The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2371
  • Oopsy ya @kelani 714 is inn my email. .lol forgot that one!
  • Hey wait I didn't give my email here?
  • Sorry was falling asleep .
  • What? The Princess falling asleep so soon? Who wore you out so quickly @kathy, it was those boys again I'll bet! lol
  • Lol @Sweetp nooo just the day. . And the news just a weary day. .not flinging well started dozing. . Don't wanna get caught DWF again haha
  • @Sweetp don't forget GB ? Pm..
  • arg, new bug in stella. You can swap the first bird endlessly, and clear the level without ever touching your original lineup. On one level, normal people get 200k scores, people who use this bug are getting over 300k.

    edit: this is awful. I predict mobs, riots and looting on that leaderboard very soon.
  • Aww @kelani that stinks..I still haven't installed gotta do backup first.
  • Night Pa ...
  • @Kelani I played about 33 levels of Stella when I just lost interest. The scoring issues and the smoke screens are bad, but I can't even get interested in the birds themselves. I am back picking away at Seasons.
  • @BPC That's probably the smart move. I'm going to finish it since I'm close, but probably won't re-play it. I also wonder why I'm bothering to enter non-swap scores. The futility of competing against swaps aside, this bug is so bad, after it's fixed, the only solution will be a leaderboard reset.
  • Ah 9/11. Seems like people hardly even notice it anymore. Probably like a lot of folks, I don't even want to think about it. But, there it is on the calendar every year. A day to avoid the news.

    I was home alone that morning. I had no family nearby, friends and neighbors were at work. After watching the live news for six hours, I had to get out of the house. Of all things, I went grocery shopping. What an odd thing to do with so much shock and uncertainty in the air. The store seemed so normal, one could almost pretend it was a day like any other day. I only needed a few things, but I managed to make that shopping trip last over an hour. I remember the look in the your cashier's eyes while checking out. Big, round watery eyes. She didn't say a thing while ringing up my few purchases, but when handing over my bags, she managed a weak "Have a nice day".

  • @mvnla2 a new user just posted an awesome self-destructor in Stella Wall of Pigs 3. I confirmed it. 80-100k possible without ever flinging a bird. I told them to submit it, but you have a mention from me on the walkthrough.
  • We suck sometimes. During the post 9/11 flag craze, there were a few towns that actually passed ordinances banning them, because police and emergency services claimed they couldn't find the right house when responding to calls. There were also bookmakers in Vegas taking bets on how long the flag thing would last. (6 months, on average)
  • And all these years I thought Captain Hook was a pirate and captain of a boat (ship) - not an air ship! And our very own @kelani went for a ride in the bad as_ ship with Captain Hook! "fairy tales can come true, they can happen to you ......."
  • Two reasons to be happy tonight.
    First, it's now Sept 12th and yesterday was peaceful!
    And second, a little birdie told me it was @mvnla2's Birthday!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MVNLA2!!!!!! (Belated by 5 mins)
  • @kathy @kelani I, too worked for a defense contractor back then. I was on one of "those" projects that never existed. It was horrifying to watch this while getting ready for work that morning. We weren't under heavy guard, being here on the west coast, but they did increase the security around our buildings and changed ALL of the cypher locks in my building (which, BTW took me 6 months to memorize!) All of us were under constant watch, and our houses bugged ! Sheesh, talk about Big Brother !

    well, another looong day makes for one tired flinger, so I'll say goodnight! Take care everyone!
  • Oh, hey there @bird-addict! Haven't seen you here in a long time!
    OB, please get @bird-addict anything she wants and put it on my tab, please.

    @BPC I was so stunned, I didn't know what to do, whether to head out the door to drive to work or call in and tell my boss I was not going in. After being glued to the tv for what seemed like hours, I stumbled out the door. It gets a bit easier every year, but I still shed a few tears, even today.

    Ok, now I'm really going to bed.
  • @kathy, thanks for asking, and I didn't forget about you. I will take a look tomorrow at GB. Couldn't get to it today, I was soo busy.

    I'll post tomorrow about the huge scare we had today, with our Bella!

    Third time's the charm...Nighty night!
  • Pig Days #10
    What a fun level
    Soooo many piggies to kill!
  • @birdaddict -- Thanks. Just so you know it was 9/10. I am forever thankful it wasn't 9/11.
  • @birdaddict One thing he did NOT like being called was Capt. Hook :) When he told me that, I told him to be glad it wasn't Hooker. :) Crazy man aside, that was one sweet plane. I just wish he'd been a better pilot. I'd have loved to see what it could do. But, no. He flew like we would drive a multimillion dollar car during rush hour.

    @SweetP Big brother indeed! I don't think they trust you :) I'm not sure if we had any of that bugging, but if we did, they were very good about it. My apt was less than a mile from the office, and I was the main guy in that group of coworkers, so if anyone's apt. got visited, it'd have been mine, and I would've found it. Part of my music gear setup was an array of detectors used to diagnose audio problems, so anything broadcasting between 3Hz-3gHz, I would've noticed.
  • @all -- How stupid can I be? Apparently appallingly so! Gaah! I was successfully pfished this morning, but did manage to escape with only my e-mail password compromised, and it has since been changed. I've always thought I was pretty smart, and pretty internet security savvy, having been drilled on internet security weekly for years by a very paranoid (but justifiably so) IT department. In the chance that it might remind people to keep their guard up at all times, here are the details:
    I was watching the news (my excuse) this morning while catching up on e-mail. I got an e-mail "from" earthlink (my e-mail provider), saying that there had been suspicious activity on my account and please click this link to find out how to improve the security of my e-mail. Did I get suspicious? No. I clicked. It opened a web page with all the appropriate earthlink logos (no surprise), and asked my to sign in to my earthlink account (account name, which they already had, and password). To compound my stupidity, I did. The next page did start the air-raid sirens. It wanted my credit card number and other personal info, like SSN!
    Turns out, of course, that had I checked who the first e-mail really came from, like I should have, I would have known that it wasn't sent by earthlink. Ten lashes with a wet fish!
    Went immediately to earthlink and changed my e-mail password. Also sent the offending e-mail to their fraud dept.
    Thing I don't understand is they apparently already knew about this, but hadn't sent a warning or blocked the offending e-mail. Grrr!
  • @mvnla2 Ah, good 'ol Earthlink. I didn't know they were still around. In my old ISP days, I was in daily contact with their fraud dept. They were good people, but just didn't have the tools to do anything.

    FWIW, being phished aside, you handled that perfectly. You might want to consider forwarding important email to a gmail account. Their phishing/spam detection is very good. You'd never have seen that email, and if you had, there'd be a big warning on it.
  • @kelani -- I do sometimes get earthlink e-mail saying that a message has been quarantined and that I should open it, but giving me the option to open it, if I'm that stupid.
    I don't really trust gmail, since it's run by google, who as far as I can see, want to share everything they know about you.
  • @mvnla2 that's true. I don't trust gmail either. I use it because everything they could learn about me has already been out there for 30 years, :) I guess Earthlink probably has a similar system, just not as robust.

    No idea why you didn't get the notification on wall of pigs. Anyway, that level is a great way to kick off the Stella section. There's some weird physics in that game, so you may be getting more reports in the next few weeks. If I see any reports, I'll try to get people to post them, so you don't have to bother with it. You need to be preparing for your recital anyway :)
  • @kelani -- The master class is tomorrow morning. So I plan to veg out Sat afternoon.
    Let me know when you want me to look at the FAQ. Also have an action to do something with the Newbies Message.
  • @mvnla2 OK. I should have it done by the middle of next week. The only version you'll be able to see is the Google draft, and it'll look weird because the html code will show. I have to add/edit all of the code on Google, then move it to ABN to test all the links. Once I move it, it won't be visible to anyone except admins.

    What do you mean by an action for the newbies message?
  • @kelani count me in for the FAQ read / review. Content is surely better than appearance for the first draft, so why the HTML? And once it's here, why only admins? The original could still be there, and you just give the BP crowd a link for some feedback. HWDNF would be a good reader / critic. Like "I know nothing / tell me something / "what the Heck are you talking about?"
    You techies drive me nuts sometimes........
  • Ah @kel I could really annoy you, but promise I won't if you send me link....
    Off to look at glossary
  • @bun I'm sure you could. And you can have it in a 2-3 days :)
  • @kelani can't even find glossary
    Are you having me on?
  • That thing needs to be greatly reduced and updated. A lot of those terms I've never seen used anywhere.
  • Zzzzz
    Sorry, woke myself up there, with the "grunt"
    Where was I?
    ABN glossary
  • I'm yawny as well. Need to change my contacts so I can actually see again. Just don't feel like doing that for the next few hours.

    edit: @buni I may just remove the link, rather than mess with that thing.
  • @kelani -- The glossary used to be in the about pull-down menu, but it seems to have been dropped. A lot of things have disappeared from that menu recently, some by accident.
  • Oh, wow! I guess I'd forgotten I was one of the main players. Somehow I thought @Angryboy made the first glossary.
    I agree that it needs to be updated. However, I looked at the list, and a lot of the terms you relative "newbies" (no insult intended) may have never seen, probably do appear in some of the older walkthroughs/ older pages of the BP, and older forums, which I'm not sure anyone looks at any more (the other old forums, that is).
  • @kelani missed my irony there
  • @mvnla2 yeah, If they are, they're in Seasons, old ABo levels, or the old forum. I've read almost every other walkthrough. A glossary like that would be tough to maintain, with the constant barrage of new stuff.
  • @hunnybunny I did, I'm squinting/blinking too much to read, so I'm skimming. I'll be back later, gotta get these stupid contax out.
  • @kelani stop blinking
    @mvnla hope Birdday was good
    Goodnight both xx
  • ow. I've been trying to wipe left contact out of my eye, then noticed it'd already fallen out. Left eye is very unhappy from being polished w/my fingertip for 20 min, so I get eyedrops from medicine cabinet, Oh yay, they expired 10-2002. Can't see to drive to store to get more drops. I do believe I'm screwed.

    bbl. gonna go check doggy eye drops and hope they're the same formula.
  • @Kathy if the original poster doesn't check alternate strategy, it won't turn blue even if other people who reply to the post check it.
  • Ooohh thanks @ kelani!! Too bad cuz i got a really good score that way:(#13
  • Arghhhg noooo @kekani I hate it when that happens! ! Nothing worse than trying to see out id only one eye. .my vision is really bad I have -9.50 in both eyes and a stigmatism in my left eye I'd be blind without my contact lenses.. actually i need new one my 30 days was up about 3-4 months ago lol..
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