The Originals! – New Event!

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  • Optimus_Pig

    29 runs, saw BP four times, but Unicron was a no show.

    Just barely cracked 100K.

    #1 was over 400K


    This is the first time I felt like I dominated the leaderboard! I ended the day with 310K in points and second came in with 82K, I had to recharge 4 times to get that extra 500 tokens. Finally, my 120% promoted Lockdown made me look good. This event, I am planning to overpower Lockdown and Goldbite Grimlock.

    The Dark Knight

    the 1500 and 500 spark canisters have been obtained. Now i have 338 tokens and i want 400-500 more tokens to unlock the 750 sparks and then i will play for money :D

    I love those steel creates i really i do!!!


    8 runs no BP and no Unicron but I unlocked E.Lockdown today and I’m 7th on the leaderboard


    Yay, missile day. My EGL nd GSG are ready and have been playing very well today. Guess what?


    The only reason I am currently at #1 is because I had 5 Unicron runs thankfully.


    All i’m really going for in this event is upgrading soundwave, maybe a few other characters, and maybe sparks.



    35% of runs is Cobalt Valley and 45% of runs in Pig City. I am just only first.

    Daniel Cho

    The other map bots I haven’t unlocked yet are unappetizing. ELockdown loses health way too fast. The other grimlocks are better than GSG but since the only difference is the ability to destroy stone blocks I’m okay. The soundblaster is not as good as soundwave. High Octane bumblebee is worse than regular bumblebee. The megatrons are more or less soundwaves, except for flying enemies.

    No one in m leaderboard is really trying to I’m in luck.



    Five Unicron runs??? Out of how many runs total?

    I don’t think that I’ve ever had more than three in a single day.



    E.Lockdown is very powerful and at level 4 where I have him he does not drain health while E.Grimlock is the only Grimlock that attacks Armor pigs and High Octane Bumblebee is better than Bumblebee with ease. Megatrons have been nerfed but UM is great with Acid rounds.


    What time in the world do you have to play 5 Unicron runs. Did BP appear?


    @optimuspig @quickgaming When I wrote that: 5 out of 16 (1 free and rest recharges). Right now, I have encountered him about 8 more times as I have been using gems to recharge my tries. So that’s a total of 13 today.

    3 things are confirmed for me:
    – All runs of mine will be in Pig City (even now all I have been getting are Pig City nodes)
    – I have had the year’s worth of Unicron and Boss Pig fills and I think their spawn rate becomes higher if someone keeps using gems to recharge their batteries as they have spawned way too many times but I am not complaining.
    – I am not seeing nerfs in EGL as posted by others. For me he works just as well (or maybe those are the accessories working in conjunction who knows)
    – Dead End kills Unicron faster with his Incendiary Rounds. They actually do lingering damage to the giant pig.



    What is your current score?


    People in your leader board must be suffering.




    So they really do give you more Unicron runs if you recharge, then.

    I dunno though, I’ve had days when I’ve gone into 6+ recharges into a single day, and never had that kind of Unicron frequency.

    Perhaps Rovio changed things up in a recent update.

    Daniel Cho

    @quickgaming Well, E.Lockdown is strong but at level 8 his health drains faster than Lockdown and even bumblebee. How is E.Grimlock the only Grimlock that attacks Armor pigs? Any bot can target armor pigs. If you are talking about damage the other grimlocks do fine against them anyway. But I know E.Grimlock is very powerful even after the supposed nerfs. Nah, I think regular bumblebee is better. The quick 5 shots makes it so it can’t hit missiles and if you miss? R.I.P In terms of damage, yes High Octane BB is better. But in many situations it’s worse than BB which is saying a lot. What do you high level players think?


    @quickgaming 97360 points and yes, the others are suffering.



    Play the sparkrun and try to attack shield pigs with GSG.


    I am running with Um and E Lockdown. Boss Pig shreds both. One missile is enough to take out ELockdown. UM sucks as much as normal against BP. On the bright side, I can confirm that, if you lose both bots, you will get the opportunity to pay gems to revive the last one to die.

    I am going for UM overpower, but it might not be worth it this time


    So, there may be something to what @datguygamer said about Unicron appearances being correlated to recharges.

    Then again, perhaps not.

    Today I recharged five times.  Unicron only showed up twice, but both times were during a recharged run.

    So either @datguygamer is super lucky, or I’m super unlucky.


    On the topic of EGL’s cooldown nerf – isn’t as much of an issue as it was a couple of weeks ago.

    Perhaps Rovio rejigged it again.


    I don’t think I will be able to hit 4,000 tokens at the end of day 3. since I need 8,000 tokens, I am quitting right here. I will grab sparks and be done


    Day 3 of this event and I can’t wait for it to end for us to get the chance to win Nemesis Prime but don’t Know how many tokens for him. In 4 runs I got 1 BP and I obliterated and shattered him.


    I am thinking who to promote? Level 17 for EGL or level 16 for UM? What did you say? Currently have 4500 tokens.



    Do get it for EGL or ask @datguygamer

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum The Originals! – New Event!

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