The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3130
  • The whole world has an existential problem my friend and those nice people at Extinction Rebellion have a point.My main beef with them is that their ringleaders seem to be over privileged 'toffs' who drive humongous diesel SUV's to Sainsbury in order to pick up a pint of milk. Nobody's perfect.

    Makes my little tippy tantrum about 'recording macros on a loop' seem like a fart in a hurricane. But i still feel the same so in protest I'll boycott the challenge (yes that'll teach them). Half a mind to try and spark a discussion about it all by leaving a comment on the walk through page next to @juanjim's. Or maybe I'll just throw a bag of orange powder over @birdleader's laptop.

    Think my happy flinging will be done meandering through the country lanes of Seasons where by and large the tanks and the big guns have not arrived yet.
  • @BrianN
    Newton's third law: If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A.
    If i were caught in(object A) hurricane i think i would be doing a lot of (object B) farting then all things being equal there would be no need to worry. Happy flinging Brian.
    P.S assuming you are farting in the opposite direction of the hurricane.
  • And Casualty when they blew up a barge, which was moored outside our previous house.
    Watching the BBC, normally forty people at least, all day, to film 30 seconds of film!
    But the barge was deconstructed, with sugar windows (google it) moored in the barrage, and blew it up. Spectacularly, The only episode I ever watched

    @BrianN I changed into a witch / nice person / femme fatale
    You chose!
  • And Extinction Rebellion best ever stunt is in my album, couldn’t paste it here
    It’s like “find the f…ing pie” again

  • I think that last post was one of your best, did you edit yourself again?

  • If you change into a witch you can hang out with @catsnbirds.
  • Speaking of casualty type incidents I was once caught on TV news walking about Ferryden with my ladder cleaning windows oblivious to the fact that the whole area was being evacuated. They'd found an unexploded WW2 mine and were about to detonate it. Meh.
  • Thanks for your metaphysical comment regards farting in a hurricane @ixan57. For my next trick I shall try pissing into a cyclone.

    Did you know Newton was also a keen bible student? He wouldn't publish his religious writings it was done after his death because his views defied amongst other things a clergy class. But extremely interesting views on the Trinity doctrine being false.
  • Bet you didn't know I had that in my locker?

    Anyways looks like the wheels are coming off a bit for Arsenal @desperatedan. (Bet you knew I had that in my locker). Think your best chance is in the fact that Man City are fighting on 3 fronts(please beat Madrid, those skanky, whiffy ne'er do wells) and are having to play catch up in the league. Big game on Wednesday.
  • It's been a while.

    Nite nite.
  • Don't worry @brianN, my Bluestacks campaign is aimed solely at @asher and the doc in their backyard and won't extend to Seasons (or Space or Rio). Also, my current assault is mainly using Classics which as you know, isn't on Bluestacks.
  • It is on my pc(heh heh).

    Loathe as i am to aid you in your dark quest to become the new head of S. P. E. C. T. R. E.
    But I did notice Classic on Aptoide recently though I didn't stop to check it out maybe that's the term they use for Original.
  • *poof* hello all, giving a little stop by to check in and see how it’s going in here. Also saw i just passed my 11th year on this site which is wild to me!
  • Good grief i gotta update my avatar in here, is it still run by gravatar?
  • @angryboy, hello, how are you?
    Gravatar doesn’t work here, the BP is hanging on by a thread, thanks to Bird Leader.
    I expect the only other people you might remember are @catsnbirds and @karen68
    Everyone else disappeared
    We are left with three grumpy, but very funny, old men!
  • @angryboy I seem to remember you are Indian. If I’m right, you can gossip all day here. We love Cricket
  • @angryboy think I got you confused with @Iammighty who was definitely Indian
  • @angryboy So great to hear from you again! You take me back to the early days of the BP, lots of changes in the regulars, but still open and fun to visit. Your life must have changed a lot, the teens and twenties are so filled with growth and changes.
  • Hi @angryboy,yes we're all on life support here in the BP. Just ignore @hunnybunny, you don't have to be Indian or love cricket to join us down in the bowels of the Nest.
    Angryboy-Iammighty... almost identical @hunnybunny, I understand your confusion.
  • @BrianN will be avoiding the east coast of Scotland next time i see the forecast for cyclones. Don't think it would be a pretty sight.
  • Hahahhahaha, yeah im definitely not indian. Thats funny tho!
  • Super cool to hear from you again catsnbirds! Does Kathy still come on much? I remember her being here the last time I popped in a few years ago
  • @BrianN especially if you are wringing out your chamois leather.
  • @catsnbirds yeah life definitely has changed, i finished college, got married, now trying to figure out my regular rhythm for this new stage.
  • Congrats @angryboy @kathy rarely drops in, she’s too not well, but we keep in touch
    Will send her a message to let her know you are back
  • Oh no! Im sorry to hear that
  • @angryboy Didn’t you change your user name to @angryguy some years ago? And congratulations on finishing college AND getting married!!! Hard or believe that the BP is still up and running isn’t it? Some of the patrons may change, but the community continues.
  • Hey @desperatedan, did you hear about the dyslexic existentialist?
    Couldn't stop thinking about the question : is there a dog?
  • Oh btw @ixan57 I think George Formby was the last window cleaner to use a shammy. Nite all.
  • Hey @angryboy, 12333 comments on this site. Surprised you had time back then to even get into college or meet any girls!
  • Hang on, what old men?
  • @catsnbirds yeah i did! That feels like so long ago! Cool to see this place the same as it was!!

    @desperatedan yeah im pretty sure 98% of those comments were back in my middle/high school years where i spent my time either on here or on Minecraft lol
  • @angryboy @Kathy will try to pop in today, sends best wishes
    @BrianN I got to third in Easter Eggs, left those horrid pigs wearing Bunny ears!
    Now in Summer Picnic. Weird, I’m 9th on the leaderboard, but most of my scores are awful…
  • Nice shooting @hunnybunny am still in Piglantis. Really enjoyed first section felt like skill×perseverance =good score(or in my case perseverance ×perseverance =good score). Second section more random one birders required.
  • @BrianN I’m with you
    Two types of “good” flingers:
    Gifted and those with too much time.
    I can’t comment on the Bluestacks / coordinates / time warp stuff. Do they even fling the bird?
  • @hunnyBunny you forgot a third, the one with moral gamesmanship (womanship)
  • Steady on, I don't have as much time as you retired folk.
    Got the last bus out of Bikini Bottom... er Piglantis.. Left the episode in a very manly fashion, except for 2-7 where I walked away with tear filled eyes and a quivering bottom lip. Scraped into 3rd overall. Back to School next unlike my poor boy who's been off feeling sickly today. Hasn't eaten a thing poor sausage.Or if you prefer-- hasn't eaten a sausage poor thing.

    I think there's a program on Bluestacks that makes you a coffee and a round of toast then works out ur strategy, aims, throws and activates your birds on a loop while you take your dog for a walk.
  • All fake news. Or should I say ALL FAKE NEWS.
  • OMG. Love the space ship.
  • Ha ha, another Classics Challenge, another pup! But the doc did it without. And I got close with each of 1 bird, 2 birds and 3 birds. A really well-balanced level.
  • . And Arsenal played like pups.

    That parrot is just like my wife @tompuss, a very talented bird.
  • I noticed Andy is putting down some impressive scores in Seasons @hunnybunny. He's going in the opposite direction to us and is currently on GGGL(not that I'm stalking him). He's managed to beat Asher on a couple of episodes (Haunted Hogs & Slam Dunk). Reckon by the time he's finished he'll be in solid second position. Good for him I say as I think he just uses iPhone /pad. None of this AI malarkey.
  • If someone doesn't say something soon I'll play a song from The Grumbleweeds. Then you'll be sorry.
  • Ok, that song you played by Everything Everything actually contained the lyric "everything, everything ".
    Give other examples of groups that have done same self-referential thing. For example, Talk Talk released a single called Talk Talk. Black Sabbath had a track called Black Sabbath. And there are more subtle examples.
  • So so many here's one for Scottish gays...
  • Or did you mean name in song title? Hey Hey we're The Monkees type thing.
  • In the lyrics or the song title. Could be both (Monkees), lyrics only (Everything, Everything) or title only (Black Sabbath). More points for lyrics only though.
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