Encore in C-Minor!

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  • “SOUNDWAVE EVENT RETURNS! Last chance to get your hands on accessories for Soundwave, Soundblaster and Energon Soundwave!”

    I’m torn, I didn’t win everything I wanted, but I’m ticked off that what I did buy does not help the Sounds against enemies like the green missiles in Pig City. My Newsfeed is empty, so I don’t know which accessories are offered. Looks like it starts tomorrow 2/24/2016 @ 7:00 EST (0:00 GMT).

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  • Soundwave

    I assume this is just reopening the token exchange, since it was accidentally closed early with the new year update?


    Anyone else having VIDEO issues after the update today? Now when I play a node, the video will run past completion, -15 or more. Sometimes at the end of the video the screen goes Black and if you wait 10 or 30 seconds it will eventually announce the video completed successfully?



    You’re right, I forgot about that…*yawn* (somebody design a yawning emoji — stat!)


    Sounds like a short 3 day event; maybe to help players like me who got locked out of the game when it updated around the time of the initial challenge in c minor.

    There was no syncing with Game Center and thought I had lost my account progress; restored at time of CNY contest with that update.

    No new bots, some accessories…meh. Nothing to see here, move along…


    The Boost Your Buddy video only works once when one first opens the game. It appears I have to get completely out of the game and start it again as a new game to get it to work again.
    I thought this was reported a while back but could be mistaken. Hoping it would have been fixed with this update.


    So does this exclusively contain the previous accessories or do they introduce a new one (ya’know to scapegoat all of us and again fight fiercely for something)?


    Nice to see you all back again. I will follow this topic. I missed one item last time so now a change to get it. Maybe they do encore, in the future, for the ABT that we didn’t get. Lets hope.


    Did anyone else notice changes in some of the characters with this update? I think energon grimlock has had his firepower decreased a bit. Also I can’t fire continuously with thundercracker or starscream. You have to tap each object you are shooting at instead of sliding you finger across the screen. Probably other “upgrades” ( ha, ha ) out there too.


    what i have with this update, iPhone,is already a couple of crashes. I hope it’s not going to go continue because i had a total crash before the holidays and had to start all over again. and i was at level 350.


    Anyone notice no green missiles and very few gold blocks in Pig City? Also, when I restart the app to reset the video doubler, I do not get a boost your buddy video. Most of the characters need a buddy now. Poor Jazz is completely useless…

    Not: just did a run with Starscream and as noted above he no longer continuously fires. You have to tap. Also although I had three gold blocks I ended with 3097 points. After. The. Video. Doubler.


    HELLO! Is SPLINTER completely useless? Really?! Soundblaster with Splinter, worked on the beach (scored well over 100), in the forest (scored well over 200), but not by the river (scored under 100). Not able to take down mortar towers or fast missiles by the river but did okay with slow missiles in the forest. Yo, Brawl! What up dude?


    Really wish I could get back the 1200 tokens I wasted on sunglasses and coins just to use them up at the end of the first challenge.


    Some definite NERFing going on with this latest update.

    After the previous update the Walking Mortar Towers became ridiculously easy to destroy.

    Now they’re almost impossible to destroy.

    I wish Rovio would just make up their minds.


    This game is no fun to play anymore. They nurfed the characters and made the nodes harder. Like AB2, you can’t rely on the characters to behave the way they should despite putting in the time, effort and resources to max them out. Oh well, no fun playing = no gems spent.


    Every update you get to learn how to play the game again! Gold bricks are defenitely reduced. Coin collecting is way down! We all spent a very long time upgrading are characters.. If you are a new player you will give up in frustration or spend a ton of money on gems.


    Can someone post a picture of this “Encore in C Minor” contest rewards? Are there any new prizes or just the same as last time? Anyone?

    I’m not updating till I get a “proper” update.


    datguygamer, exactly the same rewards


    @ef5ox Thanks. So I’m not updating then.


    The coins and gold blocks are a red herring. Most of us have more coins than we’ll ever know what to do with. But for me – and I imagine for others – the joy is in making things blow up, collapse or implode. When they mess with that – that’s what grates.


    unbelievable i had in one run 370 blocks with soundwave a couple of more runs like that would be nice.


    @WeeNaoise You are correct! I am max level with all characters. I love playing this game but the logic is flawed. Instead of tearing characters down and offering ridiculously overpriced accessories, they should have designed new areas that would account for the higher level players. I currently have 34 million coins and quit watching videos a while ago. Now they are basically gone. This truly hurts new players. Doubling the pig was nice also, to shorten the missions. I know we would like to see a coin exchange for pigs at least, gems definitely. Not going to happen.


    I’m only noticing those issues in the challenge nodes. When I play a regular node, the walking mortars are the same as they were, pretty easy to take down. But, in the challenge they have been much harder to take down. Same with E Gridlock. He seems fine on a regular node, but weaker in the Challenge nodes. It’s always something.


    I just got killed after hitting a walking tower 10+ times with Prime you get double score with at level 15 and there was just a little bit of red showing he’d been hit, so pass on how many times it now needs to be hit to die.
    Also En. Grimlocke power has been reduced big time in this update
    I really wish they would make their mind up


    @sntrooper exactly what I was thinking…
    Last time because of the bugs I missed the first few days. I was able to get Ratbat for Energon Soundwave but had to settle for other stuff that I wouldn’t have really wanted, fearing that we loose all of the tokens.. Spent 200 on coins & 1500 on the cannon for Soundwave… Would like those 2 exchanged for the tokens spent.. Then I could actually get something good for Soundwave, maybe even the exclusive. And still be able to get something for soundblaster…

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