The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2426
  • Well everyone here said everything I was going to say, like the troll woman (I'd didn't / never would reply) and good wishes to @bernersenn
    Only one other thing I can report, but most probably know this already. jtwade removed all his scores after a dispute with admins in some SW2 (I think) episode that I've never played. Can't work out why anyone would remove all their scores. But that explains all the badges, and no leader boards. Each to their own.........
  • Sorry @kathy no princess crown for you this time lol
  • So @Kel :) you got your iPad case?
  • @bernersennn lol. poor dog :)
  • @AEX10 yeah, I came home from buying 'pad, and it was waiting for me by the door.
  • That reminds me I need to buy a new iPod :(
  • @AEX10 they still make those? :) I didn't know that.
  • iPod touch ;)
  • Kel did you make a level?
  • @AEX10 nah. I wanted to, but I haven't had any free time.
  • Oh well. Got to go bye!
  • .......................................................Rat's Space Tip of the Week................................................

    This one could help @Kelani get some free time.

    If the Top Score on the Daily Challenge is held by @Rat9, don't waste your time chasing the score. It's a futile endeavor.

    *I wonder if they bought it?*

  • @Rat I'm sure some of them did. It crosses my mind, but i'll always try.
  • I had to try. Besides, if your name is @Comex666, this tip doesn't apply. lol
  • @rat there's no shame in being close! And I was close, very close ;-)

    Goodnight all xxx
  • You weren't very close @HunnyBunny. You were VERY, VERY close. And if you were playing a game of horseshoes, it would have been worth something. As it is, refer to Rat's Space Tip of the Week. ha ha ha

    Good night Mrs. Bunny.
  • Howdy Folks !! Is whine Tuesday and i have nothing to Whine about:/
    @bernersenn I'm happy to hear your feeling better:) soory to hear you messed up Charlotte's birthdate day:/
    @AEX10 trust me @Kel answer to pretty much anything lol my phone has done wondrous things with his name hee hee..
  • Oh and I've another pm from jtwade I gotta reply but seems like a friendly enough sort:)
    OB I'll have a SpacePigKiler please:)
  • @Kathy Charlottesville's birthdate day? Was that from you, or your phone? :)
  • Don't worry @Rat I'm staying out of the ABSP leader board
    Until they add rovio acounts to ABSP
  • hee hee @Kelani did my phone type Charlottesville ? Oopsy gotta edit!
  • @Kelani can you check out the high score on PB #28 ?
  • @Kathy what about it?

    edit: It looks too high to me, but I think everything does.:)
  • Ya looks high @Kel Austinrhl is a really good flinger and for someone to be 3k above on such a tricky level seems wrong idk maybe got really Lucky
  • K I find something to whine for!
    I forget how much I dislike PB!
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee !!
  • @Kathy More like a miracle shot. That score seems too high to me. Maybe he'll reply, or an admin will weigh in.
  • Yepp maybe power up also ? I haven't had much response from admin lately as far as flagging scores there are many that are obviously to high:/
  • @AEX10 OK? What does that mean? Until they add Rovio accounts to ABSP. I'm lost...
  • @Kelani I have to agree with Ma on this one. It's a one-birder, and even using the ole blind squirrel excuse, it's a little high.
  • @pa I think @AEX10 means the cloud saving scores thing not sure either?
  • I have all my progress on my (super old) phone for abo abs abr absp absw
    Then I got a new phone so I'm waiting for rovio acounts
    You might see me on the abo leader board
  • @AEX10 you should enter your scores that way if you don't have a backup program you will hs ve an idea of what you got and what to shoot for scorewise in case you do lose progress. I wouldn't hold your breath for the Rovio cloud to come to all the apps. So far I think ABO and ABSW2 have it.. or maybe ABSW ill check.
  • I have absw2 on my nexus but how do I take screen shots?
  • I have abo on my iPod
  • Idk about your nexus @AEX10 but on mine hit the power and the volume at the same time
  • Is kinda tricky lol..
  • @AEX10 if you go to Google play store ..look in the book section there is a free book you can download for Nexus instruction manual :)
  • Ok thanks
  • Well bed time :(
    Good night @all
  • @Rat I said it was too high also :P Yer agreeing with both of us.
  • Good night @AEX10 Sweet Dreams. .may your days be long and pleasant

    I think i got the saying wrong lol.. anyway have a good night sleep and nice day tomorrow lol..
  • @Ma I have to agree with @Kelani on this one. It's a little high.
  • Speaking of high @Ma. Your in already in 64th place in PB and you haven't got to the point heavy levels yet. WTG
  • Lol Thanks @Pa I'm determined and yep only on first serious pass:)
    I gotta go to sleep though I've been staying up way to late.
    I woke up this morning at 6am with light and t.v on (volume off) , tablet plugged in but on my lap with screensaver going and phone somewhere in the bed with alarm blaring lol..ooh and glasses somewhere in the vicinity lol..
    Nightl night:)

    Edit : and pretty stiiff neck and shoulder to boot..
  • Ha ha
    Good Night Ma
  • I am utterly bemused by this hilarious personal vendetta thing that has come my way so unexpectedly yesterday On Star Wars Hoth 3-17 and today on ABO Mine Dine 16-3.

    I am very intrigued, surprised and confused by this and am quite curious to know what had given rise to it, because I have NO IDEA!!!


    Does anyone have any idea, from your experiences with me, what could have caused this? I am very willing to listen to criticism.

  • A happy afternoon to you @all. Everything is fine with me.
    @kathy No, I don't get troubles with my wife - she's got a great sense of humor. She knows who I am.
    @Jaydee getting harassed by others isn't the way we are dealing with each other. I hope the @admins will remove (again) the comment.
  • Thanks @bernersenn - always a pleasure dealing with you! I think our admin team are handling the situation very well.

    Let's hope it is a trolling thing that will just go away.
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