The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3075
  • Ah, I forgot you're across the pond, too. Thanks for the confirmation @DesperateDan. I'll have to get on touch with @birdleader to get it fixed.
  • You are across the pond too @sweetp!
  • Very last minute for me @desperatedan, I know you're on vampire time, but I needs me 8 hrs on a work day. I'm knackered and it's only lunchtime.
    I'd been using gladvoid video as a template and was about to post what I thought was a reasonable 56860k as I usually do around midnight and my eyes popped out when I saw those puppies(no need to titter). It was only then that I saw comex video with a diff strat so I thought "I'm 'avin' some of that!"
    One more fling lasted 1 1/2 hrs.
  • On the topic of punctuation, no offence taken it's not my specialist subject. I usually know when and where to put an apostrophe (not meaning to be rude but I think @ixan57 might have a few ideas about that). However generally speaking I don't know my arse from my colon(meaning to be rude).
  • I was lucky, just needed 5 mins to get the pup after I saw his post. But what I did looked quite different from @comex666. Rather a confusing level, all round.
    I think today's Challenge will be much harder, we are shooting at @asher.
  • Anyway, I am working dontcha know.
  • @Sweetp the challenge click on this did of the pond seems correct, 10:56 odd minutes, apttoximztley 11 hours.
  • @brianN ' ' ' ' ' A' P'O'S'T'R'O'P'H'E.............
  • Time for guess in how many clues
    clue 1: british band that are greatful
  • Don't know how you guys approach the challenge? Me, when I get a puppy score I stop. Asher ploughs on remorselessly until he squeezes the pips out of the darned level. Not like the old boy to leave us mere mortals without a few breadcrumbs on the walk through page.
  • Hey @ixan57, that clue is more obscure than my oooooooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh clue!
    Grateful Dead were American of course.

    England out of T20. Australia still hanging about like a bad smell. No justice.
  • Just checked the leaderboard, thought you said you were working? Good score, any tips? Are you using latest version? Had quite a few good explosions with all 3 tnt's going off, not broken 120k.whine whine.
  • Latest version, as comex vid, just luck, not very interesting. But it nudges me just 8k short of 88 million on ABO. Exhausting getting over that line.
  • working on it @ixan57
    Dido sang a song called Thank You, but not a band...
  • kathy keyboard got it bad today, I see.
  • Clue 2: they were also greatful when the Relations biscuits came aRound
  • New phone. Who dis?
  • Orange? Could you give me 3 fingers of Walker Blue, a White Russian and a Peanut Butter and Bacon on Toast please?
  • Think I have it @ixan57. You'd see it on a building site?
    Hi rdnzirips82.
  • Hello Brian!! How are you doing today? Can I buy you a drink or anything?
  • @brianN well done
    Clue 3 was to be: name of band could be useful for @brianN
  • @rdnzirips82 Wow! A trip back in time! Welcome back to your BP. Who knew it would still be going strong after all these years ;-)
  • I have been locked out of my email account that controls this account for over 4 years. I got it back today and figured I would stop in and see how everything is going. Who knew that when we created this thing, it would go on for this long. It's incredible really. How have you been @catsnbirds?
  • Oh yeah! Drinks on me for the day Orange!! Line 'em up.
  • Nice one @ixan57. I'll stick with me ladder.
    Thanks rdnzirips82 I'll have a cup-a-soup. Which reminds me, @desperatedan gave us a taste of the legendary Slade. Wonder what they get up to when they aren't touring...
  • Not a problem, Brian. I always try to treat everyone when I come in. And it's been quite some time since I've been in here so I need to make up for that.
  • @BrianN On T20
    Would like to see Australia beat Pakistan, and New Zealand whoop Australia in the final
    Long time since @rdnzlrips82 visited
    That name just trips off the tongue

    PS I got all Slade hits, if only I had popped in yesterday
  • Penny's dropped @ixan57. A band featuring Paul McCartney's brother.
  • @rdnzlrips82, I suggest you read through the previous 30000 comments or so just to brush up on what you missed. Just a word of warning, there are one or two odd folk in the Lurkers Lounge. Tom Hanks is not to be trusted, he's very light fingered. And the silent guy in the corner is JD Button. No-one is really sure who he is, he emerged mysteriously from @kathy's keyboard.
  • So close to a pup. 88k but that critter in the single balloon didn't break. Gaaaaaaaaaaah.
  • Think you are 19-17 ahead in pups @brianN, so that miss was doubly annoying because it would have given you a new badge. However my "personal" puppy count is also 19 because I was disallowed 2 due to not being able to provide a tally screen. Not a gripe, rules is rules, but in my view, we are locked at 19-19. Oh the excitement.
    On the subject of Slade, in the excellent film Slade in Flame (1975), one of the band (gotta be Dave) is seen wearing our colourful school summer blazer of the time. Now I need to play this track from the film, described by Noel Gallagher as "one of the best songs in the history of pop, ever". Not far wrong.
  • @DesperateDan Thanks for the tip on reading back over the comments. I probably won't because I'm lazy. But nice to meet all of you. And I'm so glad our creation is still in business and helping people come together for the good of the birds.
  • Wow was that a Ripsy sighting?
    @rdnzlrips82 it’s nice to see you.

    For Remembrance Day, in honour of our military.
  • Drinks all round. And a bucket of those rather moreish Mornington Crescents. Finally got to 88 million on ABO. Only 12 people ahead of me although there are some big names that should be there who have been inexplicably culled. I think the axe wielding may have been a little draconian. No offence!
  • Hey @karen68, @comex666 is trying to give you a puppy for today's Challenge. If you pull that one off let me know ;-)
  • Nope @desperatedan no puppy for me.
    Congrats on the ABO scores!
  • Daily challenge whine of the day, or as I like to say Carpy Deum. So close to another puppy. Sitting on a little over 188k with Terrance in the hutch and that blasted little trident beezer at the bottom fell off his perch and didn't pop. Would have put me at a little over 203k.There is a certain frisson about getting a puppy by a few points. Now I'm just frisson mad.

    Anyway enough about me, way to go @karen68, Queen of Seasons strikes again. Looks like the Dukes of Hazzard are slugging it out again.
  • Oh meant to say.. Gggggaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!
  • Also I wish they'd leave it out. The leaves that is. You play perfect lead up shots and those fronds block the ideal entry point for bomb bird. It's uncanny, almost as if the level was designed that way.
  • Dave Hill, what a magical haircut. Not even Brian Eno could pull that off.
    Is it true Noddy Holder is a town crier in Solihull?
  • Anton seems to be hitting his stride at the moment. You know I'm not one to stir the pot @desperatedan, but didn't you say he was called out for cheating in the challenge a whiles back? What was he up to?
  • Nice flinging @catsnbirds, if you're done for the day can I borrow your mittens? Going round the South Pole sure is chilly, just ask Capt Scott.
    Gladvoid wasn't kidding when he said the left side tnt doesn't ignite very often. Have sent that piece of wood over to the tower fairly frequently demolishing it several times without it exploding. Think the only way it happens is as comex video (what does he put in his porridge? Reckon he sets his alarm to 2.50am). The wood moves the glass roof then falls in the gap setting of tnt. It's a bit like trying to peel an orange... with your toes... while it's in yer top pocket. Ever tried that @catsnbirds? Can get very messy. I think monkeys are good at it,although to be fair they don't usually have a top pocket.
    He also says "Once I found the sweet spot I stopped at 92k"...Bah!
    Here ends the Daily challenge whine of the day.
  • Thanks @BrianN . It was a thrilling hour and a half, throwing the same bird to the same place - over and over and over and - you get it! But then the TNT exploded and I realized I hadn’t just been wasting time. Because what could be more important than improving an AB score, right?!?
  • @karen68 It is indeed me. How have you been? Sorry about the extended absence, but I plan on being around more often.
  • Yeah @catsnbirds, people just don't get our obsession.
    What about you rdnzirips82? We're you still flinging during your 4 Yr absence from the BP, or did you manage to walk away and live a normal life? And how did you get locked out of the pub for 4 yrs, and how did you get back in? And what's your moniker about, is it name related? And please feel free to tell me to mind my beeswax, I am a nosey git.
    Notice from page one you helped start things, it obviously isn't as busy as it was back in the day, though the regulars are few they are quality and the more the merrier.
  • This is the scene outside of the BP at the moment JD Button accused Tom Hanks of using power ups. Things got so violent Tom lost his arm. Picture also gives a clue as to JD's real identity.
  • Time for some Radiohead. Thom Yorke's fav track.

    Band's least favourite.(Still brilliant)

    Fans favourite.
  • Daily challenge whine of the day. First there was trident beezer, then there was sand monkey.
  • Just had Covid booster jab. Sore arm. But I sensibly asked them to put it in my non-flinging arm.
  • @DesperateDan I wonder how Asher's booster is administered. Probably in a comfy chair
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