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  • Angry Johnny

    @tigerussell That is a very good point and seems likely. Hacking and changing the save file values on a PC is very simple and there are even programs created just for that general purpose that is so simple to use that almost anyone can do it.

    Rovio really needs to get it together with this and do something about it or the only ones left playing the multiplayer parts of Epic will be cheaters.


    Please add my name to the list of people with GG on his Pirate leaderboard


    At this point I’m holding my breath hoping there are no other cheaters in my league.
    1st place 789,490
    2nd 82,060 (Me)
    3rd 66,540

    The ones I feel for is 4th thru 6th as they’re within 2,000 points of each other and should have been battling for the 3rd spot. The person in first didn’t have any points until Wednesday. There are two at the bottom one with 400 points and the other no points, these are the two I’m worried will pull the score hack and cause me to be stuck in Platinum for another week.


    In regards to any arena player who has over 100k in points always being a cheater, that’s not true. I started in the Platinum league last week and up to the end of it this week I achieved over 140k FAIRLY. I played the game way to much, used friendship essence to get a good spin and achieved a high score like I did. However, I did get punked by a cheater in my league on Friday. I was well ahead of 2nd and 3rd place, by at least 60k. (I work nights and have nothing better to do lol) I wake up the next morning, less than 8 hrs later, and the player “SNAKE” goes from 44k to 191k in less than 8hrs. That’s just not possible without cheating, even if you grind hard for 8 hrs there’s no way even mathematically with perfect loot spins, that I see anyone who can get 150k that quickly.

    I don’t know how to upload a screenshot as this is the 1st time I’ve posted on the Birds Nest.

    Anyway, I know this is a long post, I’ve sent my grievance email to Rovio and haven’t heard anything back yet. When I do, I’ll follow up with what they’ve said.

    P.S. If anyone can tell me how to upload the screenshot I have, please let me know.


    Here is the way I do:
    I have FB account and I made a “secret” group especially for picture.
    After you captured a pic, you can post it in this group.
    Open FB with browser (and use desktop version) and open the picture. Right-click the picture and copy the picture address.
    Click “img” on the top of the reply box and paste the link.

    Angry Johnny

    In your profile for the Angry Birds Nest there is a section named “Album”. Go there and upload your picture, copy the whole link after Embeded (medium) and paste it in your forum post and it will show up.


    I finished with a final score of 90,060 and maintained 2nd place and have made it back to the Diamond league again. I also won my Pirate adventure as well. 57,235 to 2nd place’s 54,135.


    after last week we were in the tournament along with platinum t_russell by at least 5 cheat , this week and got better and chet my table wax only one , and I went in the tournament Diamond …



    STURMMAIK <—- Cheater!

    Am ersten Tag der Platinliga haben alle nach Abschluss der Tagesaufgaben ~7k Punkte, STURMMAIK aber schon 103k Punkte.

    Angry Johnny


    On the first day of platinum League all have after the completion of daily tasks ~7k points, STURMMAIK has already 103k points.


    I’m very concerned this week (Diamond), there’s still five players on day 2 without any score. I haven’t ground as much as I could but already have 3 times what 2nd place has right now. 26,120 vs 8,240. Either these people just score what they can on objectives and stop or they’re waiting to pounce with a score hack.


    I also have players with zero. One is a cheater I came across last season. I know he will sit on zero until the last hour. I also have a player who was in my league last week in platinum. He ended in 4th place yet here is in diamond. So he was either a ghost last week or he is a ghost this week. It becomes less enjoyable each day.


    Player “SHAGOHOD-BIZARRO”, in Gold League, posted a score of 4,351,260 today. I requested a refund of all funds spent on this game, from ROVIO. Hopefully they will man up and do the refund.

    We all should make refund requests until they fix the code.

    I am done with ROVIO for a while, going to play that falling candy game, or rescue some friggin pets, or something…


    Rovio responded with a short but polite and apologetic note. Nice of them to be responsive. They offered to refund last purchase. However, then did not indicate that they will provide further fixes to the problem.


    Well last week I thought I was on a live board and even managed to draw one other player into a battle for second place, It was a good go. The reason we were after second (I thought) was the hacker sitting in first with 1.0M points. He just put them there day one and sat. Quite near the end however he started making rude comments to someone called polish girl. Now there was no player going by that name on my board. So now I wonder was I really on a live board? Was my playing against SIA some kind of weird coincidence? Or did we just have a hacker ghost. Was SIA playing for first while I was playing for second?

    Anyhow SIA got around me on Sunday and put me in third place. I did advance thanks to there being no lurkers and am now in diamond again. This week I have one of those boards where half are still zero and the other players have scores like they’re in wood league. It’s no fun with no one to play against.

    Both this week and last I started within four hours of the league week ending. The week before that I started within the hour and got the board with five hackers on it. I’m tired of being jerked around. I just want to play against other players directly, like it should be. Even up, run what you brung and hope you brung enough, this monkey business with the boards needs to stop.


    I’m waiting for the hackers at this point. I’m in 1st with 50k points, 2nd at 34.5k, 3rd and 4th at 21k. 5th the 11th from 16k down to 8k. 12th has 140 points and the bottom 3 have 0 points.


    So far, so good, I’m at 66k, 2nd at 44k, 3rd at 40k. Still have two at the bottom of the board with 0 points and another at 140 points. One person that was a 0 came in and did enough to make sure they will remain in the diamond league.


    My diamond league this week only has seven players who have recorded scores. Looks like interest in the arena is dropping off…


    As I noted in the other Arena thread, my Wood Leagues each have 13 players with NO scores. It’s pretty glorious. I’m hoping Stone is similarly inactive.


    Having players with no score doesn’t necessary mean they are not playing. that exact situation happened to me a few weeks ago. by the end of the week it ended up populating all the scores and pushed me out of the top 3.


    @GrauGeist One thing that is mildly upsetting is that I’ve finished first in leagues a few times and did so as recently as two weeks ago, but I have not gotten the Top of the Flock achievement yet. I’m guessing I didn’t get it because not all 15 players were playing. Have you earned that achievement yet?


    It was all going so well, and then the big kids got out of school.

    It helps to keep in mind this isn’t even a game of skill. It’s just a game.


    I got the top of the flock achievement during the first arena league competition (February 22)

    Knock on wood, no cheaters as of yet in my group. 2nd place (now 57,790) decided to go for a run at me, I ground for another 4k points to maintain my 12k lead (now 70,305).

    By the way Che was one the cheaters I noticed in the previous arena league.


    @londojowo That makes no sense. if Che was a cheater two weeks ago in a platinum league, they should have been in a diamond league this week.

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