Mighty eagle leaderboard

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  • ZoomRhonda


    I did the same as you….1500 but my score was almost up to 2000 but not quite. I forget how many coins the hats were before but for the last two times or more I always had coins left over for some feathers. I know I did better this last time too. I should pay more attention and write down my scores each time. I find it is harder to get a high score now too since they introduced the coins or maybe it is just me not playing as well. You never know with Rovio!


    Another season is over and I improved again. I reached Emerald II for the first time. :)

    Total ME points increased to 2148 for 1750 ME coins and an extra 875 ME coins.

    Hopefully, I will be buying Matilda’s Roman hat for 1500 coins. I’m not sure if I will spend the extra 1000+ coins or wait to see how next season goes. I really want to finish the Roman hat set since I missed the Samurai ones. :)

    How did everyone else do this season?


    I finished 200 points short of Emerald II, the closest I have come. My scores have improved since I started watching some of the MEBC videos — I can never get the same fabulous results they do but they are at least better than they were.

    The ability to win the extra coins kept me playing even though I knew I wasn’t going to hit the next level.

    One Roman hat and I’ll sit on the 429 surplus and roll it over in case I don’t reach 1500.


    1250 coins, same amount i get every single time. Unless we get a double feather event while the ME shop is open, I will just hoard my coins.


    I hit my usual Emerald II with the usual 1750 points. But nothing added for all the extra coins I built up. This game can be so hit and miss.


    I have got 3237 coins, I bought Matilda’s hat, hesitated to buy other stuff, I guess I will save the coins for the next season. It may be worthy to buy 50k feathers in case there is another double feathers event.


    It’s not so much fun with thousands of players and cheaters who get mile high scores.

    I never get more than19 every day and that top level Vikings and baconeaters gain even more flock power.


    At my lower FP I get 18 points per day(position 200,000 to 299,999) plus the room coins. I had about 1400 which included 556 left over from when I last played over a year ago (have been playing again for a month this time. Once I cleared 10 rooms but usually only 4 to 7. One day I experimented and tossed all but one bird to get a score of less than 900,000 and still landed in the same category, just lower down.

    Joe B.

    Adding the extra coin earnings per day allowed me to continue one Roman hat per season, I also missed finishing the Samurais and wish they discount those again too. I expect once Roman hats are through they will introduce a new series?

    Yeah @Aggieguy I feel I’m also “capped” at 1250 for 3 seasons and can’t seem to improve to Emerald1. At least we have the extra coins to afford more…looking forward to finally getting the slingshot upgrade.


    The problem is you are capped – unless a bunch of players are banned or quit, most  of the existing players will always be ahead of you if your FPs & skills progress at the same rate.




    My baby account got 1300 eagle points last season, which result in 1250 eagle coin. Additionally, 990 accumulated eagle coins acquired via daily playing. In total, more than 2000 eagle coin could be acquired for a low FP account (around 500 without extra bird). The key is to watch other player’s video before my playing. Learn from a better player and dont just watch, when you saw a room, THINK what you would fly based on current available birds.

    You need to know the avaerge score needed to achieve desired frame. Sometime, you need to give up a relative high score in exchange of moving on to next room. Yes, next room means extra eagle coins. Try to complete 8 rooms per day..it will bring you 20 eagle coin each day.

    That’s what my strategy is.


    Another season has ended and I missed Amethyst 1 by a little over a hundred points, but hopefully, I will get it next season. :)

    Total ME points increased again to 2556 for 1750 coins and I scored 2114 extra ME coins. I will be buying Silver’s Roman Hat and maybe feathers if we get FF, but I will probably be saving 1000 coins just in case next season doesn’t go well. Two more hats to complete the Roman Hat set and upgrade my slingshot again. :D

    How did everyone else do? What do you plan to buy?


    I ended up with Emerald II with 2078 ME points for also 1750 coins witch was closest ever. I gathered only 1013 extra coins (7 to 9 rounds average) but to get 2000 extra coins, one have to score 45 extra coins average and 10-12 levels each day. So I guess I’m far far away from Amethyst I…

    Shopping list – Roman hat and double feathers if possible…


    they increased the roman hat to 5000 coins. rovio has screwed us again.



    You probably shouldn’t be wasting coins on those anyway if you already have another x10 set or the Samurai set (x11).


    Needed 10 more points to get more than my standard 1250 coins. Doubt I’ll ever be able to get beyond it.


    @crispdog – Silvers Roman hat is 1500 coins


    Looks like we get a pearl event rather than a feather frenzy.

    Oh well, guess I’ll keep hording my coins.


    Another MEBC season is over and I’m very happy to report that I finally reached Amethyst I for the first time. It only lasted for a few days, but the extra coins were great with the Feathet Frenzy. I finished the season with over 5400 coins and over 2800 ME points. I bought many feathers including 100k for Stella and Bomb’s Roman Hat. Only one more to go to get my slingshot upgrade. How did everyone else do? What did you buy? 🙂


    I still only got 1250 coins. Just one more day is all I needed, again, to get to the next level.

    That said, I had over 6,000 coins and with that 1 day feather frenzy, I was able to buy 100,000 feathers for everyone except Chuck, who was my highest rated bird at the time. Bought him enough feathers with what was left to move him up one level instead of two.


    I made Emerald 2 for the first time. It really ticked me off that they started the feather frenzy a couple of days AFTER the shop opened. I of course had already spent my coins. I only buy feathers — since I have the 11x samurai hats, it does me no good to buy more 10x hats. I can put the feathers to use immediately.


    My rule with the shop is to not spend any coins unless they run a feather frenzy. If not, I’ll just horde coins until next time. That’s how I managed to horde so many coins and hit the feather jackpot this time.

    I’m not really interested in the x11 hats since I need four Samurai and 6 Roman to complete the sets. I might buy one for Matilda if it is ever the cheap price. No way I’m spending 5,000 coins for it.


    I like that strategy. It’s a pretty sizable payoff.

    I can’t remember when or how I got the samurai x11 hat set. I’ve had them a long time. But it must have been in the early days of MEBC when they were cheap. I would never have spent that many black pearls.


    I bought every x11 hats with discount since the introduction of the MBEC, never bought other items.

    I bought Bomb’s hat this time and bought feathers for the first time (200000 feathers), because there was feather frenzy.

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