The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2370
  • G' nite @tipsybunny haha.
    @Mumsie I've had that happen to me just last week. .strange.. glad you got it straight. .
    Im skipping the CC talk lol..nope not gonna do it!!
  • @Kathy it's admins not admin :P
  • Wow @kelani that's intense! ! What took them so long to get to your facility? 9 hours after the attack?
  • Ohh thanks @Kelani :)
    Edit : no wonder lol
  • Poorr swipe musta been wondering where you were:( you didn't have pattydog then so he was all alone:(
  • @Kathy the first plane hit at 8:46, and the second at 9:03. They were onsite by noon, and had the whole area secure by 1pm. I don't know if they came from Virginia, Camp Lejeune, or that secret NSA facility a half hour away (that doesn't exist)
  • Yah, he was one unhappy kitty when I got back. Little furbag used my bed as his litter box.
  • Ohh crap !! Literally lol @kelani I hate when kitties get angry :/
  • Oohh kel soory I misunderstood cuz you said 13 years ago to the minute I thought you meant THIS minute. .
  • Brb in a minute gotta make a call. .
  • @Kathy yeah, we got moved to the *cough* place at 6:50. I remember because I was supposed to go home at 7:00, and was thinking "well, that ain't gonna happen"
  • Ohhh @kelani isee!

    Edit : iheard nothing. .read nothing. .saw nothing @kelani who?
  • Hee hee I didnt work at my place then but i betcha they were being *couggh* 'watched'
  • lol. Is ok. :) I also remember 6:50 because they made it *very* clear that talking about anything from 6:51 until we left would mean Swipe'd be in for a lot more lonely nights :)
  • If you mean the defense contractor, I betcha they were too.
  • Ya @Kelani that's where i work now
  • I wouldn't mind having one of those Dillon miniguns from the video. Nevermind that firing it for a minute would cost 6 months salary. I bet it'd make the yappy neighbor dogs shut up.
  • Pizza here ♡ bbiab
  • Roflmao @Kenobi ya that'd be sweet huh!!
  • @Kathy do we know when sunshine will be back?
  • @kelani I don't know when .. she's been pretty busy. Haven't heard from her for a couple weeks actually. .maybe @Mumsie has idk
  • @Kathy ok, so she's just busy? She hasn't been on in almost a month, and I was asked to make sure everything's ok :)
  • Ya @kelani she's been very busy. . Lots going on summertime real life stuff :)
  • @Kathy okie. thanks :) Just glad to know she's OK.
  • SH level #15 is giving me fits!! *whine' can't even make average:( not even close! !
    Have you been dinging Hh Tt on Pc @Kelani ?
  • @Kathy I played a bit last night, 3*'ed everything, and got 2k on HH3, but I haven't had time to play today. Probably won't until the weekend.
  • Do you find it easier than byepad?
  • I have to build another puzzle board for my grandmother, and get this new ABN FAQ finished. Both are gonna take a looong time.

    edit: MUCH easier. I can finally see what's off the bottom of the screen. Answer: The ground, and it's not as far down as I thought.
  • Your such a good grandson:)
    And thanks I was wondering about the ground you can see what's happening! Cool. .
  • Finally made above average just barely !! My whine worked shoulda made it bigger! !
    OB I'll have a double PigKiller please and some bacon bites nah make it crispy pig ears:)
  • @Kelani -- Didn't know those beasts existed.
    BTW -- 13 yrs ago I did work for a defense contractor (in LA); it was pretty much business as usual with security as far as I know, but then I didn't work on contracts for any "cough, cough" agencies. I did not see any armored vehicles or heavily armed men hanging around.
  • 13 years ago I was just getting to my friends house to babysit my godson.. my roommate called and i turned the t.v on just before the second plane hit! She was in a rush off to work so didn't even know.
    The strangest thing (cuz we live right across the bay from Logan) was the air silence.. no takeoffs no landings for it seems like weeks!
    We could feel the vibrations of the F18's or 16's whatever they are over the roar of jet engines every night. .was quite disconcerting:/
  • We have LNG tankers anchored off the coast.. was very scary
    The first time a commercial flight took off days /a week later it was really scary wasnt expecting it..
  • @Kathy terribletom's strategy is blue now. Your post is fine the way it is. except you said admin again :P

    @mvnla2 oh yeah, that version's been around since 1997. All the demos are pretty impressive/scary. There's not many problems that 6,000 rounds/minute won't take care of. What bothers me is that they're so common. Anyone rich enough to need bodyguards and a convoy probably has one.

    The post-attack response like what we saw was pretty much reserved for major infrastructure targets; nuclear reactors, power grids, dams, water supplies, stuff like that. In my job, I had the ability to turn off the internet and wide-area networks for most of the federal government and 382 of the Fortune 500 companies. All I'd have to do is stand up, take 20 steps, and flip a few switches. It also would've killed the internet for every state from Virginia and Texas. Knowing that, their response was pretty appropriate.
  • 13 years ago, when the second plane hit, hubby and I were walking up the street at the start of our morning walk. We saw a neighbor standing outside his car, with the door open and the radio on. Looked rather strange. When we returned, hubby turned on the news and called me saying "You'd better come see this." Was glued to the TV for quite a while. Don't remember when I went to work. The next day wore red, white, and blue, as did a lot of others. Flew an American flag from my car for months.
  • ooh. LNG tankers would be very bad.
  • Ah, @Kelani -- So I would not think you could do the same from "cough" their place? But I suppose if you tell me, you would have to shoot me. Good thing you don't really know who I am, or do you?
  • When the second plane hit, I was on the phone with one of our guys in the South tower, trying to reroute data circuits knocked out by the first plane. When it hit, our call got cut off, which freaked me out. But the server room they were in was somewhere in the first few floors, so they all got out OK.
  • Yes LNG tankers very bad and they are Always there @Kelani

    Edit: i saw the post is blue..I wrote that before you told me lol pick up the pace there..heehee JK
  • @mvnla2 *their* place was in the same building. From that location, instead of flipping switches, the same thing would be done by pulling cables :)
  • I did the same @mvnla2 the whole country seemed united back then. .I Still wear my '911' shirt on every anniversary. It has the star spangled banner written all over it and the statue of libert abs the firefights raising up the flag
  • If you wanna know what stupid is, a few months after 9/11, the guy who got me my job was laid off. He'd been there 20 years and was NOT happy, especially since he'd just bought a Russian MiG-23 and was deep in debt from restoring it. So, the moron gets drunk one night, called his old manager and left a voice mail threatening to fly the MiG into the damn building.

    Yes, he's still in prison. :)
  • I am praying every night and day We never have to experience a day like that again!
  • Wow @kelani!! How was he able to purchase that? Never mind I don't want to know:/
  • @Kathy I have NO idea how he could pay for that. Even though it didn't come with the fun explody stuff, and was in pretty bad shape, they're still expensive. But he bought it, fixed it up, and even took me up in it once. Y'know, before he lost his mind. I had to have a chat with the FBI after that little incident. :(

    edit: because they found out he went out on a date with my mom once, and thought I might know him well. Not 'cause of anything I did :)
  • @Kathy here's the news story. I don't know what happened, but it says he was supposed to serve 6 months in prison, but he's still there. Also says it was an IM, but it was a voice mail.
  • @Kathy lol. I just saw another 714 - in yer email address! You never mentioned that one.
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