The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2372
  • I'll have to check out your glossary project later @Kelani I'm not in thinking mood.. just flinging bored..blah blah:/ is cold outside give me the blues:(
  • Guess the princess is restless though lol..
  • Gonna watch the goonies that ought to cheer me up..
  • @Kathy no glossary project. I'm doing FAQ, A few answers for 'what does BLAH mean' were going to link to the glossary, until I noticed it was so neglected.

    Whathisname's post is blue now. I think. lol. I need to get a backup pair of glasses. my old ones are two lenses held together with epoxy and superglue
  • Hahahahahahahamwwaahaha omgirraffe @kelani that is about the shape of my glasses there broke right in half! ! I gave up. .can't even find them I'm really screwed if ilose lens

    Edit :* note to self call eye doctor tomorrow! *
  • Oohh Well then I'll check out your FAQ didn't even know there was a section to be outdated ?
  • BLAH = bored , feeling low, no interest in communicating, tired ish but not really. ..not excited about anything. Kidnda hard to explain
  • Cure for the BLAH = Gooonies Roflmao !!
  • Night Pa ♥
  • Night Ma
  • What? Everybody's gone to bed already? The price I pay for living on the west coast...
  • Anyway, just popped in to whine. No, not for a higher score. Just a whine (or probably more appropriate the "B" word) about another new member too fond of the "blue" feature for a new strategy, except their strategy isn't remotely new. Still, they seem just wanting to be helpful, so I say nothing :/
  • @BPC there is such a thing as too helpful. I dislike the unnamed member who's posted a perfect description of the video strategy on every blanking walkthrough I read.
  • @Kelani I wonder if we are thinking of the same new member. Maybe it is time for an intervention ;)
  • @BPC Ah, I was going to send you a request, but you beat me to it.
  • @BPC I've got to get some sleep, but Pm me who you're talking about. Even if we're not talking about the same person, I may have some good news for you.
  • Quiet Saturday hope everyone is having fun somewhere:)
  • @kelani, who is it this time? Posting a redundant comment just to get points is a pet peeve. PM me please.
  • Yes i was wondering that also? I got notification that @mvnla2 mentioned me in a walkthrough comment but the post was not there?
  • @SweetP I'll PM you, but that thing I mentioned is taken care of.

    @Kathy there's been a few notifications that didn't work lately. I sent one to MV and she didn't get it. No idea why.
  • No @kelani I got the notification but the comment is not on the walkthrough page she posted it on?
  • Go check out an image @dmsral posted on Pig Days 1-10. A true flinger's dream :)
  • @Kathy what walkthrough page is the missing comment supposed to be on?
  • lol at @dmsral's pic. Took me a minute to notice it. That'd make most of our devices explode.
  • SH 1-21 @Kelani I found some instability and left a comment mvnla2 replied I got that one.
    Then I got notification that mvnla2 said 'see @kathy comment" but is not on the page I just wondered whom she was talking to if they also see the tower fall?
  • Thanks for the heads up @BPC
  • @Kathy if it just said 'see @kathy 's comment', someone probably removed it to keep clutter down.
  • I guess @kelani lol is just kinda strange to have it removed before i even see what it was pertaining to! Ooh well no matter I'm sure @mvnla2 Will let me know.
  • Oh boy oh boy oh boy where to start?..................
    *deep breath*
    Oooookaaaay....first of all hi @all & apologies for my absence.
    I've not been in the greatest of moods over the last 10 days and haven't wanted to chat to anyone really. My closest birdie friends have been taking the brunt of my moans as I didn't want to appear like a blubbering negative Nelly in here every night!
    I finished work a couple of hours ago and started on my summer break from work!! 2 whole weeks!! I really should be walking on air but I'm stuck on a bloody roller coaster of emotions.
    You might remember I mentioned that Oscar kitty was IMO losing weight? Well I took him to the vet and (I'll try to keep this short) she weighed him and said nope,he's only lost 200g. I argued saying I KNOW he's looking thinner and he's def not right. I felt she was dismissing me as a crazy woman but she humoured me as he has FIV and agreed to run full bloods on him. They were all clear apart from a def drop in his white blood count which she said was his FIV. Anyhoo I had to believe her so that night...a week ago Friday we went ahead and booked our holiday. On Monday we fly out to Venice (I hope) for 5 days. Over the next 2 days Oscar got worse and wasn't moving much and refused to eat or drink and in my eyes was obviously in pain. I took him back in on Monday and asked for another vet who turned out to be an angel!!! She wanted to know everything and actually listened to me! He was taken in for a scan and X-ray on Tuesday and my poor wee boy has arthritis in his hips,both hind legs and ankles :( they also noticed his bladder was enlarged so did more tests and found a nasty infection. I was heartbroken and beyond angry at the thought of the pain he's been suffering. He's on strong anti bios,pain killers and anti inflams until they can work out what meds suit his needs........and I have to bloody leave him in the cattery....*sob* It's day 3 on the meds and thankfully I'm seeing a slight improvement. Not enough that I'm happy to leave him but it's that or a divorce ;( Hubby desperately needs a break but he also doesn't want to leave Oscar. He's a very vocal boy but he's lost his meaw....all I want is him to argue with me again. It's the worst possible timing. I totally trust the woman who runs the cattery (she's also a client of mine) and I know at the first sign of him going down hill she'll take him straight in. She's also confident of administering the meds. We drop them off tomorrow evening and I'm desperately trying to look forward to Venice but Arghhhhhhhhhh :(
    Did I say this would be short?
    The other pain in my heart and stomach at the moment is that next thurs (18th) is the independence referendum vote in Scotland. Most of you probably won't even realize it's happening....apart from @hunnybunny & @mumsie. I cannot stress how important this is for my country. We either vote "Yes" for independence or "No" Stay with the United Kingdom. At the moment it couldn't be closer. It's pretty much 50/50 and it's tearing this country apart :( Friends,families and neighbours are divided and emotions are high. I've no idea what's to become of my country. As @estar told me this afternoon "it's up to Scotland but the butterfly effect will be felt everywhere" Very,very true. I won't even be here when the result is announced on Friday morning. That is a very unsettling feeling. We will arrive back in Scotland at lunchtime. What I know is I'll still be a Scottish citizen but whether I'll be a UK citizen as my passport says is another thing. We've already posted our votes as we won't be able to go to the polling station on Thursday so I can't do anything else but hope.........
    So there you go....that's what's been going on in my life! My own health issues are on going to add to the drama so it's all fun and games!!
    Can I say that if you're bored in your thankful!!!!! I'll swap you!
    Needless to say I'm waaaaaaay behind in here! I'm also behind with pm's so again....apologies.
    So I've a question. Has anybody been to Venice that can give me any recommendations? We really need a romantic "us" vacation so I'm hoping to just stroll through the streets,gondola down the canals and eat good food and drink good wine.
    Here endeth my story......*YAAAY! From the galleries!*
    Hope everyone is well and I'll try to lurk before I leave. Oh I forgot to say that we get home next Friday and my Mum and Stepdad arrive on Sat for a week! So I need to pack and get the house ready for them tomorrow before we leave!
    Who has the key for the loony bin? ;)
  • @Kathy -- I was talking to myself, the "see Kathy's comment" is still on the Self-destroying levels forum. I have to do that to keep track of levels that were mentioned on walkthroughs. Comments like that are tolerated by the admins. However, I found out the consider it annoying if I post 10 different comments with drafts of list additions all at the same time. I now do my drafts off-line.
  • Aha @mvnla2 lol mystery solved:) thank you:)
    Hi @Jlz666 replied inn p.m Enjoy your holiday ♡
  • @jlz-666 Sorry to hear about Oscar. : ( Hope he improves while you are away.
    Actually I had heard about the Scottish vote, and was wondering how our ABN friends in Scotland were feeling about it. PM me your opinion if you want. Not sure the BP is a good place to discuss opinions on this. (I am totally neutral, just curious what people's reasons are for voting one way or another.)
    We were in Venice a two years ago, so I can put together some suggestions. I assume you already have a hotel booked? Do you want mostly restaurants? Do you like art, museums, shopping, or what? I'm not a good shopper, but museums and historical buildings are right up my alley. If you've never been to Venice, you will love it. There is really no way to describe it, you have to see it for yourself. Be sure to take a couple of books by Donna Leon with you.
  • @JLZ lol, that was a genuine Kelpost if I've ever seen one. *gold star sticker* :) btw, I was actually hoping you'd show up, because I was interested in your thoughts on the referendum. I get what a big deal it is for you guys. I'd be tense as well. The last time I looked (a week ago) the BBC was saying polls showed it wouldn't pass, but if it's 50/50.. yikes. I'd love to know how you voted, but I'd get yelled at for asking in here, so If you feel like sharing, PM me sometime :)

    Scotland's been around a long time, and seen worse things. IMO, it'll take much more than a vote to destroy her. If it passes, and you get the North Sea oil revenues, I think that could be a good thing, bureaucratic nightmare aside.
  • whew. I finally finished Stella. The 'coming soon' episode looks like it'll be Mine & Dine-ish.
  • grr. BR-12 now has three 112-114k scores on it. You need a miracle just to get 102-104k on that level.
  • Hmm @kelani i don't remember what is my score? To lazy to pull up board..getting ready to go to daughters .
  • @Kathy mine's 99k. Everyone else's score is under 102k, except one guy who claimed a 104k, but I don't buy that one either. One of the 114k has been there for weeks. I've already discussed it with the poster.
  • Is it legit @kelani ? Not a Pu ?
  • None of them are legit. The 112-114k have to be DCB or PU. 100% No question about it. The 104k may be possible with a miracle shot, except nobody else has ever gotten it. He has a lot of dubious scores anyway.
  • ABN should set a lower score cap on these levels where the max is pretty obvious. If preventing 99% of the bad scores means one rare person with a legit score has to ask for the cap to be raised, it's still worth it.
  • Hmm. There's a guy who has really suspiciously high scores all through Rio. However, when you compare his episode scores on ABN with his gamecenter scores, none of them match, and *every* ABN score is actually much lower. Anyone know why that'd be? Makes him seem even more suspicious.
  • @Jlz666 - enjoy Venice it's fab! Hope Oscar continues to improve while you're away.
    This video is just amazing
  • Sorry everyone else, but just read JLZ post

    My heart bleeds for you over Oscar. When our beloved Max was so ill, very old, and had no quality of life left we took a very hard decision. The vet, a young Australian (goodness knows how she ended up in Penarth) was so sympathetic. Hoping that that very hard decision is a long way away, but a good vet, good advice, is worth paying for.

    Just finished watching "The Last Night of the Proms" This, along with the Royals, the history, Shakespeare, et al, is what makes Great Britain great. So many people here deride anything like that. Without it we are just a small island. JLZ I don't your politics but I hope Scotland stays with us.

    Seriously expensive just have a drink. Pop into a back street for a good and much cheaper meal

    Hope everything turns out for the best. I don't do hugs normally, but just this once ((((((hug))))))
  • Sorry for the long ass message but trust me, if we were actually sitting across the table from each other in the pub I would have blurted that out in under 2 mins & you wouldn't have understood a word of it! I write as I ramble ;)
    I didn't intend to voice my vote but to be honest I think it's pretty obvious I'm for staying in the UK. I can't describe how passionate I am about my country and that's why as as much as I understand how devoted the other side are about us being independent I can't and won't take that risk. Yes @kelani we have the oil and whiskey but..........I have a small business that is finally seeing a rise in profits. I'm seeing the fog of recession clearing after nearly 6 years of a low. I just don't want an uncertain,risk taking change.
    I'll go no further on this subject as it's politics and I hate what it does to friends. In saying that,I don't think my pain is effecting many peeps as it's not a US concern ;)
    Got your pm @kathy....bless your heart!!!!!!
    @kelani I will share but it's not going to be tonight unfortunately. I do mean that as I'm fired up and need to vent!
    @mvnla Same goes to you. I'd love to know restaurants if possible? Museums,art galleries etc aren't my thing but historical buildings,churches etc are. Thank you ;)
    @mumsie & especially @hunnybunny (only because you can end up in this position) I've never felt this way about my's hard to love your country so much that you are forced to vote against it :(
  • @JLZ no problem. You just answered my questions. But if you need to vent later, go for it. :)

    Some US people may have a much less-serious situation in the future. The movements to split Texas and California into multiple states seem to grow a little stronger every year.
  • Speechless JLZ you said everything about our country, and you know what I mean, there
  • @JLZ666 I am sorry to hear about your kitty Oscar. I hope he is on the mend soon!

    I haven't been watching much news lately, but the bit about Scotland managed to find it's way into my consciousness. I was shocked to hear of it, for a moment I was happy for Scotland, but almost at once was sad. A very difficult situation indeed. Here's hoping it all works out for the best.
  • @Kelani Count Washington state in with those who would like to "subdivide". Many on both sides of the Cascades would like to draw a line along the crest of the mountain range, but we all know it isn't going to happen. As much as those living on the east side would like to be rid of us "coasters", they need us too much. I won't mention the differing politics ;)
  • Goodnight
    Hoping Venice is amazing, Oscar is well, everyone else has a fabulous day
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