ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • platium

    @phoenix6 @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @abgofast@oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    Great Idea!!

    how do we name the team??? i know F1 there is 2 teams related… Toro Rosso and Red Bull!!! hahah…


    @platium … good morning my friend and welcome home to ABGOFAST team :)

    … I couldnt see you pic from my phone earlier today … that’s one impressive hooter ya got there!:D


    @abgofast @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    I see one fatal flaw in creating two separate teams. Only one team would actually be racing against the other. Also the team that is ahead in GEs would have the advantage because the only good team they would be facing is BUCK NAKED and would have any easier time winning GEs and getting further ahead. The team that was behind would be facing both BUCK NAKED and the other team.

    Of course this would all be solved if Rovio was actually able to keep the cheaters from taking the first 5 positions. Then the top 5 teams would all race against each other.


    It should be interesting, but if we think of maintaining the #1 position, this could severely diminish our egg revenue. Assuming both teams are equally active and equally skilled, we should halve our egg/day rate. And I see a couple of issues: this multi-player is actually fake: not only we don’t race in real time – sorta impossible without severe latency – but we face the same recorded plays (“ghosts”) over and over. And to make matters worse, Rovio loves cherry-picking PU ghosts. So, instead of facing each other, we would face outdated versions of ourselves nonstop.

    BTW, for some time Rovio ranked Donkos 2 spots ahead of us, and I could race them 3 or 4 times. Some mixed feelings in doing the opposite of what I was months ago, but in the end I probably faced ghosts from months ago. I remember Sorab wasn’t active, and his ghost shoed up, using a PU, which he wouldn’t use very often.

    Edit: I believe you face the teams above you, so assuming there will be cheaters – pretty safe to do that – only one of our teams will face the other. The other team should face just cheaters.


    Good evening to you @abgofast

    I will do 1 opening race now… lol… and only ONCE!!!

    after that no connection!!!!!

    Played 2nd time against so “EGYPT BIRD”???? No challenge…


    @phoenix6 @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    Both Phoenix and Oldschool raise a good point that splitting the team would mean the higher team still racers cheaters. The challenge would be to keep these two teams equal and to Waze’s point, have a “floater” or two that move between teams. There is potential here but I still would like to keep the core 10 team members together

    Tonight, I moved to 101,101

    I too experienced races against Buck Naked and Donkos when Rovio had them ranked ahead of us despite lower overall egg counts (now behind us again…)
    and raced these cheat / no challenge to get anything else but “18”:

    Zuper Ganad
    Egypt Birds
    Speed Zazz
    Madrid Go
    Los Henry
    Loas Pro

    edit: I should note a major accomplishment … I can’t remember which shameful team above got it but on the Sub Zero Track #1 , the half a race lead glitch kicked in where all 3 of our opponents got the head start. I think two minions and one cheater were involved. By end of race, it was a 1-2-3 finish for ABGOFAST :) All 3 of our side passed them before the big jump hill at the end! I actually let out a cheer cause I couldn’t believe it!


    I am Very happy to know our team is Back to Team Multiplayer!!! But !!! I have the same Experience than @alcusto!! How I can Rejoin my Team Again . Once I open the icon Team Multiplayer : spears the Sppining Clock . Moving and moving and never stop!!!

    @wazemank @dbkraemer @alcusto @platium @janmej @phoenix6 @oldschool !!! How I can Rejoin the Team .!!! All of you See me !!! Or I have to ” Join ” again on team multiplayer request : !!! Like Begining .!!! What I have to do!!!


    @janmej and @phoenix6 – Nicely done at 80,000 even :)


    @alcusto . Are you racing on team multiplayer . Or your Sppining clock remain the same !!! I can’t race can not open next page!!! Are you and same situation !!!


    @nacho18 – Ciao amigo. I eventually could play a few multiplayer races yesterday night. The cursing spinning clock happened to me only immediately after rejoining the ABGOFAST team.
    I can see you already among us in the team so don’t worry about that.

    – wow the subzero 1 glitch is a plague which seems to affect only the ABGOFAST team. When I was within the nudists I raced several times that track without any such glitch. Strange. Yesterday, I faced the cheater+2 minions as well. I was able to pass all 3 before the big jump and finish 1st. You and phoenix ended up 4th and 5th which gave us the final victory. Not as nice as your 1+2+3, but still delightful.

    – I love bird watching too! In the past my father had a huge cage of 12m long in the garden and we had more than 50 different species inside, all little size though as we like the singing birds the most. How were you able to embed the photo directly inside the post? I seem unable to do other than insert a link to the photo in another page.


    @abgofast – an update to my never ending lost eggs issue directly from Nadir together with some insight on your backlisting problem:

    Dear Alfredo,

    It seems that one of the team members edited their save file, which got whole team blacklisted. However, ABGOFAST has been recreated. A couple of the previous members have been moved back into it, but several members have already moved on to other teams. Please inform the users that the team has been recreated and they are able to leave their current teams and rejoin it if they want.

    We will try to restore your missing golden eggs again, I would like you to be a bit more patience.

    Kind regards,

    Rovio Support Team

    I will keep pushing until I get my eggs back. In my hearth I know that this could also mean that our never forgotten teammate @grimmjow might solve his same problem and get back with us. The fight is on!


    @phoenix6 @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    — I got the identical message from Nadir (below) too with exception of asking about golden eggs missing. I don’t think any of us experience a loss of eggs since @wazemank’s prboelm

    I asked what is involved in “editing the save file” to understand it more.

    I assume this relates to @wazemank’s issue when he lost 27,000 eggs then was partially restored but not really restored. It bothers me that he attempted to get Rovio to fix it and it’s all documented within their support system.

    Given I suggested adding the missing eggs was justified, @wazemank — did you end up trying to do this yourself? It might explain why our team got “blacklisted”. You do have 30,000+ eggs again so I am jumping to conclusion maybe your account was one that was flagged (not upset…just trying to understand!)

    Unfortunate situation but given they restored the full team including Waze, they realized the error of their ways.

    For those of you that didn’t leave to try other teams, Nadir put you back on it. Maybe this is why the spinning hour glass effect is happening. The game is updating to your device this change!

    Message from support below:

    Dear Mike,

    It seems that one of the team members edited their save file, which got whole team blacklisted. However, ABGOFAST has been recreated. A couple of the previous members have been moved back into it, but several members have already moved on to other teams. Please inform the users that the team has been recreated and they are able to leave their current teams and rejoin it if they want.

    Could you please send your username and the amount of missing golden eggs if you lost any?

    Kind regards,

    Rovio Support Team


    @abgofast – it makes me laugh that Nadir asks you to send your username and advise the amount of missing GE if any. They have mine for ages and it seems they cannot get to grip with it.


    @phoenix6 @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    Nadir got back to me already. I might finally have a priority queue with Rovio support (lol)

    I’m told “edit saved file” means someone used a third party app to change the game result. So they have proof someone hacked them on ABGOFAST team and took action

    My theory is as follows…..it comes back to my decision to add Victor. When I did this, our team had a hacked result. Even though after we all felt uncomfortable with his story, I removed him in attempt to protect us from a problem. Seems it didn’t matter.

    Ever since I removed Victor, I noticed that the team golden egg result we see on the team home page is different than the total score on the leader board. I assumed at one point it was timing of updating the leader board. But the more we played, the larger the difference. I assumed this was a Rovio leader board glitch but now I think it is the hack program messing with the result. This is how I am guessing we got flagged.

    Nadir also told me that racer Alfredo and racer Waze should connect back with them if they “still don’t see his missing eggs” … I have no idea what they will do to help ….


    @phoenix6 @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    Theory confirmed. If there was any doubt about the story before, this puts it to rest. I’m really getting fast responses this morning from Nadir!

    Rovio Support Team, Feb 13, 06:31:

    Dear Mike,

    We are aware of him using some kind of a hack tool and as a result of this, his save file got corrupted. He contacted us for help but we don’t provide game support for cheaters.

    Rovio Support Team

    Mrmikegibson, Feb 13, 06:21:

    I had on team member called “Victor R” …. he claimed his account was hacked by someone but it was clear he used a third party app because he had over 3 million gems (he shared a photo on our forum of a race result). Once I saw this, I accused him of cheating. He denied it. I banished him from the team. I am certain that the score on the leader board for ABGOFAST was impacted as it was always higher than the team score found with my list of team names.


    @alcusto – If you click on any image in your album, just below the image are several options. One of them is “Embed (med)”. If you copy the link from that text box and paste it into your post, when you hit the “Submit” button, the link will change to an embedded image in your post. :)


    @abgofast @alcusto @platium @nacho18 @wazemank @oldschool @dbkraemer @phoenix6

    At some point after the christmas armageddon update, I was doing a list of bugs and glitches – iOs-version – but haha I can’t even … Everyday poses new problems, some more serious than others. It seems that Rovio can’t even begin to fix the bugs from the updates, because something new occurs all the time which they have to tend to. Rovio can’t possibly be making a revenue on Go! Who in their right mind would spend money on it now!?. I really wonder why they keep it alive.

    Well, enough with the bleakyness.

    Great that we’re back on the team!

    @phoenix6 and I decided to do a ‘MeAndAbe’ with 80k instead of 50 :-).


    @janmej It is not uncommon that software gets complicated to a point they can no longer predict and test the interactions which result from chnaging something. It is called code hell, and I belive this is the case of Angry Birds Go. I saw several incredible things these last weeks, from teleports to karts from other episodes racing on certain tracks. They are probably overwhelmed by the issues they are dealing with. This might have the added problem that – if I recall correctly – this game was developd by a third party. Rovio content and Rovio publishing it, but I recall it being coded elsewhere.


    Thanks @dbkraemer! I will try next time to embed a picture in my posts.

    – if Rovio understood that Victor file was manipulated, it could mean that they managed to develop that anti-cheater tool they were talking about.
    It seems that there are thousands of cheaters out there. This could be the reason why taking them out takes so long, but it might be the start of the end for the cheaters. let’s hope.

    As I could not understand your point about “connect back with them”, I wrote to Nadir asking for clear instructions. Ciao!


    @phoenix6 @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @abgofast

    – Regarding your comment about my lost gold eggs, how could I have tried to restore them myself? Cheating? I did not try, do not know how (though clearly not be hard) and do not want to. I’ve been too much time playing this game to start making nonsense and put on risk my Rovio account. Also, I have opened several requests regarding the elimination of cheaters. Therefore, it is meaningless.

    Something I did was the (multi)change or multiplayer user name, you know, first of them after the incredible update of Christmas, because many of us lost many karts. If you remember, I change my driver license name for the first time from WAZEMANK to WTFUPDATE and lost all the golden eggs, but the next day (I don’t remember correctly, I think) they appeared again on my account. Later (maybe Rovio did not like my new name, who knows), I could not access the multiplayer. I opened a request, and Nadir changed my name to BIGH (still not sure what that means) with only 2,000 GEs (when I had 29,000). I changed my name again to IWANTMYGES (yes, I know, I like the risk!) and opened a new request – they said they could not restore my GEs, I asked that they could maybe edit my profile to include them. I got no reply, but the next day 29,000 GEs appeared on my counter, in a similar manner when changed my name for the first time. I wrote to Rovio explaining this situation and had not got any reply yet. Once I had all my GEs, I returned to WAZE (yeah!). And I will continue… until next update?

    Anyway, obvious suggestion: if you don’t want any surprise, don’t change your driving license name. But if you have some fun… :)

    I was going to ask @abgofast and @alcusto about “It seems that one of the team members edited their save file”… but I continue reading you and read about Victor.

    So, OK, now it seems to be clear. Many thanks @abgofast

    Regarding your comment

      “Nadir also told me that racer Alfredo and racer Waze should connect back with them if they “still don’t see his missing eggs”

    , fortunately I’ve already them, so @alcusto, good luck, I think you’ll get them back very soon.

    Time for congrats: 100K for @abgofast, 80K for @janmej and @phoenix6, almost 100K for ABE+DBK… Wooooooow!!!

    Goooo Fast!


    Hi racers!

    It seems you’re having a lot of issues on multiracing. Me, I’m still on the challenges and don’t intend to change soon.
    This week I managed to have my fb friends records shown on the tracks and was able to pass the last 17 #3 challenges that required the beating of a friend record (had to use gems to pass the other 25…). I have 634 done now which is very few compared with the 2000+ several of you achieved but considering I had just 400 a few days ago, it makes me happy.
    To do more I need mainly boosts and karts (or gems..). As I don’t intend to spend (much) real money on the game, I must be pacient…
    There are also a few that I’m stuck in for other reasons. There’s where I would like to hear your recommendations.
    The couple of Air challenges you helped me with before are done (tyvm!). But now I have another couple of very hard ones… Rocky Road #1,2 Time Boom #11.
    I’ve searched what you wrote about at the time you were dealing with them but apart seeing they were hard to you too couldn’t find much help. Do you remember how you ended passing them? If so, do you have any tips? Or should I put racing aside and buy them with gems (around 280 of them…)? Thanks in advance for your answer.


    @jorge-freeman-1 You can get past the “three different carts” challenges by having just one or two, and upgrading them to the next level. Rovio considers each cart level a different cart. That said, some carts are worth getting – though you can use gems obtained in-game: the first gem carts from Rocky Road and Stunt are actually better than all the expensive carts, and the first gem cart from Sky is slightly better than the second-best cart, which is that strange round cart. It seems a bit slower on the ground, but faster while in the air.

    What’s that Rocky Road challenge you mention?


    @wazemank @abgofast – Nadir just wrote to me that “Your golden eggs have now been restored!”, but it doesn’t seem to me this is the case. Do you still see my account at 20,511 GEs like me? I tried to log out from my Rovio account and login back but nothing changed. What di you do Waze? You restarted your phone, etc?

    – in order to help you, please remind us what exactly is the challenge in Rocky Road Time Boom #11 which you are unable to pass. Please also advise the exact track among 1, 2 and 3.


    @alcusto I can see 33,902 golden eggs in your account

    Congrats… :)


    @alcusto – I now see you with 33,902 GEs :)


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