About the Angry Birds 2 Arena

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  • Mighty Red

    @sal9 Probably just like @cosmo2503 mentioned – ghost versions of ourselves are created.
    P.S., I sent you two gifts today. Did you get ’em? :)


    Yes @mighty-red-1 you are a very generous man ;)
    Ghosts are a good way to fill those arenas before the world wide release.


    @mighty-red-1 thanks for all gifts you sent. I played only once this morning before I left for work, hope to find some gifts today so I could send you some gifts back. I have 25 levels that I haven’t 3 starred yet and I am mainly focused on playing them over and over, I hope some of them wiil have gift boxes for my friends.
    BTW I wonder how you find so many levels with mistery gifts that gives you feathers? I thought they were hidden only on levels marked with chests.

    Mighty Red

    @cosmo2503 The Mystery Gifts appear just as randomly as the Friend Gifts.

    Mighty Red

    Azure league, after playing for just 13 days. :)
    Azure league.jpg


    Congratulations @mighty-red-1. You are amazingly great player.

    Mighty Red

    Thanks @cosmo2503. If I keep finding feathers at this rate, I’ll have all birds leveled up to Diamond next month. It’d be insane if I maxed out my birds before the worldwide release.
    BTW, I assume you’re still in Gold league, but you (well, I guess your ghost) show up on my leaderboard.


    @mighty-red-1 you assume right I am in Gold League and will stay there for a long time as my birds are at 33% of feathers needed to advance to azure. I also think that there are not enough players in Azure league so leaderboards are filled with ghosts of players from lower leagues.
    Tell me what is your strategy in this game? Do you play same level over and over until you find mistery gift or you play one level then next etc?

    Mighty Red

    @cosmo2503 I restart one level (level 33, specifically) over and over until a Mystery Gift spawns.


    @mighty-red-1 have you noticed if feathers are rewarded to random bird or it depends on bird which accuired mistery box?

    Mighty Red

    @cosmo2503 It’s totally random. I actually wanted to see this for myself, but the theory was proven to be false.


    Thank you very much for info @mighty-red-1

    Mighty Red

    Emerald league reached. Just two steps away from Diamond. :)
    Emerald league.jpg

    Mighty Red

    I’ve upgraded my league to Amethyst. Next will be… DIAMOND. :)


    Well done mighty red! But may I ask you how did you get so many power ups? It looks like you have a very big amount.

    Mighty Red

    @flingmaster Mystery Gifts (yellow boxes with question marks). :)

    Mighty Red

    @sal9 @cosmo2503 As you may know, v1.3.1 of the game is available. I don’t know if you updated, but if you did, do the Mystery Gifts still appear, and if they do, do they still give 100 feathers for a random bird?


    @mighty-red-1 I haven’t updated yet.


    @mighty-red-1 I haven’t updated yet. I played about half an hour yesterday (repeated level 33 numerous times) and got only one mistery gift with that snowflake power up.

    Mighty Red

    @cosmo2503 A very fruitless gaming session. At least 3 Mystery Gifts should have spawned, unless you played through the whole level numerous times instead of instantly restarting when there’s no Mystery Gift in the first wave.


    @mighty-red-1 – If you restart instantly, does that count against your loss total?

    Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the update. Just switched over to the Canadian app store and updated. Two of my birds moved up a class as a result.


    Played over my lunch hour after updating the app. First impressions
    – No longer choose between spell cards prior to starting a level, spell cards accumulated to date appear to be gone
    – Option to swap out the bird on the sling for a random spell card added (at a cost of five gems)
    – Boss pig health is now easier to see on a larger banner at the top of the screen
    – I replayed the first thirty levels, and did not see much difference in scoring potential since the previous update
    – I still have my same daily objectives, however I did not see a single gift box to obtain in an hour of game play

    Mighty Red

    @burbman Yeah, those are the changes I noticed. However, other than those changes, my gem count went from 1280 to 0. I’ve reported this to Rovio and they said that they’ll try to refund those gems. Oh, and leveling up to Diamond is possible because before the update my Bomb got enough feathers to level up to Diamond, but his card remained Amethyst.

    , @cosmo2503, if you haven’t updated, don’t – v1.3.1 brings more issues than fixes. Another reason not to update is that the Mystery Gifts no longer spawn in the new version which means that you’d be able to level up your birds only via Arena. Rovio must have realized that the Mystery Gifts were a very easy way to level up your birds.


    @mighty-red-1 Now that you mention it, I lost all my gems too. I have now seen a mystery gift on a level, and a friend gift, so they are still out there. Must have been unlucky yesterday.

    Mighty Red

    @burbman Just email Rovio about your lost gems. I did it and they sent me a compensation of 1520 gems.
    Yes, you’re right – the Mystery Gifts are still present, which is good news. And they now reward you with gems instead of power-ups, which is way better ’cause the power-ups are useless when you’re a legit player.
    Gems from Mystery Gift.jpg

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