The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2424
  • @Hunnybunny expel this joker. lol. Wow, I saw his post, he's smack in the middle of the Amazon. Guess that explains why no contact. :)

    Scores gone from Stella also. Yay for progress.
  • @AEX10 it looks pretty good:) uhmm the second bird is blue? Where do you split them or doyou?
    @Kelani I don't have a blowtorch handy lol and if I did. .well. ..I'll just take your word for it :D
    That's so weird to me @hunnybunny that you can't share a link from BBC is just odd to me I guess different country different rule:/
  • @Kelani what'd I miss ? What joker ? Scores ?
  • @Kathy the person who had tons of high scores in Stella, moved to Seasons, and now those scores are gone.

    Now that that's taken care of, I'm getting VERY close to posting a public complaint to the user who likes posting a "strategy" which perfectly matches the ABN video on *every* single level he plays.
  • Ikr @Kelani dontcha just hate that lol.. I've actually said sometimes " so @xxx you mean JUST like the video sal9 posted above? " hee hee
  • Darn your tooo good @Kelani I'm never gonna get you to fall for that am i ?
  • @kelani (I'm popping in for the very last time, tonight)
    Just Don't
    I know who you mean. He has friends in high places.
  • Durn that blasted Rat anyway @HunnyBunny. What's he doing making it so hard to get a cute puppy? ha ha
  • Roflmao didn't take me long to figure it out @kelani ;) ;)
    And what friends in what high places @hunnybunny ? There are no exceptions to anyone inn the nest all are equal:)
  • @Hunnybunny At this point, I don't much care. He's posted 1200 perfect text descriptions of ABN walkthroughs in the past 10 months. I had to cancel my subscriptions to Rio walkthroughs because I got over 100 emails from him. When one admin removed some of them, he promptly re-posted them. It's a blatant point grab, and affects other members. If his friend wants to just give him the points so he'll shut up, I'd be fine with that. If he wants to ban me for speaking up, that's fine also. If it were anyone else, it'd have been handled already.
  • @Kathy nope. I'm discreet by nature. The only reason I haven't posted a public complaint about that guy is because I'd prefer to handle it in private.

    And re: high places. Apparently he's close buddies with an (unnamed) admin.
  • I know @Kelani.. it does tend to get annoying when one is looking for alternate strat or a couple of tips
    Especially like myself I don't normally watch the video , when i finally get to looking at the s walkthroughs so iread that supposed 'strat' then eventually watch the video and realize its exactly the same.
  • I don't mind when people accidentally post the same strategy as the video. Not everyone wants to "cheat" happens. Also, for the users with slow connections who can't watch the videos, (like justpast40) , a text version is very helpful to them. My problem is the people who are blatantly posting for the points, especially those who can't even take the time to make their spam somewhat original and less obvious.
  • Problem solved. The unnamed admin finally accepted my friends request, so I can pass on my concerns privately, which is what I wanted to do all along.
  • The funny thing is, everybody I've complained to privately, immediately knew who I was talking about, even though I never mentioned a name. If that's not a sign something's not right, I don't know what is. :)
  • OK @Kelani @Ma, I'll stop posting just to get those points. You don't have to hit me on the head more than three times before I get the message. ha ha

    Edit: Actually, can you keep me from going to the next rank. I like the feel of MASTER FLINGER.

    Edit #2: Oops, It's Master Slinger, not Flinger. Oopsy
  • @Kelani -- I'm impressed. You might be able to buy a fume hood for cheap from a government surplus store.
  • yes @kathy the 2th bird is blue
    aim right for the tnt.
  • Haha @Pa ya knock it off would ya its a terrible thing to post just for points!!
  • i got a request from jtwade as well
  • @AEX10 but do you split ? Or just straight at tnt with no splitting ?
    It definitely looks good; ) I need to get thinking .. I'm just a little nervous about it I guess
  • @rat don"t feel to overpowered ;)
  • @pa @all did you see my post earlier when i said i sent jtwade a pm ?
  • better hurry @kathy and submit only a few days left
  • Oohh o.k thanks @AEX10 I'll get thinking; ) you should put on your drawing where to split or is it supposed to be a figure it out yourself kinda thing?
    Like idk if I come up with something do i give all the details?
  • I sure hope @Romo doesn't take back the lead in BI #1. I just did the math. There's only 25k points left if I got a top score on every level. Points are getting very scarce. We can toy with BI #2. There's 42k left there. ha ha

    You can join us now @Kelani. I think we're about done pushing the limits on the lead.

    Has @jtwade answered you yet @Ma? I am curious why s/he isn't posting any scores. They should be good. He's got the High IQ badge. lol
  • Hi @AEX10. What do you mean, overpowered?
  • yeah the tech specs and the strat
  • don't hog the leader board ;)
  • hey rat are you submitting a level?
  • @mvnla2 Well, when it comes scary/energetic chemicals, you can never be too cautious. I really enjoy being in one piece, with all my limbs and digits. Also, if there was ever a fire or accident *knock on LCD*, I'd want to make sure any firefighters/EMTs were also safe. Partly out of concern, and partly because any civil lawsuit from someone hurt by improperly labeled/stored chemicals would have me living under the nearest overpass. :)

    It's getting really hard to find surplus anything these days. The govt. has lucrative contracts with companies that resell stuff on ebay. They get first pick, and what's left over is usually scrapped. I guess they finally realized they make a lot more money selling things for auction, than selling to Joe Bob's Army Surplus.

    If I had some stainless steel or HDPE sheets and ductwork, I could make a fume hood pretty easily. I have everything else on hand, except a non-sparking, chemical-resistant fan. :) For now, I just do anything fume-generating outside.
  • @Rat Join you? I never left. I'm just not getting any points in any of those levels. I dunno what y'all are doing differently, but it's eluded me.
  • Yes @Pa jtwade answered and said ty for accepting the friend request and had been sending requests because he (? ) said he's trying to get 'out' in the nest .
  • Uh mm @Kelani what do you mean? You can't get a hooded ventie thingie?
  • @Pa see my pm ? Woot woot!! Right behind ya :)
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please! !
  • well gotta pop out now
    good night @bp
  • Night night @AEX10 nice to see you again:) till next time keep flinging strong
  • I'm back.
    Good night @AEX10.

    WTG @Ma. Great flinging. I guess that stRAT has been verified. As @Kelani would say, "Destruction you can depend upon". I'd post it, but then Romo would use it. ha ha
    You can post it if you want to Ma.
  • Nah @Pa I won't :/
  • Ooh and Thanks :D yep the stRat destruction you can depend on worked just fine once i got it through my thick skull lol; 0
  • I was just kidding Ma. Romo's already within a couple of hundred points of me on that level.
  • I must be a good tutor @Ma. *Pats self on back* You're within a few hundred points of my scores through the first twelve levels of Pig Bang. And you're ahead of me on about a third of them. I think you're going to be a lot higher than top 100 before you're done. Awesome flinging.
  • What quantities of chemicals do you have in that basement @Kelani? Are you a madd scientist or what?

    Edit: You know if you blow yourself up, they're going to say it was a meth lab. lol
  • @Kelani duh I know what a fume hood is .. they are all over the place at my work I just wwondered why you can't get one and i forgot the technical name lol
    But why can't you get one? Want me to talk to the guy at my work I can pprobably have him order one without question and have it shipped to ya?
  • Thanks @Pa and Yes you are a Master tutor :) if i end up in the top 100 on my first pass (not counting the 3* run) then I'll be happy :)
  • @Kelani They auction off used fume hoods at LabX. Still not cheap though. $1000.
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