About the Angry Birds 2 Arena

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  • Roa

    This is a screenshot of what happened to me yesterday.


    I was stucked, because i could fling bluebird but the other two i couldn’t reach at all.


    Did you try going underwater? Usually on those levels if you can’t reach something through the air you have to go through the water.

    Epic Buttstomp

    Underwater is the easiest way for that level unless you have Chuck or spells. Chuck needs to launch in a less than full power settings so it can go to the bottom of the pile.


    I am so tired of playing the same “people”, or robots that I don’t even enjoy the game anymore. Covering the birds levels with the hats isn’t fooling anyone. If the players are paying any attention at all they know they have been matched to the same bot 5-6 times already! Come on Rovio get it together while you still have players.

    Epic Buttstomp

    They need to bring back the Leaderboard Shuffles like they used to have it 2 months ago. I don’t mind dealing with bots if I can compete in a meaningful fashion. Currently if you are behind 100 star, you can grind all you want and you will remain 100 stars behind after few hours.


    For the aecond time this week, at match 3, I am up against level 11 and 12 birds; mine are at 7 and 8. I use soells and cannot win. I am thoroughly disgusted with the arena! Ever since the last update, I cannot getbpast the third match!


    Me too Annem302. I complained to Rovio about it, but the response was we all needed to be challenged sometimes. I agree and I don’t mind being challenged but any level that has a decent prize is “un-winable” now. That isn’t a challenge.


    Was griping about that last week. I have about a 33% win percentage starting at 1st chest. Have not completed the streak since last software change. Am forever stuck at lvl 9. The elites get to stay that way and the new players are taking it in the pooper. I don’t see newness hanging. Around very long. No way to level up anymore. I have now begun shooting my arena birds into the ground and save up tickets in case they ever make it playable again. If you play against crash eggington and he had very few points. Then you are welcome.

    floppy birdface

    So I was in first place in the arena when it ended. It said that this round was over and switched to the new week, but I didn’t get any jewels or globes. Anyone else have that problem?

    floppy birdface

    I am mostly 10’s and I am matched with 10’s on the first, second, and fourth levels (free tickets and 30 feathers). For the treasure boxes and the big number feathers, I am matched with 13’s and 14’s. I try to save up spells to use on those levels. The most mismatched level is always the second treasure chest. I can usually rack up around 600 points a week, which puts me in the top three.


    Good for you floppy. When you are lvl 8 and 9 matched up against 13s and 14s spells don’t always help. Doesn’t matter as before the chests were harder but still beatable. I guess you now have to cash out your 401k to lvl up.

    Soren Hecht

    Didn’t notice any difference in matching arena opponents. Varies from player to player? My birds are 11-12 (streak 3,5-7 vs 13-15).
    Also, does the place you finish affect the choice of the next week tournament? One week I finished in 4th and next week opponents were pretty beatable (well except for one cheater).


    This morning’s level 6 match. I lost by 4 million.



    I was demoted in last week’s challenge with a score of 768 stars. Really… was in bottom three scores and went down a level.

    In my new (lower) league top player already has 500 stars. That would be after 15 hours of possible gameplay.



    Strategy of playing little and scoring low last week had no effect. I am back in the group with Om, high scoring players. I ended up with about 50 more tickets than I had at the end of the week before, to no avail.

    At least I don’t have it as bad as DJ, top player Om has 240 at this point and I am in 4th with 146. About to unleash the dogs of war as I have the day to myself. Not sure what I can do during the week, but today is WAR! :)

    Edit: Nevermind. Om is a pity 250 now, well below Jet with 425. There is no point in even trying to be at the top. Going to watch a movie and have some lunch. If people have no life outside this game then they can have it. Plenty of rewards outside the arena thanks to Rovio. And still fun just knocking things down. Like playing golf, if I took this seriously I would not be having any fun. I am just playing for fun from now on. No more cares.


    That’s right. If you want to score 400 in one day you have to cheat or to play the whole day long, sitting in a place with good mobile net or WLAN.


    It takes just under 4 hours to score 400, so your assumption that it takes a whole day is off by only 20 hours :/


    The free video keeps freezing on me – it’s been going on for two days now. I’ve just lost a life and the potential for 500 feathers on streak 7 because the only way out was to exit the app.

    Robbed I was, robbed!


    The crash on commercials came along with the last upgrade. Happens all the time now it’s getting worse and happens at other times too.


    That’s right. If you want to score 400 in one day you have to cheat or to play the whole day long, sitting in a place with good mobile net or WLAN.

    And have an unlimited battery, this game sucks power dry. Not sure about the other mobiles, but iPhones get so hot playing this game for more than 25 min that you have to put it down.

    If people have no life outside this game then they can have it.

    Amen. I also have chosen to do more productive things with my time than to be patronized by this stupid game. Rovio can demote me all the way back to vanilla league for all I care- and ironically this disciplinary action for not playing enough to advance/maintain league status will have the opposite effect on most players, which is, influence them to stop caring about playing at all and to put the game down indefinitely.

    Good one Rovio :P


    Has anyone ever played “Raven Angerson” in Diamond League? His record is 46-1-1. He’s in my contest this week, and is getting impossibly high numbers of points in very short time frames. Something doesn’t pass the smell test here…


    There is at least one in every group. I am tired of playing the same people over and over. Buzz Silver has shown up 3 times out of 14. The only difference is his birds keep getting higher rank. There must be thousands of players why keep matching the same tired ones?

    Also someone should tell Rovio commercials aimed at children is illegal here in the states.


    Raven Angerson
    Krissy Angerson
    Flight Angerson
    Max Angerson
    Swoosh Angerson
    Everyg*ddamnedf*cking Angerson who magically seem to permanently exist in Diamond league.

    They always seem to be the wunderkind of the AB2 world. This entire game is 100% azz.

    Exactly… with the ‘millions’ of bots players they have to choose from in all the leagues I’ve been subjected to so far, why do I keep seeing the same players over and over (Yes I know the names are ‘randomly’ generated and it’s possible different players can have the same names, but with all the name combinations available I always seem to get the same few players who incidentally wipe the floor up with my score).

    I’d put money on the fact that the screens and ‘new’ worlds are auto-generated by a building algorithm (sometimes when the screen opens up you can actually see the algorithm figuring out which blocks to put where).
    Bot players are controlled by an autogeneration scheme.
    Your game is manipulated based on how well you’re doing at the time and how high your score is: if you’re doing well, things become harder- if you’re sucking, you get put into ‘pity mode’ (golden pigs, easy to topple structures, pigs popping for no reason, good lineup of your birds per building type).
    All Rovio does is sit back and rake in the cash… except when something goes wrong, and they phone up their one programmer left who is still willing to selectively ‘fix’ issues.

    It’s a dream company. Everything is automated and all we do is pay to play.


    Two days left, Diamond League, man the competition is rough:

    View post on imgur.com

    Epic Buttstomp

    deaftalk: I wish I am in a league like that. Just do the minimal to get the streak bonus.

    I am in an ok league this week. No trouble staying in #3 or #4 without doing too much. Top 2 spots are about 100 stars in front. I am ok to stay at #4 so I stay 1 league down from the top.

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