
Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Cheaters

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  • t_russell

    @mvnla2 — The only reliable way to spot a cheater is to see their score jump. Just looking at a number be it much lower or higher than yourself means nothing. Yes hackers may lurk but there isn’t anything to be done about it. Just play as you like and hope for good results. If you are in first place it takes at least three cheaters to knock you out and there can’t be that many on your board.


    Last week I got lucky and had no cheaters, just pure grinding on the top 3’s part. This week was looking the same and I had ground to a 47K score, I open the app this afternoon and I’m in 3rd. I was thinking that’s odd, normally 2nd place overtakes me and then I can take over first. The first place player now has 789,490 points.

    I guess I’ll keep grinding and hope there’s no more cheaters to prevent me from moving up to Diamond like they did when I was in the Gold league and top 5 cheated preventing me from moving up to Platinum.

    This is pure BS Rovio, plain and simple. Fix your damned game!!!!


    @kerravon @mvnla2 @killerkea have I missed something? It was explained to me in another post that most of the time ghosts have the same score as their real counterpart. If all the zero scores are from ghosts then real players are also inactive or mightily unlucky. This I do not believe.

    The ex diamond player in my league last week was simply a cheater who altered their score shortly before end of play. I currently have several zero scores in my league but I will be amazed if one of the ex Diamond if not both don’t manipulate their score on Sunday.


    The only ghosts people complain about are the ones with high scores. No one is going to complain or even look for a person who has a zero score or a low score in multiple leagues.


    @bubbley You probably don’t see this. But in my main game, which is in the wood league (I don’t play in the arena with this team), last week 7 players had a score of zero at the end of the week. This week, at the moment, I think 6 players have a score of zero. So there is a large proportion of players who simply do not play the arena. If these players are used as sources for ghosts to make up places in leaderboards, then quite a few ghosts will have scores of zero.


    Perhaps a slight tangent, but someone in the Pirate Game just jumped 30,000 points in the hour since I last checked.


    Yes, he did!



    Opened leaderboard just now and thought why would someone use over (quick calculation, wheel 250 points) 125 stamina drinks to get 1st place on first day. But just a cheater.
    And for the ghost discussion, the negative effect of ghost is negligible, sure!



    @kerravon OK I can see that if the zero scorers from wood are placed into a higher league they would act as ghosts. Do these zero scorers have frames from last seasons game? I joined this week at the changeover not one second later. My league was full. I agree with @tigerussell the leagues are made up in advance. Why put ghosts in them wouldn’t it make more sense to have fewer leagues?

    As it happens some of the zeros now have scores so these people play the Arena.

    Angry Johnny

    Someone should gather all these different screenshots of boards and tweet Angry Birds Epic about it so it comes both to Rovio’s knowledge and other people too that this is a reality.


    The only tweets Epic seems to do anymore is to show fan art they’re sent.



    One more for the record. GG is on my board as well.

    — Rovio is fully aware of the situation. They would apparently rather focus on other things ATM.


    @renitz @tigerussell Well what do ya know! GG is in my league also. Not really playing the event just collecting stamina so didn’t notice until now. Picture in my album still can’t paste it here. Trying truly just failing. So I think this is a first for three leagues and yes he is in the number one spot.


    @bubbley — That means he’s on at least 13 boards I think. It’s hard to count with people posting him in three separate threads.


    @tigerussell sorry haven’t read all the threads. This is disgusting!


    I’ve emailed Rovio about this situation but don’t expect to have anything done.

    This is ludicrous.


    @bubbley — It is. I’m just after stamina as well and thought it was shameful someone needs to win that badly, I was in the arena this morning with my coffee when he did it. Definitely hacked the board. Just in case anyone thought he actually played for the score.



    I was in 1st place last night and played a few rounds this morning. Saw your activity here. Went back and looked. GG is on my board with the same score.


    I sort of remember GG being one of the arena cheaters I encountered before, who had hacked birds. I think he may be hacking the entire leaderboard system just to troll everyone by denying them 1st place.


    @tigerussell you can add @czcalvert (LotteAbe) to your list, see “new pirates event” topic.

    Wait before you update, i think there will be more to come.


    @renitz — Yeah I don’t need to constantly drop notifications onto everyone on the list with edits. I’ll update it later after a few hours to see how many more come in. I’ve got everyone in a spreadsheet. 16 boards and counting.


    I have him. No *guarantees* I don’t share a board with someone else on there, though.


    GG is on my boards too (two of them with my devices).

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Cheaters

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