The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2425
  • I just read the *Not to be confused with exhaust hood* part :/
    But we do have fume hoods at work couldn't get away with getting that lol
    But could get exhaust hood but you could probably build that yourself @Kelani :)
  • Darn princess strikes again! ! I swear!!
  • @Kathy Yeah, like I told MV, all I need are stainless steel or HDPE sheets, and the right kind of fan. Oh, and someplace to put it, and to knock a hole in the house to run a duct through. lol. That won't happen anytime soon.

    @Rat Interesting. Given the trouble I went through to get the ipad, that's a bit out of my range. The problem with most sites like that is they only sell to actual businesses, and everything cheap is in bulk.

    One day I'll have to tell you about the crap I went through trying to buy silicon carbide granules (sandpaper without the paper) and a plastic squirt bottle from Fisher Scientific. They wanted tax documents, incorporation papers, seven corporate references from at least three states, etc. for a $6 order.
  • I don't understand why you can't purchase Those things @Kelani ?
  • Arghh is it Tuesday yet?
    *gets baskets of earplugs ready * almost. ..
  • @Kathy The bottle because they don't want to deal with sales that aren't for thousands of dollars, and the sand because it's *technically* a chemical, and they don't sell chemicals to individuals. Too many lawsuits waiting to happen if they did. Problem is, all the major suppliers have the same policy, so if you're an inventor or running a home business, you can't get what you need.
  • I can get you the squirt bottles .. the ones made for chemicals (raised letters saying alcohol etc..fill to this line ) not sure about the sandpaper but lol I can order just about anything without question so let me know if ya want :)
  • I just think its crazy that they won't sell that stuff inindividually like at lowes or home depot
  • @Kathy it's called a wash bottle, and yeah, they are very useful. Swipe loves me to use one to squirt water in his face. He likes to gnaw on the nozzle, which is why I needed new ones to begin with :)
  • Lol @kelani that's funny :D I miss my kitty's sorry typing on nexus trying to get used to it instead of using my hoodoovoodoo phone hard because the beck button is right on the bottom so my finger keeps hitting it by accident other then that it seems to understand what I'm typing lol let's see what it comes up with for @Kekkoni hahaha try again @melanin never mind haha I'll just do it by letter at a time @kelani
  • oooh @Kekkoni that's new. Sounds like a yummy Japanese sauce.
  • Trivia ... check out video walkthrough for pig bang 1-26 what movie does Fujitoast have playing in the background?
  • @Rat Did you contact Rovio about your Pig Dipper scores on GC? @gypsybird says she did, and hers have been restored.
  • Haha @kelani yep that's a new one. .my nexus came up with that
    Hmmm maybe its me and Not my auto spell ??
  • I did, And they didn't @Kelani.
  • @Kelani I don't know if I need to send a longer message with massive details or a shorter message with more generalities. But the message I sent got ignored. Do you know how specific @Gypsybird was?
  • Night @Pa ty for guidance
  • Night Ma
  • Good afternoon to you all.
    Look what I got - and it's not what I would name a 'normal friendship request'? Anyone else got this?

    shortymama posted an update 1 minute ago
    @bernersenn Hi dear am Anna, and i will like to be your friend hope you don’t mind
    here is were to find me ([email protected] )see you kisses .
  • @bernersenn Are you sure your strength has returned enough to read posts like that?
    Fingers crossed that you're better today than yesterday.
  • @Rat I'm still well. I had pain in my right hip due to a fell on my back. That pain is gone now, and with it my fatigue. Maybe a crack in the bone? The pain suddenly disappeared sunday night
  • @bernersenn I got one of those requests too. Bizarre.
    Good to hear you're feeling better again today. I hope you stay that way. :)
  • @bernersenn Write down every move you made, every thing you ate, and every where you went Sunday and send it to me. Don't leave out the most mundane detail. When you got up, what side of the bed, right or left leg first, etc. I want to recreate how you got rid of your pain. I want some of that. lol
  • @Rat, I can imagine that you need to know. In short, during my vacation I'm on a mountain top, leaning against a wooden pole. Setting the camera. Suddenly breaks that pole, and I fall back into a pasture. Soft fall, I thought. Since then pain in the right hip, will pass, I thought. Meanwhile, tired, tired and increasingly tired. All examined hip pain was no less but no more. It was not so much of a problem as not paid close attention. Until suddenly the pain was gone, and the fatigue too.

    I hope the english is correct.
    @karen68 thank you, I'm feeling great.
  • About this strange friendship request. It came in a message. If you are not friends with someone, you can not send personal messages. How did she get this done then?
  • Your English is fine @bernersenn. If I thought it would help, I'd lean up against a hundred rotting posts. ha ha ha Maybe I can get the wife to hit me softly in the right hip with a baseball bat. I'm sure she'd like to take a swing at me. lol
    On second thought, no. She might enjoy it just a little too much. News at eleven too much.
  • @bernersenn @karen68 Who's sending you messages with these friendship requests in them? That's who you need to talk to.
  • @rat no, no and no. This person has created his/her account today.
    OB: drinks for everyone, I'm happy as a little child
  • @Bernersenn @karen68 @rat -- I think the person is using the public message feature of the profile page. This updates the message at the top of the profile page and sends a notification if you are @mentioned.
  • @mvnla2 ok.

    This is what's annoying me:
    here is were to find me ([email protected] )see you kisses .

    Theo: and it should read: "where to". ;-)
  • @bernersenn @karen68 @all This happened to me about 2 years ago. "She" sent a message through pm and if I remember right B&R. "She proclaimed her love for me and how she thought we were soulmates ;) It's a troll but was quickly sorted by Slim. I'm sure @admins already know but it's probably worth a shout out. I know none of you would as you're far to savvy but please don't click on her links.
    Sorry I've not been around but I'll try to read back and catch up.
    Haven't read what's been happening with you @ bernersenn but I hope everything is on the up.
    Toodles X
  • @jlz666 Nothing special, I was tired, deadly tired and remained tired. Already two months. And now it's gone.

    I think it is good that you have quoted this lady again. Before anyone gets damaged
  • @all Whiiiiiiiiine!!! I just put my back out, yeah @rat, you know the feeling. . .
    @bernersenn Stay on the up and up! Thanks to you and @JLZ666 for troll alert.

    Thank goodness for beautiful things in this wicked world - don't miss this:
  • @bernersenn it's probably a spammer for a porn site. Don't worry about it. Or alert @admins

    The message you got was in your activity feed, posted by using the Public Message button from your profil. Anyone can send a public message to another person. Don't need to be friends.
  • @Rat I think we're going to get washed away by floods or blown away by tornadoes today.
  • Hi @bernersenn glad you feel better.
  • Hey kelani I'm gonna start calling you @kel ;)
  • @aex10 thanks. I'm relieved really.
    @kelani @rat that bad weather overthere? Created backups of your devices?
  • @AEX10 That's fine. I read all the posts anyway, so if it starts with @ke, I'll see it.

    @bernersenn terrible, huge storm system passing through the country. Tornadoes killed a few people yesterday, tons of damage from them and floods. The area Rat and I live in doesn't get many tornadoes, but the direction this storm is moving gives us a higher chance than normal.

    I just moved everything from old ipad to new ipad, so old ipad is my backup :)
  • @bernersenn Is that your wife's name? I was born there :) It was a great city until it started getting so big, Now it's getting very dangerous to live there.
  • Btw I banned Safari. Since IOS 8 it is worthless.
  • @kelani now we're coming closer. This saturday it's 50 years ago since she was born. Nice, very nice
  • @bernersenn wow, she's young! :) Tell her gelukkige verjaardag from me, then :) (I hope I spelled that right.)

    We got around 2"-3" of rain over the last two days, and they're calling for 3"-5" more, in addition to the tornado potential. Lots of people in my county are going to have bad flooding issues before it's over. Fortunately, I'm in a pretty high area.
  • @kelani spelled correctly, great. Me dumb, I let her read this post and she said - and that veeeerrryyyyy slowly 'that is sunday'. What does one day differerence make in 50 years?
    Now I have to deal with this, yak

    And don't forget the suffering people in your country, this is bad, really bad
  • @bernersenn lol. Hope you're not in too much trouble! Fortunately, I have to go to the store, so you're on your own :D

    Yeah, the people here are used to these bad storms. They deal with it, clean up, and move on. If you've never seen video of our supercell thunderstorms, check them out sometime. They are amazing.

    back in a bit. :)
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