Shockwave's Spire

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Shockwave's Spire

  • Following ToF and MEM, Shockwave’s Spire is Rovio’s third ultra-greedy “Wins when it wants you to” moneymaker. Share your tips and see if Rovio likes you or not here.

    For example:

    Today Rovio was nice to me and I got to floor 10, and then I exited there. Yesterday was about the same except I was taking a risk and went for floor 11, and I made it!

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  • datguygamer

    Level 1: 6 Tokens

    Level 2: Pigs

    Exited, lost those tokens. So yeah, definitely likes me.


    I usually get pigs on floor 2 so I always exit. Strangely enough it’s more than 25% of the time (nearer 75%) which just shows that it’s as “random” as the Lab is.

    Mechanic Pig

    You can claim only your floor 1 rewards if you want ;)


    What is the highest floor you reached with reasonable ? [10/25/50] amounts gem penalties ? Mine is level 14.


    I’ve reached level 35, and I have spent three recharges.

    But I got more gems than I spent (about 250), and many tokens (about 11k tokens). This was without any doubts worth even if I had spent more gems, but I quit after level 35. This was an instant overpower for my Ultimate Megatron, so I was more than happy.

    I don’t know in which level the rewards started to be reasonable, but there is a point where it is very rewarding, but it never repeated with me again.

    Luis C.

    Last 5 shots at the Spire Ive gotten pigs on the 2nd try.


    If I can get to floor 5, I quit there. I tried to grt higher once, and it cost me a lot of gems. I usually don’t get past floor 2


    I played to 10-12 and try not to spend more then two reloads. If I am there without any gems, continue till I get pigs. Mostly 16-17 normal. Most of the time, spended 35 gems are at least half returned from the rewards.


    I have gone as far as 15. Wondering what could be at 90, and how many gems it might cost??


    @bpmann Level 90 has accessories; that’s it.


    I don’t go past level 2 or 3.  It’s not random.  if it were, I would at least occasionally not get a pig on one of the first couple floors, but that never happens.  just like pig lab, where even though sometimes 3/5 of the possible outcomes are not coins (depending on the inputs of course) I get coins at least 80% of the time.


    6th day in a row hitting a pig on the second level.  Slot machines work because sometimes they let you win.  Instead of being temptation to gamble, this is just a 30 second task to complete for daily rewards, i guess.

    Kris Houston

    The highest floor I’ve ever reached was floor 20 only once.


    I quit as soon as I get gems, or floor 5.

    How far do you have to go for the last achievement? Level 60? How many gems do you get for that? I’m going to make a run for that one of these days. Part of me thinks I should shoot for the top just in case they change the achievement.


    The max level is level 90.
    See o.a. here
    The top prize seems to be characters (or accessories) instead of gems.
    Btw, if you would have reached this level you wouldn’t have won any gems (most unlikely), but you would have lost thousands (,but probably a whole lot more) of gems for paying for the piggies.



    I’m asking about the level required for the achievement “going up”, and how many gems you get. At level 30 you get 200 gems.


    @pandaczar12 Sorry, bad reading.
    In the update 1.34.2 not working topic @jaykew mentioned:
    Just had a good run in Shockwave’s Spire.  The 3 new Achievements and rewards are 20 Gems for reaching Level 10; 200 Gems for reaching Level 30; and 1000 Gems for reaching Level 60.




    Reposting this here from the Enslavers thread…

    I’ve been playing this game since May 30.  I’ve hit level 47, 41, 40 and 31.  The 41 and 40 were back to back during Novastar and I got all 3 bots to complete the squad (already had Nautica).  I lost the level 31 by drawing too many pigs (ran out of gems). Now, I never buy a pig unless I’m level 21 or higher.  Nothing below that is worth 10 gems, unless you can break even on what you’ve already won and then exit.  The prizes start getting good after level 25, so If you can be patient, wait until you have a clean run past level 20 then be prepared to spend 385-785 gems.

    On this run I drew my first pig at level 27, tapped out after spending 785 gems, but still netted 632 gems.  You gotta make sure your winnings pay for what you’ve spent, and always make sure you still have enough gems to buy the next pig.  That’s how I lost the level 31 run.

    I also never exit before I draw the first pig


    Level 47.  Spent 785 gems


    Level 41.  Spent 385 gems.


    The very next day, level 40.  Spent 785 gems if I remember correctly.  I was willing to buy the 400 gem pig because of my winnings the day before.


    And it got me this.  I had already bought Nautica’s emp cannon with tokens.



    Nice!  You definitely have more guts than I do.


    Here’s a nice little level 25 from Day 1 of Enslavers.  Spent 85 gems, but knowing that a new bot is next to impossible without a promoted squad member, I was a little desperate.  Load the front end, right?  Got me just enough to be able to hit 7.5k for the event.

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