Gathering snoutlings in AB EPIC?

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    @killerkea it depends from situation to situation, players with hacked accounts are usually a better choice than your obviously weaker and legitimated account, they literally “steal” Friendship Essence. Most of the time, i get around 8 FE/day due to this fact.


    @KillerKea — I’m level 29 and my “problem” is that if I am trying to use McCool to rack up snoutlings, the birds occasionally complete the level. I don’t use friendship essence to re-roll the awards wheel for dungeons. I suppose it might be interesting to figure out how many snoutlings per friendship essence if you buy it, but I haven’t.
    I also usually do not buy potions, except when I have excess snoutlings and they are on sale. I don’t use potions all that often. It is easy to farm the resources for potions (except for large vials). If you buy higher levels of potions from Prof. Pig, they generally can be crafted from items that can be farmed. I guess the juice is an exception, but you can farm sand from very easy levels.


    @KillerKea — I sent you an ABN friends request because that is the only way I’m willing to tell you my FB name. Are you using FB? I think that is the only good way to rack up friendship essence, not to mention gives you access to some powerful friends birds. If your friends are active players, you will get 1 FE/day for each friend, and 1 FE if they use one of your birds. Plus you get rolls on their Golden Pig machines (1 free roll/day, no matter how many friends you have). I created a FB account just to play Epic, because I found it extremely difficult to progress without it, unless you want to spend mega-bucks.


    @mvnla2 No, I am not on Facebook and have no desire to be. Thanks for the offer, but I don’t need any essence. I 3 starred everything except Cave 7-10 and one friendship gate I haven’t opened yet. I’m pretty sure I can 3 star 7-10 if I want to, but I was hoping to get Steel Wall or Dragonscale so I could use my Paladin to fight Lawrence since he currently can’t survive a charge attack. I created a strategy that will beat him without using any potions or cakes, but it won’t work for me since I can’t borrow a friend’s bird. If you want to know it, read the comments in the walk through.

    I’m at a point where my only real use for snoutlings is buying potions and cakes unless I unlock some headsets because all my birds are elite and I have all the recipes.


    @mindset83 — I’ve switched over to your side in thinking that King Pigs castle is the best with the level 29 elite Paladin, Druid, and Spies you recommend. The daily dungeons are now requiring too much attention to make sure they don’t complete on auto-play, and many of them don’t give anything like the 300+ snoutlings you get from King Pigs Castle.


    Definitely, my favorite place to collect lots of snoultings is King Pig’s Castle. I use master Samurai equiped with Dragoon breath epic set, Master Spies equiped with Beep Attack set and Master Bard equiped with Sweet set. I can easily complete level without using a single potion. I will try different birds’ and weapons’ combos just to break routine.


    @cosmo2503 all master class? that is an expensive team you got there :P


    @cosmo2503 — Can you complete it on auto-play? I don’t have a problem completing it with level 29 Paladin, Bard and Spies on auto-play until the last round, which so far I’ve done off auto-play.


    @cosmo2503 Since you already have master classes and apparently most of the sets, what do you need snoutlings for?


    @mvnla2 I tried beat level in auto-play mode and it took some 10 minutes to complete. It is more effectve to play my own way.

    I don’t need snoutlings for any in game purchases now, but I hope future updates will bring new birds and new headgears for old birds. Besides, that is my personality type, I simply love and enjoy to collect valuables.


    My team is Paladin with Dragon’s breath, Berserk with Rock/Paper/Scissors and Rogues. I actually use a limited weapon on Rogues to keep damage at 151. This way, his attack even works when Porky casts tit-for-tat and the damage increases by 25%.

    In the final stage, make sure you enter with a full chili. Then, round 1 is Red/Black hit Wizpig and Blues hit Porky. Round 2 Blues puts the cupcake trap on Black, and Red/Black continue to wail on Wizpig. If the bombs come, strike with Palidin and hope for dragon’s breath. If that fails to happen, use Berserk’s debuff ability on Paladin to destroy the health bombs, with the side effect of more damage to Porky.

    Wizpig should be gone by the end of round 3 (you may have to use Blues on him in round 3 if Red/Black don’t get lucky hits). Then start on King Pig. Use Red’s rage attack, and he should be gone in about 2-3 rounds, along with Porky.

    I’ve got it down to about 4 minutes to complete. The key is getting something to damage Porky qucikly — The combination of the sticky goo and cupcake trap does a real number on him. Mage’s shield would also be great (>1k/hit), but you’d then need something to direct Porky to the Mage.


    The best way I found to clear all of King Pig’s castle entirely on auto play is to use Wizard, Rogues and Druid. Even though I equip Rogues with a weaker weapon that can damage Prince Porky. The AI will make the Rogues use cupcake trap instead. It takes 6-7 minutes this way.

    I also do King Pigs Castle and can finish it in less than 5 minutes at times, no potions or rage chili refills. I only use the chili in the beginning (ive got the golden chili) and on the final round. It takes me 3-5 turns to kill off the King, Wizard and Porky depending on if my sets abilities are used or not. My go to team is Master Thunderbird (twin lightning set), Elite Druid (the honey set) and Rogues (robot set). I play it on my own and finish it quickly especially after getting the set items.


    I was getting 100 snoutlings for each of the final three pics (King, Wiz and Prince) at WPC but now and getting 40…does that kind of change happen often?


    @mistychristie I played King Pig’s Castele this morning (after reading your comment) and I got 300 snoutlings, 100 for each of bosses.


    My strategy for King Pig Castle:
    * Druid Matilda
    * Capt’n Black (with pickpocket gear)
    * Skulkers

    Auto play up to wave 5, while Black steals more snoutlings with his gear. Apply Skulkers to Matilda whenever healing bombs turn up.

    Use Bomb to put down King Pig and Wiz Pig, Matilda to put down Porky, and heal when necessary, Skulkers to continually infect all the enemies with thorny vine and tricksy trick.


    If you’ve finished the regular game and don’t have time to grind King Pig Castle and play the final wave each time, try this team to autoplay all of King Pig Castle with birds just at standard/veteran class, medium-strength equipment, and no completed equipment sets: Lightning Bird, Veteran Druid, and Veteran Spies. Success rate: about 80% in 6-10 minutes. If it doesn’t succeed, the team either dies or gets stuck in the healing bomb loop in Wave 5, but resetting takes much less effort than playing Wave 5 through in my opinion. So far I’ve sailed through Levels 16-23, and racked up 20k+ snoutlings while barely touching my phone.

    Why does this work?: Lightning Bird may be weak and have low health, but he provides TWO more possible all attacks: one from himself or one from calling on the Spies, allowing the birds to dispatch the health bombs despite Wiz Pig’s “Weaken” ability. Also, the dispelling side-effect of Lightning Bird’s attack cancels Prince Porky’s tit-for-tat buff more often than not. As you grind, it’s a good idea to reinvest in this teams’ classes and equipment, since equipment doesn’t level up, and the pigs’ health/attack increases a little faster than the birds. What has worked for me is to check the Mighty Bird Dojo regularly for the right class advancements (You’ll keep your chances high if you only buy new bird classes when you absolutely need them.), and to dump about 30 gold into the Golden Pig every time that 3x-epic drop bonus comes around.

    As for the fluctuations in pay out, I think the 2x experience boost also applies to the Snoutling bounty: for King Pig Castle, about 250 at 2x, but only about 125 at 1x, which will happen after 5 attempts without resting the game (motivating me to give my poor phone a chance to cool down!).

    Happy Grinding!


    @bokudesune — Thanks. I’m trying Elites, since that’s what I have, of Lightning Bird, Druid, and Spies. So far, they have won every battle, but don’t have enough statistics.


    @KillerKea confirmed, with the following sets they seem to be able to finish in 5-6 with a success rate of 100% unless something bad happens:
    Wizard-Time Jump
    Spies-*Beep* attack!


    I don’t have all those set items, but sometimes you want to equip with a weaker weapon so you can make sure you damage Prince Porky. Wizard, Druid and Rogues or Mage, Druid and Rogues also work every time for me on auto play and completes it faster. With the second group you can kill Prince Porky before King Pig sometimes. Marksmen instead of Rogues could also work, but a bug in the game prevents their ambush from damaging Prince Porky.

    I like Mage, Druid and Rogues the most since that group can kill Prince Porky the fastest. Unfortunately the AI is too dumb to use the Mage’s Shock Shield in combination with the Rogue’s Cupcake Trap.


    @killerkea your group it’s a bit slower in the first 4 waves, but I have to agree that it’s faster in the 5th wave. With a small modification (Wizard with Twin Lightning), the Wizard-Druid-Spies combo can go faster, around 5 minutes, but still, the main problem it’s Prince Porky.


    I read somewhere, and its the best idea or suggertion to get snoutlings and EXP ..

    Use Lightning Bird , Druid and Spies on king pig’s castle. Put on autoplay and enjoy. Success rate o# completing it is 99% without any potions.
    Happy grinding :)


    @rhinofreak i prefering thunderbird than lightning bird for king pig castle, faster for killing prince porky. Add some set item and auto play is good to go.


    I use lightning bird because he disspells most of the time and you can use your Spies two times as well.
    Also I don’t think many people can afford the thunderbird.


    @rhinofreak that post you made saying you read it somewhere is just 5 short posts above you.
    my strategy that works well is using wizard samurai and druid, success rate 100% unless on wave 5 where it’s 50% due to wizard not hitting every heal bomb. success rate on auto play is the same except wave 5 is 20% success because the birds always go for king pig when wizpig is what you want to kill first. after they get down to prince porky (he is always last) they either get stuck in a heal bomb loop due to the fact that prince porky killed chuck or they beat prince porky because they have chuck to destroy the heal bombs

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