The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2570
  • Yeah...yeah... I know I've tried that one too @kathy break the glass, then fling the blues to blast the upper junk to the right. Still not working for me. But then I gave up an hour ago or so.
  • gnight @hunnybunny better flinging tomorrow!
  • I tried your approach on the blinking light @ABcrazy. I like it. Where were you when I was playing this level? Try it Ma. Then split the blues late at the upper TNT.

    Keep it up Mrs. Bunny. I still have my wabbit hunting equipment. he he
  • abcrazy lifts head up in surprise.... really???? @rat I was still on level 15 or something when everyone else was on this one. The blinkie light was one of the first ones I tried and it nearly cleared the whole level except for the ones in the upper glass house. I thought easy 3*!!!! Ha! (snif)
  • Hmm if you day so @Pa I'll give it a fling:/
  • Well jeez ,red just bounces off the blinking one? Hmm
  • IDK @kathy this is yet another level where the first thing I try seems promising and then just devolves from there. One of my first flings was at the blinkie light and it seemed dud at first, then slowly and gradually, the whole thing came crashing down. Ofcourse I cant replicate it now. (sigh)
  • O.k @ABCrazy I'll keep trying.. I can't do any worse than I'm doing, although i did improve to spot #40 today so I guess I got my allotted points for the day lol
  • @kathy how do I back my scores up?
  • @gumby there is a forum with a tutorial , I'll try to find it and give the link
    Or maybe if i can't @Estar or @mvnla2 can find it, let me try..
  • @kathy I think I have to Whiiiiiiiiiiine as well Ive been flinging this space challenge forever it seems and no puppy yet. Micromax comes on and flings for an hour and BANG a puppy.
  • Did @micromax leave a video¿ he's pretty good about that, I'm actually gonna try it I'll give you some tips if i can or consult our resident ' King of Space' maybe he can help us although i don't think he's a big CC fan.
    Gotta go dinner is here bbinab
  • There are several backup guides under Guides on the gold bar. This might be the most complete:
    There is also a separate guide for Android.
  • Should have added @gumby @Kathy
  • @kathy @mvnla2 thx Ill take a look and I didn't see a Micromax video
  • Back on the train!
    BTW i wiped ab2 after looking at the ridiculous scores.
  • Wooot @ABCrazy @rat9 It worked !! The hit the red blinkie light strat worked! !!! Raised my score by 5k wooot!!
  • Never mind ,no it didn't, on the wrong tablet :(
  • OB? The soundproof padded room please? (shuffle, shuffle) thanks....
  • *joins @ABCrazy in the padded room* uhmm you might want to duck as This Is the birds pratice room! Oooh *ducks as Matilda attempts to drop her egg* ooouch close one:/
  • So when you bonce red off the blinkie light thing, where does he go ¿ I've had him land on the stove, or go up and land on the present?
  • On the stove seems to be most effective. But then again this is one of those strats that seemed good to start & then amounted to nothing much so far.

    I like the padded room! Bouncy! Cushie! Noisy on the inside but no one can hear the thrashing & screaming on the outside..... (.....sound proofed........)
  • Almost like the pink pillow things on some levels. You just keep bouncing...... and screaming but no one hears that. It's just bouncing..... and OH! I think I'm feeling better now! :-)
  • Don't know why I'm not getting notification here:(
  • @kathy notification NEW YEARS EVE is coming OB will be very very busy
  • @kathy (bounce.... bounce....) we've been (bounce... bounce) sound (bounce) proofed(bounce) right?
  • @ABcrazy lol your very own padded room (cell) . this must make you a "certified" nester :) straight jacket and all
  • Ohhh no OB Help. ..*pulls @ABCrazy out of padded room before she gets bounced on by Tony*
  • @Gumby the padded room is the birds pratice room below the Aviary didn't fully read page 1 did you? ?¿¿?
  • NoooOOOOOoooo.... need more bouncing! Please send me back to the pink pillow padded room! That was fuuuuuunnnn!
  • @kathy practice room? what aviary?
  • Uhmmm @gumby PAGE 1 read it!! I know you were advised to do so when you first came here the reason we suggest it , is so that we Don't feel obligated to explain these questions :}~
  • No no @ABCrazy *poofs abcrazy -back to the sling- get back in there girl and show those piggies whose boss!! Go girl.. You can do it..snapnout of it!! Have a drink y to go..:)
  • @kathy I just re read it but there is no padded room with bouncy things
  • I give up on this challenge

  • Welcome to The Bloated Pig Aviary
    image When the BP Jr was closed, these wonderful birds were left homeless. Since we here at The Bloated Pig have such a love for birds, we gave them a new home. If you would like to visit the birds, go to the patio and look left. You will see a screened in lattice with a little ivy climbing up the sides. There are cushioned benches for you to sit on while you enjoy the peaceful chirps, rock gardens & waterfalls. There is also a beautiful fountain in the middle of the Aviary. This is the same fountain seen in the photo above.
    Did we mention how pampered these birds are? The Aviary comes complete with an Automatic Temperature Control System with heating and air conditioning. It also has, a Light Sensitive Solar Screen System to keep the birds from getting too much sun.
    Last but not least, if you happen to hear some strange thuds and squawks, don't be alarmed. The birds have a little practice area built underneath the BP with a new, state of the art slingshot and cardboard cut outs of Pigs.
    Please feel free to enjoy the peaceful scenery of the Aviary after a long day of Pig Slaying.

    @gumby yes no pink pillows but padded and assumed bouncy, is virtual after all:)
  • Hmm i thought it said it was padded, we've done some editing to save space, after all Most folks don't even read it: (
  • @kathy AWW I thought there was an actual bouncy room
  • eeks where do I find 5 jetpacks across the universe to unlock Boba Fett missions?
  • Uhmm That i don't know @gumby¿ hmm . Good question..
  • @kathy 'cushioned benches' Hehehehehe!!!! (bounce)
  • @kathy guess I won't be doing that challenge LOL. back to originals to get more unlocked and 3 starred
  • @kathy HAHAHAHAHA thats like 100 levels to unlock, I think Ill pass. thanks for the link thou.
  • Sorry @gumby lol, i didn't read it just copied the link.. Ah well ..
  • G'nite Pa ♡
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