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    Game Frozen – tried to play about an hour after the Chinese Valentines event and the game is frozen on a slightly darker screen and will not allow to click on anything or move the map around. I would try uninstalling and reinstalling but I do not want to lose everything i currently have (did this once and lost everything). Any ideas on a fix?


    Every time I try to start the app, it freezes like the picture. Wherever you click, it just doesn’t respond. Even if I reset my iPhone 6, it still doesn’t work. I can’t reinstall the app, cause deleting the app will cause me losing all the data.


    @hyhlo  @sedaps  I had this happen after the previous event finished. Nothing to be done except report it to Rovio through the game interface (you may have to repeatedly and rapidly click the upper left icon before the screen locks up to open the profile window and then click on help/support) and wait a day. All will be better after the daily reset at 8am US Eastern time. You’ll end up losing a day of play however. I had over a dozen red birds in inventory and messages that I was waiting to use for level up on red day. However, that was the day I had the issue so I lost out on all that extra XP.

    I did get, however, 300 gems compensation for the inconvenience, so make sure you report it.


    Hello, i just want to ask, where do i need to report for this kind of problem? Because i also encounter the same situation as @hyhlo above.

    Thank you very much.


    Have the Same Problem :/ please fix it.

    i make some ticket but dont know my id and have no Facebook Acc.

    Hope they help me!!!!


    Yeah Same Problem, Ticket to rovio is created :) Hope the fix it quickly


    Omg. Today is day 2. And still not fixed. 


    @birdbird @souljah Same here, still not fixed on mine either. Really enjoying this game and just starting to get some powerful birds. Hope they fix it soon so I can get back to the grind.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>3rd day already  😩</p>

    Kumar Shantanu

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Still not fixed in my case i am unable to report from the game platform</p>


    I’m stuck. The character that I need to beat is in the same spot on the level I need to unlock. I can’t click anywhere to fight the character in order to get the last bacon heads to level  

    Kumar Shantanu

    Problem not fixed yet how much time it gonna take to fix this


    Stuck on this for 24 hrs sent in 3 tickets and now able to show you screenshots of problems. Please help and resolve this issue. I sent in 3 tickets no response yet! I see I’m not the only one with this problem. Not able to proceed properly help me please!

    Sent in 3 reporting issues/tickets no responsesCurrently not available part where it won't allow me proceed -glitch Need last part to proceed cannot as it won't allow me toZeppelin showing, both characters stuck on same stop


    Same here, glad I’m not the only one having this glitch! 😡


    @al2017  When you click “Let’s go” you are taken to a battle ground, but that is not the only one you can get the items you need, such as bacon heads. Other scout battlegrounds can provide items also. I very rarely fought in the same place as I was directed to.


    When I click Lets Go, it takes me to the same spot every single time. When I click on the level it points out, it will do nothing. If you look closely at the picture I uploaded, you can see that there is a bird owl stuck behind the monster pig. I think it’s a glitch since I haven’t been able to get the last item needed for days even if I play other levels.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>May i ask, is there anybody who already be able to play this game?</p>


    @Al2017 @sonya-pollo @birdbird @divelucaya
    I had problems started the 3rd baconheads but it finally worked. Try tapping on the edges of the icon that takes you to the level and when you find the place it will let you in. Very frustrating. Good luck.


    Well thenBug: 2 Swimmer pigs outside the map but come back after 2 turns due to their attacks


    Thanks, it worked. It took about ten times but it finally worked when I tapped on the bottom edge.


    Finally it can be played. And got 200 gems for the waiting.


    Anyone having problems with the Clan egg since the update?

    I’ve activated it twice, and it didn’t last 8 hours.

    André Quateli

    My three-star red bird reached level 60.
    I evolve it. The animation has been executed. The evolutionary material was consumed. But the bird remains on the same level. It does not allow me to evolve it again nor to level up.
    I lost everything on this bird??


    3 star birds are limited to level 60.

    Your final evolution will increase his point-value and super-shot damage, but then the bird is maximized.

    4 and 5 star birds are limited to level 100.  After their final evolution, they can have their point-value and super-shot increased further using prestige totems (up to prestige level 5 maximum).

    So, your 3-star bird is as good as it will ever become.  NOTE: You can still use super-shot upgrade totems to push his super-shot higher!

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