Shockwave's Spire

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  • Andrew

    This is correct, the odds of you getting a pig is calculated after you make your selection. Something similar happens in the lab- the chances of you landing on gems are not 1-in-5 (20%) as expected, it’s much lower. For instance, if you play 3 Super Rareium eggs, the chance of you landing on gems is 1-in-100 (1%)


    Could be very valuable to find a snippet of code that exhibited the behavior of the pig being dynamically assigned to the selected card. I suppose it would be easier to program it to be all pigs and then change the unselected cards if a user proceeds.


    I would implement this by having a queue (or a stack) of four choices. Then you just go through your queue (or pop your stack).


    The pig would be dynamically assigned to one of the four queues depending on whatever it’s algorithm determines based on the present state and the users last input. The items stuffed in the queues would have their suite, like a deck of cards, but no value as those increase as the game progresses. I suppose even simpler than an algorithmic state machine to determine the pig location would be a pseudorandom “give ‘em the pig” flag each level.


    34 floors, 1 pig. Not bad.


    With level 47 reached and spend 385 Gems


    And after that spend 7500 tokens for 10 Gold Crates


    Collect more then 1 mil Sparks 😎

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