The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2705
  • Huh @hunnybunny? MR1 ? thoughts on what? I'm confused ¿:/
  • Got my Crown back, ty @hunnybunny :D
  • Woo Hoo @kathy The Princess!
  • Oh ok @hunnybunny lol, doesn't Mighty Red make videos for walkthroughs? Thought he was maybe a new admin?
    @karen68 i didn't lose any progress on seasons, i have 2 tablets one is my old one that i had fixed and just use for browser but i did install seasons but am not going to transfer my progress to that one. I have backup for my regular tablet , just need my friend to restore for me if i ever do lose g progress,, or need to learn how to do it myself.
    Now when your starting out brand new , all older scores are locked in the cloud and need bird coins to open them.
    @bernersenn I'm happy to see new pics of Wolf , he's so handsome , but still cute and snuggly looking . I know he'll be very happy in a week or so to come home with you , on the 9th is it? Not to far away:)
    @hunnybunny what do you mean by "spat" ?
    OB break out the Cristal , enough for all: D
    Still flinging at SG 16 :( Wwwwhhhhiiinnne
  • Oops forgot @Tompuss ,sooooo sorry as always happy to see you pop in:) will listen to video in a few..
  • @hunnybunny Aha Now i understand bunny talk lol
    You had a spat with MR started on 1'6 escalated to 1-7 will read, will be nice: D
  • Sorry to say @hunnybunny but I agree with you !! I won't put my 2cents just yet but no promises, That Does Suck!! All 21 videos in one!! Stupid idea!! Guess it's up to the Nesters to protest this!! Should i @sweetp ??
  • Oppsy habit I just did lol and I'm not editing , maybe she can talk to BL ?
  • @hunnybunny I did give my 2 cents - I really don't like the compilations at all. They've been using them for Pop walkthroughs for a while & they are a PITA. Wonder why the Admins decided this?
  • Added my 2 cents
  • Thanks ladies. Off to bed nighty night @kathy @karen68
    Happy birthday again @rat
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams..
  • @rat happy Birthday and I have some 2nd place scores also :)
    @hunnybunny sleep well, I missed you yet again :(
  • @bernersenn wow hes gotten sooooo much bigger, very adorable thou :)
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!!
    I'm still struggling with 1-16 WWWwwwwHhhhiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee!!!
    That's Waassssupppp:(
  • Trying to decide what for dinner, choices Order out mac & cheese,,leftover pizza , eggs on toast?
  • @kathy leftover pizza
  • Nope @gumby I was leaning that way ,but I gotta try to eat healthy:(
    It's the eggs on toast tonight:(
  • @kathy eggs are healthy?
  • Idk @gumby lol, seeing a nutritionist tomorrow.. apparently i have bad eating habits, my doc says:(
  • I'm back after extensive therapy. In my lonely state @TomPuss's song really did a number on me. I spiraled into the deep dark abyss. But surprisingly all I needed was the Tequila and sugar rush from Mrs. Bunny's bar-b-que sauce gift to bring me around. Better than smelling salts.

    Your banner worked too @Ma. Thanks! It's cooled off a bit this evening. It's been horribly hot and humid of late. I hope it lasts.

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes @Karen68 and @Gumby.

    Put some pig on that egg on toast @Ma. Pork fat rules!
  • @kathy ya its only natural to eat bacon. Especially here :)
  • I'm not sure if you know @Gumby but a strong wind could blow @Ma into the next state. She definitely needs the bacon on that toast. Maybe a milkshake to wash it down.
  • @Pa happy to hear your feeling a bit better,, ya depressing to be left alone on your birthday , that's why you have Us :D
    No bacon either can't chew it with my temporary teeth:( but i had the eggs on toast while dreaming of bacon lol, plus I've had no luck obtaining any bacon as of late:(
  • Did you succeed on SG-16 @Ma? Have you tried lowering the power on shot two? Hint, hint, wink, wink, say no more.
  • Not yet on 16 @Pa hmmm me like hints:) ty
  • How much longer is it going to be before you lose your baby teeth?
  • Although shot 2 is not my trouble , is shot 3 causing me fits,,i always have 2 pigs under wood can only kill one of them, most times Matilda gets to close to drop her egg , and it i drop it sooner it does no good.. I'm determined though , not ever leaving until i get it!!!!
  • Probably another month @Pa on the teeth,, going on the 5th for bottom extractions, then a while for them to heal,, then both upper and lower teeth for good,, maybe more than a month , dependent on how long they take to heal:( hopefully this year i can eat Thanksgiving dinner:/
  • Off to fling some, I'll be lurking :)
    OB I'll have another bottle of Cristal please :)
  • Oooh earlier you thought i meant a glass!!! Silly bird..heehee bet you were wondering where that bottle went haha!!
  • Well, gotta go clean the house, do the dishes, and maybe a showa. It smells in here and I don't think it's the pile of trash I need to take out. Ahhh..;.bachelor life.
  • Bottle? It's cheaper by the case @Ma.
  • @kathy don't forget to make SG6, 5 is kinda full
  • Busy night in the BP , just checking in for a glass of WHIIIIINE on whine Tuesday. I took kids to a swim meet, at this pool the guys grill up bubba burgers and you can get a fried egg, sirachi, and homemade chili. Mmmmmmmmm
    Our pool just does chik filet and pizza. But also mmmmmmmmm.
  • Ahh @knichy Bubba burgers Are the Best!!
    sorry I'm on my way out :( I wanna go to that pool !!
    Nighty night
  • Nighty night @Pa
    hope you had a nice birthday

    oohh @pa just read above ,not a nice birthday :(
    sorry G'nite ((((hugs ) ) )
  • S'OK @Ma♥ Nighty night
  • @rat9 Oh, I am SOOOoooo sorry to have upset you with that song. . I'd chosen it it beforehand cos it was new to me and I liked it. Then I just added the first line and posted the whole thing. . very thoughtless of me, and I do hope you feel better now xoxo
  • Hello guys, good morning.
    What's that about 2 cents? Did I miss anything?
  • Thanks for caring @TomPuss. I had a long talk with the wife last night that cheered me up. She gets me. Looking forward to Friday night.
  • I am soooooo very sorry Mister beloved @rat
  • I am so wrapped up in my new job and life I hardly find the time to spend in the Nest anymore. I did plan on popping in yesterday as I do have all my birdy friends on my calendar, but somehow it slipped my mind again. I would say I have a swiss cheese brain, but not sure that would be wise to say when talking to a cheese loving animal :p
  • Of course I am unable to read everything back in here, I think i missed like 5000k on comments, but I sure hope everybody is still enjoying life and smiling at least once a day, because just one smile a day can turn your whole day around!
  • @rat9 Big smile -:) -:) Now I feel better too. .

    nice Rube Goldberg machine, using magnets:


  • @rat9 My smile and EStar's - sheer coincidence!
  • Oh my, shame on me!!

    HaPpY BeLaTeD BiRtHd♡Y @RaT9!! Sorry Mrs. Rat couldn't be there to celebrate with you. Wishing her lots of luck and she lands the job.

    But I'm sure she'll make it up to you when she comes back in a couple of days! You'll have lots to celebrate with it being 4th of July weekend!

    Sorry about the walkthrough videos being a compilation. I'm with you all, I really don't like it either. I had no idea this was going to happen. I will have to chat with @birdleader and ask that they separate them and repost into their respective pages.

    In the meantime, I'm working on a temporary solution so hang tight!

    OB, I'd like a venti Peach Cobbler Frappuccino please. Recipe: vanilla bean cream frappucino, 4 pumps of peach syrup, 2 pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup, blend in whipped cream, then top with more whipped cream and cinnamon dolce syrup, and a dash of ground cinnamon. Also a ham, egg & cheese croissant for breakfast, thank you!

    Well, gotta go and make some repairs in those walkthroughs. It's going to be another triple-digit HOT day. It got up to 108°F by 2:00 yesterday, and it'll be worse today, so I need to get started before it gets too uncomfortably warm!

    Be safe everyone, stay cool and hydrated. And please, if you see any pets or children left unattended in a vehicle, save a life. Call 911 first, then break a window to get them out!
  • Hey @rat, happy birthday! I promise I won't steal you any top score today, and if I do, I'll update my leaderboard no earlier than tomorrow.
  • @kathy, @karen68, @hunnybunny, @bernersenn, and @everyone else who doesn't like the compilation walkthrough videos in Summer Camp. It's a slow process, but I've been separating each level's walkthrough video and uploading them to my YouTube page. Then, I post a comment in the level walkthrough pages with the video link. I know it's not replacing the compilations on each page, but it's the best I can do to ease the frustration of having to view all levels to find the one you want, 21 times!
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