320 | |
1120 | btownRank: Deputized with 105 points Platform: Symbian | 57,310 | |
1121 | mars805Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points Platform: iPad | 57,300 | |
1122 | grrtammyRank: Gold Flinger with 8970 points Platform: iPad Mini | 57,300 | |
1123 | Kackman73Rank: DaBomb with 450 points Platform: iPhone | 57,280 | |
1124 | chappacuaRank: DaBomb with 415 points Platform: iPhone | 57,260 | |
1125 | edorfRank: Shooter with 765 points Platform: iPad | 57,260 | |
1126 | TreacleRank: Deputized with 225 points Platform: iPad | 57,260 | |
1127 | amourgirlRank: Flinger with 5 points Platform: iPad | 57,250 | |
1128 | catlamaliceRank: Deputized with 215 points Platform: iPhone | 57,250 | |
1129 | EddieRank: Out of this World with 2785 points Platform: iPhone | 57,240 | |
1130 | GurkoRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: Symbian | 57,240 | |
1131 | pinkypiggyRank: Hardened with 515 points Platform: Android Tablet | 57,230 | |
1132 | darthenforcerRank: Fling King with 4630 points Platform: iPhone | 57,230 | |
1133 | perigordRank: Flinger with 45 points Platform: iPhone | 57,220 | |
1134 | zraineyRank: Flinger with 50 points Platform: iPhone | 57,210 | |
1135 | v_Rank: DaBomb with 490 points Platform: iPod Touch | 57,210 | |
1136 | fiveratRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 57,210 | |
1137 | piotr8Rank: DaBomb with 355 points Platform: Android Tablet | 57,210 | |
1138 | kyles123Rank: DaBomb with 340 points Platform: None Entered | 57,190 | |
1139 | armyms25Rank: Hardened with 650 points Platform: Android | 57,180 | |
1140 | osubsm42Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 57,170 | |
1141 | WombatterRank: Deputized with 235 points Platform: iPad | 57,160 | |
1142 | Munaman99Rank: Deputized with 180 points Platform: None Entered | 57,150 | |
1143 | dasMarciRank: Slinger with 1015 points Platform: Android | 57,150 | |
1144 | spydramanRank: Flinger with 35 points Platform: iPad | 57,130 | |
1145 | Quilter2506Rank: Well Traveled with 1760 points Platform: iPhone | 57,120 | |
1146 | RonenGilRank: DaBomb with 420 points Platform: iPad | 57,120 | |
1147 | SgloukRank: Sling God with 25220 points Platform: PC* Certified Nester | 57,110 | |
1148 | jj86Rank: Flinger with 95 points Platform: iPod Touch | 57,110 | |
1149 | KeeZs_AGRRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 57,100 | |
1150 | EgorR50Rank: Slinger with 1105 points Platform: iPad | 57,070 | |
1151 | neox_javiRank: Flinger with 25 points Platform: Android | 57,060 | |
1152 | 72bungleRank: Master Slinger with 5265 points Platform: iPad | 57,040 | |
1153 | spacecadetRank: Flinger with 55 points Platform: iPad | 57,040 | |
1154 | argyleRank: Fling King with 4645 points Platform: iPhone | 57,040 | |
1155 | Rexman57Rank: Flinger with 50 points Platform: iPhone | 57,020 | |
1156 | mickh59Rank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: iPhone | 57,020 | |
1157 | JLafrancaRank: Flinger with 5 points Platform: iPhone | 57,020 | |
1158 | zazRank: Deputized with 100 points Platform: iPhone | 57,010 | |
1159 | azulknightRank: DaBomb with 310 points Platform: iPod Touch | 57,010 | |
1160 | metoo3Rank: Champion with 3820 points Platform: iPad | 57,000 | |
1161 | Ben WRank: Out of this World with 2560 points Platform: iPad | 56,990 | |
1162 | fogrideRank: Master Slinger with 6760 points Platform: Android | 56,950 | |
1163 | DanaRank: Explosive with 2355 points Platform: Android Tablet | 56,940 | |
1164 | KathieHTRank: Champion with 3815 points Platform: iPad | 56,930 | |
1165 | chilisroolRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 56,930 | |
1166 | MattieBlondRank: Gold Flinger with 9785 points Platform: Android Tablet | 56,930 | |
1167 | youyouneRank: Explosive with 2035 points Platform: iPhone | 56,900 | |
1168 | drobbinsjrRank: Out of this World with 2975 points Platform: iPad | 56,880 | |
1169 | psh01051981Rank: Deputized with 135 points Platform: iPad | 56,880 | |
1170 | kenjiRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 56,880 | |
1171 | MaiasataraRank: Boss Hog with 13250 points Platform: iPhone* Certified Nester | 56,870 | |
1172 | PeerRank: Debriefed with 1335 points Platform: iPad | 56,860 | |
1173 | scorpion61Rank: Shooter with 880 points Platform: iPhone | 56,850 | |
1174 | PlainjaneRank: Well Traveled with 1585 points Platform: Android Tablet | 56,840 | |
1175 | SyRuSRank: Gold Flinger with 9300 points Platform: Android | 56,840 | |
1176 | kschmadeRank: Flinger with 85 points Platform: iPhone | 56,830 | |
1177 | Elem0natorRank: Deputized with 135 points Platform: Android | 56,830 | |
1178 | DickySRank: Flinger with 40 points Platform: iPhone | 56,810 | |
1179 | fo0barRank: Flinger with 50 points Platform: iPad | 56,810 | |
1180 | furiousfowlsRank: Explosive with 2140 points Platform: Android | 56,810 | |
1181 | King ClasherRank: Hardened with 675 points Platform: iPad Mini | 56,780 | |
1182 | rudysloverRank: Shooter with 945 points Platform: iPad Mini | 56,780 | |
1183 | MucareyRank: DaBomb with 290 points Platform: iPad | 56,780 | |
1184 | DannyStommenRank: Flinger with 5 points Platform: iPhone | 56,770 | |
1185 | ArgonRank: Master Slinger with 5210 points Platform: iPhone | 56,760 | |
1186 | Tom-JulianRank: Flinger with 15 points Platform: iPad | 56,740 | |
1187 | MLERank: Flinger with 90 points Platform: iPad | 56,740 | |
1188 | Lumberjack69Rank: Flinger with 30 points Platform: iPhone | 56,740 | |
1189 | birdaliaRank: Deputized with 115 points Platform: iPod Touch | 56,730 | |
1190 | Asimo77Rank: Shooter with 825 points Platform: Android | 56,730 | |
1191 | puddleyRank: Fling King with 4470 points Platform: iPad | 56,730 | |
1192 | californiaguyRank: Deputized with 170 points Platform: iPad | 56,720 | |
1193 | binky826Rank: Deputized with 180 points Platform: iPhone | 56,720 | |
1194 | parmisRank: Debriefed with 1280 points Platform: PC | 56,710 | |
1195 | danacurtisRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 56,710 | |
1196 | robbmRank: Flinger with 0 points Platform: None Entered | 56,700 | |
1197 | minhtheRank: Hardened with 630 points Platform: PC | 56,700 | |
1198 | bairdbierksRank: Flinger with 55 points Platform: iPad | 56,690 | |
1199 | LemRank: DaBomb with 470 points Platform: Android | 56,680 | |
1200 | guinessguyRank: Slinger with 1080 points Platform: Android | 56,680 | |