The Originals! – New Event!

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  • MillForce2k

    Overpowered Ultimate Megatron to L17. It says “Armor upgraded!” and “Redundant backups ready.” Will be able to get the small spark chest, or possibly the medium.


    So is it worth taking UM to L17?

    I’m considering the same thing.


    @optimuspig. I did a spark run with him and survived three swarms of flying pigs and only lost two hearts. I hadn’t had that many swarms in a spark run with him prior, so I don’t know if that’s an improvement or not.


    Event over for me and waiting for 3-year celebration.



    Surviving three swarms sounds pretty good.

    My alternatives are GSG, EGL, and DE.  None of their overpower boosts look too promising (+2% for EGL, seriously?????)


    @optimuspig The problem with the overpower increases is that we don’t know what the base is. My Ultimate Megatron at L16 was 41%, but of what. If they all start at some L15 value, say X for UM and Y for EGrimlock, 2% of Y may be a greater increase than 41% of X.

    If you don’t need to spend gems to get the overpower, I’d say overpower the bot you would generally use.


    Well the point is that these four TFs are the ones I take out on the Spark Run.

    I usually run it in the order: UM, DE, EGL, GSG.

    I only run UM in the Special Events if I get the Variant Versions squad bonus.


    I always understood the overpowers to be based off the level 15 stats. What I am still unsure about are the accessories. Are they still based on just level 15, or is it now based on your overpower stats?


    I almost died a bad death in the last run.

    Tons of WMTs, and only one energon structure for the entire run, right at the end.

    Made it through with half a heart of health.

    Daniel Cho

    You know it’s bad when your galvatron at level 9 is dead by the end of four runs.


    This is ridiculous.

    I opened 45 Steel Crates, and only one out of the 45 dropped Tokens.

    It’s like Rovio knows this is the final day and they want to screw you over.

    Daniel Cho



    Well,what were you expecting from Rovio? Buffing UP bots? That stinks, I also did poor in this event. But got UM and Bludgeon upgraded.



    I expect them not to mess around with drop rates from one soft update to the next.


    I’m not opening steel crates anymore. I don’t receive good items, and I’m already running short on coins now.

    I will save coins for upgrades. I quit the daily quests, so I’m not running normal nodes anymore. My coin incoming is mainly from what I collect from the map, and on events.


    @ramonpontes How many do you have left?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum The Originals! – New Event!

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