Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • sparty83

    oops, forgot to mention that.
    I’m playing on an Andriod 4.1.2 phone. It seemed to happen quite often for me, but maybe not quite 1 in 25. It did happen again after posting the pic and got approx 67k but forgot to capture it.


    Playing on Android, self-collapse on 26-6 happens in 17-25 resets. There are other times when something moves and I’ll see up to 110 points on the score counter before flinging any birds.


    @mvnla2 26-1 in ABO frequently self destructs if you just wait a minute or two, at least on Android phones.


    @mvnla2, link on above, table of content.


    @AMSlimfordy — The table of contents link for ABO free is incorrect. Can you please fix it? See @PJng’s comment above and at bottom of previous page. Thanks.


    @PJng — Thanks! I think I fixed it.



    @mvnla2, on ABO Short Fuse 25-12 before launching the 1st, the orange bird on right expanded taking out part of the right side. I’ve only seen it this once on my Android phone & will try to get a pic next time.


    @justpast40 — I assume that you mean that the orange flask on right broke and one of the pigs expanded? Will check.
    30 to 35 restarts with no self-destruction so far.
    Both orange flasks roll on restart; right more violently, but on other levels the bottles seem to be make of plastic, and practically unbreakable???


    Yes @mvnla2, it certainly is what I meant to say, although not what I wrote : -(. Sorry about that, as a young senior, it’s my CRS (“can’t remember stuff,” although another “S” word is generally used).

    I tried a few dozen times to recreate, but could not & moved on to other levels. When the level restarts you can see both orange flasks roll & a flash goes across both of them, on the inside from right to left. At the same time it almost looks like the horizontal stone above & to the left of the right orange flask lifts up.

    If it happens again I’ll engage my old reflexes & snap a pic.


    @justpast40 — Must be up to ~50 restarts with nothing to show for it. Sometimes the right flask keeps rolling back and forth for an agonizingly long time, and the right upper structure rocks slightly, all for nothing so far. Any idea how many points?


    @kathy17 — You say you need to wait a minute or two, is this after a single restart, or does it just take a minute or 2 of restarts?


    Should have asked @Kathi17


    @mvnla2 Sometimes it happens immediately, and sometimes about five minutes later. Sometimes I can get it to happen a lot, and sometimes I have to keep resetting forever.

    Sometimes it clears the whole level, and sometimes just the right side. It’s really random.

    It’s not the potion bottle, it’s something underneath, It might be the platform under the big pigs that jumps, then the pigs hit the bottle. Also, nothing else seems to be moving when it happens after waiting a while. It sometimes happens after the bottle and the trapeze thing stop moving, and everything seems still.

    I have a Galaxy SIII. There are a couple of other Android people on the 26-1 thread trying to get it to happen as well, but they don’t seem to be having any luck.


    Angry Birds Seasons Arctic Eggsepedition Golden Egg:

    Sometimes, some of the concrete blocks on the top will fall when not touched. Frequency increased after 1st bird shot. (Happens when shot Stella to bottom part)


    @mvnla2 no i actually think the lean interferes with shot that e-star shows in her video .
    And also on 1-4 I noticed the tnt on the far right was sliding , but i was in mid-flight so it didn’t matter. But i did see a comment on that
    Walkthrough page mentioning something to that happening.

    ABO Short Fuse 26-14. Top structure is often unstable. Will stabilise (in my limited experiments) when it shifts either to the left or to the right, within at most a few minutes, however in case it does not shift but just shakes it will eventually break the potion and activate the pig (with the same result the 1st yellow bird in the walkthrough is used to achieve; can send a screenshot; so could potentially even be a 0-bird level although not a high-scoring one).
    playing on ipad.


    @theangrybird @kathy @vuelva — Thanks for your input. I have quite a bit of catching up to do on this. Hopefully the Thanksgiving holiday rush is over and Christmas hasn’t gotten in full gear yet, although I did go to a “Christmas” or at least “Holiday” lunch yesterday.


    No problem @mvnla2 I enjoy looking and finding more little glitches..I saw in WtH 1-5 the right tower start to tumble as I had ready launched my bird.. I’m keeping my eye on it.
    Hope your ‘Holiday’Christmas luncheon went well; )


    @mvnla2, as I was launching the 1st bird in newly released ABO Cake 4 Level 5, I noticed the middle tower falling right. It was just as the bird was leaving the sling & well before it hit anything. It looked like as the the tower takes that bounce up & down upon restarting that the tower tilted over. I didn’t notice the exact score as when it all came into view on my phone screen the 1st bird had hit, but I estimate the score was at least 10k-15k.


    @justpast40 — So far have restarted probably at least 100 times with no self-destruction. Have seen some very tantalizing leans. Strangely enough, on my iPad, the right tower leans much more frequently than the center one, but I’m not sure it will really fall.
    [edit]: Should have said that it took me all of those 100 tries to get above average!


    @mmrosek — ABO BDP 4-7: After about 30 restarts, got partial destruction for 80160, but I think the remaining pigs are too well protected by debris. I was beginning to think that this would never happen on an iPad with IOS7.

    Dr O’Neski

    Angry Birds Original. New Birdday Party level 4/8. Observed the bottom left structure start to collapse by itself to the right. Had already fired bird so no idea what happens if it’s left to it’s own devices.


    @Steviep147 — Saw the left tower fall right for 20290 after about 20 restarts. It’s not real fast, and I think it happens when the left side of that tower leans far enough left that there is no support for the right side.
    17K after another 10 restarts.
    5 more = ~35 total; 22290
    May happen more frequently; quite slow and hard to see if view zooms out and shifts to left.
    + 10; 20K
    +1; 19K
    Just saw one of the stone blocks on upper tower fall left as I was flinging 1st bird, and this was after I waited for lower tower to fall!
    Top left stone block (upper tower) fell left but didn’t even pop a pig 2580
    Next time popped pig for 7530
    Somewhere around 60 restarts, entire lower left structure leaned far left and fell for 66240 pts!
    Well, enough of this. I did manage to get above average.
    ABO BDP 4-8: Partial; 2K to 66K; 2 to 7K, top left block on upper tower falls; 17K to 22K; right side of lower left structure falls right; 66K entire lower left structure falls left; ~1/10 something happens; ~1/100 get 66K; starts very slowly, can take >1 min.
    On lower left structure watch second thin vertical stone plank from right for increasing pixelation indicating lean to left or right. On upper structure, watch for lean of left tower.
    While I was finishing this and posting on walkthrough, the upper left block on the upper right tower fell and popped the pig for 7K; must have taken a couple of minutes or more!


    Gaah! I don’t think I’ve ever been this far behind before!
    Please keep posting, I WILL catch up SOON!
    Levels that might be OK, but need checking:
    ABO RMF 23-3 done
    ABO GE-30 (total destruction) done unless new reports
    ABO RMF 23-2 partial destruction after bird flung due to rotation of red
    ABO RMF 23-7 Done
    ABO RMF 23-9 additional comment, Added
    Levels definitely missing:
    ABO SF 25-5: Partial, ~6K, middle of structure collapses, may not help final score.
    ABS WtH 1-1 — Added text
    ABO 26-6: Partial, 9K to 80K; 9K; left tower falls right; 60K to 80K; right tower falls left; ~1/50 or less; starts quickly, but takes ~10 sec
    ABO SF 26-1: Partial to total, up to 107K, very random in frequency and length of time required; observed on Android
    ABO SF 25-12: Partial; ??K; orange flask on right breaks and pig expands; may only occur on Android
    ABS AE GE-46: need more info
    ABS WtH 1-4: Partial; ??K, right side blows up; rare
    ABO SF 26-14:Partial; ??K, top structure rocks, may
    eventually break pink potion; may take several minutes
    ABS WtH 1-5: Partial; 15K; central tower leans right, may fall; ~1/30; starts slowly, takes up to 1 min
    ABO BDP 4-5: Partial; 10K?; middle tower may fall right; reported on Android
    ABP BDP 4-7: Partial to Total; 80K to ~100K?; central tower collapses; partial may prevent completing level; 1/20 to 1/100, device dependent; takes few seconds
    ABO SF 26 -7 See Pointdexter’s comment
    ABP BDP 4-8 Done

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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