ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • Arus73

    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @angryde, @alcusto, @grimmjow

    Guys, we have a new mega-cheating competitor ahead of us. They are called “Air” and they have 991 million eggs?!?
    They are probably the same previous cheaters with a different name and they will be probably dismissed again by the Rovio Police.
    Well, we came to clash with them once in my play and we smashed them out with a 1-2-3 victory. Well done!
    Ah, and Abe Goracer you were teaming with me in that. Yeah! Now missing only angryde as my team mate. I hope that Rovio will quickly fix your problem.


    It will give me someone on facebook?


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @angryde, @alcusto, @grimmjow, @mysteriouswhitepuffin @mazi

    Hey team! We’re holding our own with great results despite cheats & hacks ruining the individual and team multi-player leaderboards.

    The AngryRiders and ADDCGCCC teams have 2 or 3 guys with over 10,000 eggs. I see them on the top 10 of the individual leader board (cough…self promotion…with yours truly). I’m positive these teams are legit and going to be hard to over come as they got the head start as most were there from day one of Android release. We can get them! We’re the best team!

    I confess. I think this game is pure addiction. I mean the collection of golden eggs is so good…I can’t put it down…I need more…chasing them and chasing them till they’re all mine! It’s been 25 seconds since my last race and I type this as fast as possible before withdraw symptoms begin. A weekend of more racing to go before a forced back to reality of the “my real job”

    So why bug you all with another post?

    I still only get multi-player (individual or team) to select races on Seedway, Rocky Road or SubZero tracks! I’ve literally played most of the day as evidence my haul of golden eggs….not a single Air or Stunt track selected to race.

    I can’t figure it out. I don’t know what gives. I remember running 1 Air track and 1 Stunt when I first downloaded the update but since then … nothing … it seems to happen around the same time iOS went live with their update but the timing could be a fluke.

    Anyone else having this problem? I’m tempted to ask Rovio about it…..

    See you on the track!

    — any update? I race with you but I think it is your ghost from yesterday’s push. I hope you get your account fixed and game progress restored. We need your fury and anger on the track!

    , @platium — thank you for using power ups and pushing the desire to be 1st … I find it pretty nice that most tracks have 1, 2 or 3 gems so watch out for them if you’re continue your approach. I really don’t expect you to use up your gems on our adventure to the top of the standings!

    I hope it brings you a smile to know that so far today, your “ghosts” that appear on my end as teammates are crushing the competition with them (finishing 1st or 2nd consistently)….interested to know how many races you’ve run with power ups used today cause they’ve likely generated a lot of eggs for the entire team!

    My advice to @all is that strategic use of special power (sometimes more than once for 3 gems) is cheaper and often just as effective to get the bad guys as starting off with the king sling and leaf blower power up.

    Happy driving everyone!


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @abgofas, @angryde, @alcusto, @grimmjow,

    so far i have not lost any race at rocky road before!!! way to go team!!! we are so far king of rocky road!!!

    that addcgccc is very good at seedway… just partner w mazi!!! he uses power up 2 out run their power up user… so i need only 2 take care the other 2!!!!

    my permanent partner is abgofast… rest is mixture..

    so far my track is only seed and rocky!!!


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @angryde, @alcusto, @grimmjow, @mysteriouswhitepuffin @mazi

    Holy crap! I finally got a Air race on team multi-player … the results were horrible as @platium, the whitepuffin and I lost to the AngryRiders by 11-10 :(

    I used my trusty Green Baron L6 1020CC … it seemed super slow compared to the other karts on the track … so what is best kart to use for Air? L4 series or L6 series karts?

    I think @alcusto is right about “1st generation” karts aka L4 series are faster than “2nd generation” karts aka L6 series on this multiplayer mode.

    I find for Seedway:
    Fastest is Big Boomer L4 even though only 401CC compared to Big Bang L6 at 420CC meaning. I can win with both but win more often with Big Boomer.

    I find for Rocky Road:
    My long time favorite kart for this course and also seems fastest is Big Burner L4 (green “army” jeep) … I don’t think I’ve tried other karts! I love this one too much!

    I find for Sub Zero:
    Fastest is Strike Out L4 at 640 CC (one with TV on the back of it) performs much better than 2nd generation Shred Sled L6 & Chuck Ice L6 at 660 CC (despite me spending a lot of time yesterday trying to win with the two L6s…they can’t keep up or if you get lead, you can’t hold it)


    UPDATE: In a rematch same 3 won 16-5 when I switched to the High Flyer L4. I also got a Stunt race and we won 18-3. Maybe finally I’m getting all tracks to show up!

    For Air:
    High Flyer L4 at 990CC is faster than Green Baron L6 at 1020 CC in multi player

    For Stunt:
    I used Point Breaker L4 at 1360CC and finished 2nd to whitepuffin’s Wall Magnet L4 1350CC. platium used what appeared to be a Hog Rod L4 at 1370CC finished 3rd. We won 18-3 :)

    L4 series is definitely the way to go! Leave your L6 series karts in the garage on this version of multiplayer …. thanks @alcusto … you’re absolutely on it when it comes to the faster series … gen #1 > gen #2 karts


    Ha! I love it! Me and ab”ghost”fast were running side by side on the left side of Rocky Road when a Furby passed us. Well, ABGF used his Moustache Pig dynamite and knocked that rookie into the next county. It was a beautiful sight and a fine piece of racing. We finished 1, 2 and 4 with Mazi for a cool 16 eggs to add to the total.

    Seriously guys, we have the best team in this game. Keep up the fantastic work!!!


    Hello my dears RACERS ” ABGOFAST ”

    , @platium, @dbkraemer, @alcusto, @philhayler, @angryde and @grimmjow.

    I still Racing for my Team ” ABGOFAST ” yes ; just when I have time and chance : before working ; on Brakes and after working at home; reading all these interesting points on alcusto and ABGOFAST . Very happy and Pround to be part of the ABGOFAS Team.

    : you are Absolutly RIGTH . I just stop to push myself being First at Race I did Spent about 300 Gems…!!! Trust me and Believe me .. It was In Pro of the Team…!!! I wanted to say of all of you : ” this ..!! Hey guys I am here and racing for you : shoulder to shoulder and hand to hand.! Was my intention in pro of the team

    . Please Remain Being our Main Speaker and Cronist of the team …!!!
    Sincerely you are the best…!!! This Team without you is Nothing..!!! Come on Go Fast Buddy !!!!

    . Please CONTACT ROVIO !!! Go Fast .!!! We NEED YOU ON TRACK . WE ARE MISSING YOU .!!!

    Something about my Racing Just Today I did Race many times with ABGOFAST and platium many times; them with White Puffin…!!! She is Great!!! I like it!!!

    Maybe my spot and my Numbers for the team are lower than all of you !!! But I try to apport something to the team.!!! That’s it.


    Hello Racers ABGOFAST .

    ,@platium, @dbkraemer, @alcusto, @philhayler @angryde and @grimmjow.

    I am very Angry I did have some minutes ago over 700 Golden Eggs !!!!
    Know I have 62 !!! Why I did lost to many!!!!

    Know : @angryde seems like he comeback. Happy about it but he has over 560 golden eggs ;!!! And @philhayler has over 762 ; he was 62 .!!! Why he has more than 700 in less than an hour.!!! Estrange very estrange …!!!! Some one steal my Golden Eggs !!! Why …!! Or why I did lost to many!!!

    Who can explain me this no good Situation I did Race about 3 Hours for nothing !!! Intead of earnig and wining more Golden Eggs ..!!! I did loss .!!!
    3 hours Racing !!! Know on Trash. I am very very ANGRY!


    What happened to my eggs?????


    L4 karts are faster an ALL tracks!
    I keep getting Air levels a lot and sometimes Stunt. Air is our weak point as our team mates often end up 5th or 6th. Use L4 and King Pig or Red, guys!!
    On Speedway Moustache pig and his dynamite are perfect to knock down those competitors trying to get the lead with their power up boosters.
    ABGo your ghost knocked me down 3 times close to finish line on Rocky and Subzero.
    I ended up losing positions and eggs for the team. Not good!! We need team work!

    & @philhayler
    strange your issue with eggs. I remember when I started to play that my eggs jumped without my input from 100 to 950. Than my racer was duplicated for unknown reasons.
    Not anymore issues since then.


    Are you back bro? I had you as teammate in all my latest races.

    It sounds like plenty of cheaters are back in the scoreboard, grrr.


    It seems that if you play through a multiple devices or if you are not careful with your save progress you will have this issue.

    Initially I got 2 of me in the team!!! Then my egg only stuck at 29 eggs…


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @wazemank, @abgofast, @angryde, @alcusto

    What is the cheat ? The game crashes and I lost all my GE, more of 2000 :( :( :(


    @grimmjow write to Rovio support to get the gems back.
    I see too many crashes and game data losses recently.
    I suggest to all to use applications to backup the game data.



    I send a message to Rovio. But it’s not my gems that I loss, it’s my Golden Eggs from multiplayer mode.


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @grimmjow, @angryde, @alcusto

    Very upsetting team news for the egg losses happening to the team … I knew something was messed up with Philly’s egg count last night as he had over 700 in the morning and it fell to 60 sometime last night as Nacho identifies in his post…but it’s back up to over 700 this morning again!

    Now this happened to @Grimmjow and @Nacho18 too. Rovio is having a problem with this game with hackers/cheaters able to give themselves unlimited Golden Eggs (like 999,999,999). I think this also applies to Power Ups and Gems but can’t prove it. Someone has a software hack and it is likely being downloaded by many people to keep the game “free”.

    I can only hope Rovio solves this and restores our friends egg counts. I will watch for it in the standings. Please open cases with Rovio on the topic.

    Also, I’ve learned how the multi-player selects the team. I’ve noticed that the team standings are random. Therefore they’re not the team standings but more of the order in which teammates are selected. Consistently, if you were #2 or #3 on my team list, you were my teammate for the next race. I now assume that higher on the team list means you were either online OR recently played

    The team list order would change from time to and #2 and #3 would be my new race mates. Let me know if you experience the same

    So now the over due part of my morning post:


    My friend, SORRY!! Heartfelt and most genuine SORRY! Apologies and forgive my over aggressive racing last night. I specifically recall the races in which that awful trash happened as we both followed the same race line … pure racing accident and not intentional! I even said to myself … “oh sh#t, he’s going to be pissed about that one”


    I think it’s sthose #%!&$#% piggies making a huge Saturday morning omelet with our eggs! Or it could be a giant conspiracy between Rovio and the Canadian government to try to keep team ABGOFAST from complete world domination!

    Or sloppy programming. I don’t know… :)


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @grimmjow, @angryde, @alcusto

    On the missing egg issue….hope is not completely lost! Our total egg count is 28,416 as a team. When I look at the individual egg counts that show on the screen for me right now, they add up to 25,065….difference of 3,351.

    Therefore GrimmJow’s and Nacho18’s efforts did contribute to the team result but they’re not getting credit for it on their individual result. That sucks cause GrimmJow is no driver class #2 driver! That’s a lot of PS (pig sh#t)

    Maybe they’re progress will get restored? @platium raises an interesting issue with the moving from device to device. I’ve experienced no problems BUT I’m using same device always. Seems to explain the weird stuff experienced early on.

    … I knew it! It’s always the government…makes sense now… they’ve created an egg tax! Them sumbeyotches are in bed with the bad piggies oinking all the way to breakfast table ready to eat a golden omelet!


    @abgofast, @platium, @dbkraemer, @alcusto, @philhayler, @grimmjow and

    . I see last Nigth racing with me @angryde!!! Not only alcusto or grimmjow !!! Maybe he is on track again!!!

    I already wrote to ROVIO. And said all the General Situation ; we are having !

    I am Racing on 3 Devices too . My last numbers on GE are the same 135 GE’s
    I see at least 3 New Teams and the Cheaters to complete like 6 all with over Millions of GE..!!!! Sad very sad on this Cruel Happentance .!!! Why if we are Racing very Hard and like Real Team!!! We don’t deserve this horrible situation
    I recommend that we most still really and very Connected each Other : to Communicte any Annomaly .!!!


    Hello: @abgofast. News. My record on GE’s has been Restored : I am know 773 ; and we are over 30k’s . The bad thing it’s the team ADDCGCCC HAS KNOW 2 teams or their record it’s doubled both are over 50k’s : then I sow new teams : Cheaters ; with millions of GE’s

    : I still Racing with you are you back or its a Ghost.!!!

    . You still on 745 GE’s .!!! Did you lost more Than that.! Or it’s correct!!!

    your GE’s still on over 2k’s doesn’t them.!!!


    hi dear leader @nacho18

    if you play across multiple devices… this is 1 way you should do… once u shut down the program, launch it again so that the CLOUD is updated.. and shut down the second time.. if not the CLOUD d will not be updated…

    i always do that..


    From this multi race.. I learn about the shortcut for speedway 1… And I am getting faster to the finish line…


    You can join your team?
    And what’s with the eggs, what gives?


    @Nacho 18 :

    Yes, my golden eggs returned. How that is made ?
    Rovio intervened or is it the bug of display that repairs alone ?
    How is that that does not reproduce more ?

    So many questions without answers…


    @platium. Can you explain me or being more specific these!!!

    What you mind : ” once you should down the program launch it again, so that’s the cloud is Updated!”.

    Most of the time coming up the big ” Notice ” to check or cloud or device .
    I always touch ” Cloud ” .
    !!!!! It’s this what you mind!!!!


    Hi @nacho18

    I should be specific.

    When you play across multiple devices, you have to be very careful to choose between device or cloud…. I remember I lost about 20 challenges by choosing wrongly…

    So I find a way to do it properly. This is what you should do and it must be your habit.

    Now you start to play as abgo…
    When you finish playing. You should close abgo…
    Once you close it, remember to immediate reopen it.. This will cause the program to save your progress into the cloud… Sometime it will ask you to choose between device or cloud. At this instance, choose device. Because it is the second time you are opening it and the latest version is at the device… Once you reopen the second time, and it show the main screen. Immediately close it… Do this to ensure latest version is being played…

    Always remember to close the abgo game after opening the second time. This is to prevent you from playing this version of saved game in this device, just in case you have play in other device which is the latest…

    The problem with abgo is that it’s autosave will only trigger, if there is any loading… Example… Playing the toons…

    Hope this help…

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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