The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2703
  • What's a budgie?
  • @rat9 this is what my hubby calls the girls in the nest ;)
    So for some unknown (hubby choice) reason we are watching "The boy in the striped pyjamas " Just your sort of film @kathy......not. I see tears in my future:(
  • lol there is that 'budgie' word again roflmao @jlz-666
    and thanks the dressage test went well in my eyes,,but I'm no expert, ,Jessica was almost in tears when she got through,,granted it was 90° a long day, her first test was at 11 45 this afternoon, then just hang around and do warm ups until 3:49 ,which turned into 4pm , the owner of the horse and Jessica 's trainer was a bitchy..but Jessica was happy i came ,it helped releive her stress a little bit:/
  • hmm @jlz -666 I'll have to look that movie up, never heard of it..tears because it's sad, or tears of boredom?
  • i will try to post the video later,,my battery is charging up:)
    O.k Fling time
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please :)
  • Oh, a budgie. I knew that. I haven't seen the "Pyjamas" or "Pajamas" movie yet. I think maybe it's too cerebral for me today Jules.
  • Lol Jlz "budgies"
    Nighty night, been watching Glastonbury, it's muddy (again) .....
  • Yep, my that's what my hubby thinks of you all!
    Just about to go to bed. @kathy @rat @hunnybunny
    Movie review
    This has to be the best/worst film depending on state of mind.It's ermmmm,well it's tough. We first watched this right after visiting Auschwitz. It's the story of a little boy who is the son of a Nazi general in charge of a camp. The wife and son don't know how close they live and the boy makes friends with the boy behind in the camp. It's a beautiful film. So innocent. So bloody shocking,so nooooooo :( It's played by English actors so is filmed in English but is from the German prospective. I read the book before seeing the film and.................*sob* have to see this. Maybe not Kathy tho!
    Nighty night all. Going to sleepy baw baws :)
  • Nighty night sleepy baw baws @jlz -666 Sweet Dreams ♡
    love to have you pop in,,nice day, I'll maybe check out that film,,maybe..:/
  • Did you hear @Ma? It's all over the news. Monday has been cancelled!!! ha ha ha
    Sorry, just wishful thinking. Maybe we should take a vote on it. he he

    CongRATz to @Sglouk. He managed to get a puppy even though Comex666 didn't.
  • Whadda ya mean @Pa , Monday's canceled¿?? Wooot!! I can sleep through it?
    And ya congratulations @sglouk for the puppy?
    @hunnybunny 114k on SG 1-16 is possible with 4 birds, I did that more than once.
    @rat thanks
    @jlz666 @jlz-666 long time no see
    @bernersenn :( no new wolf pics, sadness befalls the western hemisphere
  • @gumby Waassssupppp???
  • @kathy not too much, I did gain 6k on level 11 thou :)
  • Finally dropping back in , long Mr mom weekend! Budgie is an awesome Canadian 3pc rock band whose bass player looks oddly like Geddy Lee and sings...... I have to go back thru the last 5 prolific pages
  • @knichy hey where have you been hiding?
  • Catchin up
    @SweetP thanks for the chew toy
    @ hunnybunny 49 sounds pretty sweet for retirement. At 49 my youngest was in pre-k.
    Weather beautiful here for my middle ones 9th, 82 degrees with 30% humidity, very unusual for mid Atlantic summer
  • @knichy anything 80 degrees and above is too hot for me unless Im at the beach, or a pool ( with Blue Mongo in hand )
  • @rat, catching up, " women. Was it an accident or did God do it to us on purpose. Cause I really wanna know!"
    @hunnybunny any husband should have a feeling of pride when their Mrs is eyed up, at least if they are confident in the relationship.
    @bernersenn loving the newest wolf pic avatar. Cuter by the minute
  • Arggggh I missed the infamous @jlz-666 in the BP. I was busy, my daughter just turned 9 and last weekend I took her to see finding dory. Kathy and I were chatting about it earlier.
    Political turmoil sux, never helps the regular folks, from across the long good luck with that.
  • sorry i missed ya @knichy
    Happy birthday to you're daughter
    and I think you meant across the'pond' lol
    i gotta go sleepy sleepy baw baws as my friend across the pond says g'nite
    @knichy can i borrow one of your kids so I'm not the only single Adult in the theater watching Finding Dory? lol
  • Nighty night @Pa
    *runs quickly to hit the pillow, before Snort can catch me*
  • Kathy I thought I said pond. #$% autocorrect!
    You can borrow as many as you want, I took 4 that day, my 7&8 yr old daughter's + my 14 yr old son and one of his soccer buddies. He made travel, I will pop you a note if he does a tournament in Boston. But usually they are in new Jersey or Gettysburg PA, more central to the east coast region.
  • Nighty nite @Ma
    You too @knichy
  • @rat Thanks. It seemed easy as I got the puppy in probably less than one hour (or one hour and a half). So I thought I had found The sweet spot that would allow be to beat top score several times in a row, but nothing happened then. I was simply lucky to have gotten the perfect fluke in a short amount of time. Later in the evening, I revisited the previous DC Space level, and stars aligned as well, although far too late to get the puppy.
  • Please forgive my ignorance @Sglouk. I'm evidently not the Space expert that you are. What is "the previous DC Space level" you refer to in the previous message?

    Edit: Oooooh...the light bulb finally went off. You were referring to the previous Space Daily Challenge. Never mind.

    Edit 2: HEY! That was another of MY top scores @Sglouk. If you keep this up you're going to oust me from my big warm comfy throne. Ejected from the castle I built. It's true that I built it so quickly that I didn't always use the proper building codes or finest materials. But you don't want me to be homeless. Do you?
  • @Rat Indeed. It was Pig Dipper 6-5 whom you had established a top score last week during the Daily Challenge. I couldn't get the puppy then, but took top score yesterday (no luck there, it was dedication).
  • @Pa DC >Daily Challenge
  • @Ma Why did you say DC is greater than the Daily Challenge? Or were you try to say "=" equal to, represents, or means. I had already figured out what @Sglouk was saying. Now you have me confused.
  • i meant DC stands for Daily Challenge @Pa, couldn't find my equal sign
  • @rat You mean that despite using lightyear long acronyms you can be confused by a two letter acronym? Strange!
  • Hello guys,
    Still no new pictures! Argh. Will phone the breeder this night.

    And then: huge problems. A new episode Seasons has landed. Summer Camp. Problem? Sure. After playing a game #1, it starts counting the bonusbirds, then crashes! So, still no score for #1 meaning no progress.

    @kathy could you help me with some whining?
    Back to play in the snow, no summer camp for me - yet
  • Started SG - had to download it from the cloud. My heart beated havy, blood pressure sky high. Are my scores preserved? Yes!
  • @rat your strategy about 1-16 in SG worked! Together with you @hunnybunny predicted scores above 120k. Thanks pal
  • Guys, this s.cks !! After upgrading Seasons to v 6.2.1 I cannot finish a game. When the game is over and it starts counting the bonus-birds it crashes! All games, so not only the new ones.
    I resetted already the Ipad, doesn't fix the issue.
  • Three things:

    @gumby What's all that fuss about SG 1-16? Easy peasy. Slipped into second place, 260 points behind you. No problem. Took 45 minutes, this morning. LOL, it's hard but not THAT hard... (Says Mrs Bunny, smugly, remembering all those levels where she failed to get close)

    @bernersenn need Wolf pictures! We all love him so much!

    And New Seasons! Forget SG, I did OK, but NEW!
  • @hunnybunny I called the breeder, without success. Couldn't get her on the phone.
    So I sent her an email. This day is bad, very bad.
    I will post new pictures as soon they are available
  • Lol @bernersenn typed at the same time. My SG 1-16 now looks pathetic against yours!
    OB, get out some strong coffee, brandy and a huge handful of tissues for @gumby when he comes in. There's going to be tears....
  • Solved the counting issue in Seasons. When the startscreen showed up, I connected using facebook. After logging out (that only worked with the Ipad in airplane mode) everything is working again
  • A bit uncertain about the New Seasons Summer Camp, they want you to connect with Facebook Friends. Why? The Friends tournament is completely different.

    And I have only one Facebook Birdie friend: Theo. I'm am going to lose so badly :-((

    But here's the best Summer Camp Tune, ever:
  • @hunnybunny the match England-Iceland will start soon. Who is going to win that game?
    Remember: Iceland kicked out the dutchies during the qualifying
  • Off to do some sisterly love stuff! As you may remember, she moved back to the UK after fifteen years away (Boston, Paris, New Delhi) I'm the chief advisor on refurbishing her Edwardian Semi, unfortunately she lives hours away, so it's done by email and our joint website. Bathroom tiles and colours next....
  • @bernersenn Hope you'll understand this: those of us in Wales, Scotland and Ireland collectively hate England in any sport. Supercilious B******ts.
    But in a sport, like Cricket, where the National Team is England, we support England!
    It's rather confusing..
    Know little about football, but I expect England will win.
    Only one famous person went the same High School as me: Gareth Bale! Many years after I was there. Think I posted that one before....
  • @hunnybunny my mistake, sorry.
  • No mistake @bernersenn not a huge supporter, but still interested. 1-1! Come on Iceland!
  • 1-2! Go, Iceland, Go!
    Have looked some of sister stuff, honestly....
  • Still 2-1 for Iceland, with 5 minutes to go... Incredible
  • @kathy WASSSUPPPP
    @bernersenn nice score on 1-16
    @hunnybunny I will take that coffee and brandy, you can keep the tissues
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