The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2308
  • Uhhm @kelani you talkin about @tiffin reply? I actually thought tiffin was/is an honest player ? Strange..
  • Heee heee The Princess strikes again!!! OB drinks on the Princess Again
    I'll have the same as before.m
  • Wow Mrs Bunny. You not only took the lead in TT with level 20, you found more points somewhere else as well. They get harder to find the higher you get. So kudos to ya.
    Should read: My victory over you will be all the sweeter.
  • OB, please have Blues on alert to fly @Mumsie safe to her bed if she happens to nod off after enjoying her Camus cognac.
  • @Kathy No I'm not. Earlier I said 3 scores were removed from the challenge. Now the owner of one is...annoyed by that. If I'm being vague it's because I don't want to get yelled at again for talking about another player.

    As for #15 I say the players are suspicious, but their scores aren't. I got 222k and had plenty of debris left. Of course if you wanna start a crusade, I say got for it, and not just 'cause that'd give me the high score, either :D

    btw, Mrs. Star is supposed to be on vacation.

    edit: Yeah, I'm talking about that reply. I have no opinion on his honesty, but 11k above everyone else... I just don't buy it.
  • Where's the bunny? I've got a present for you.
  • @Kelani, FWIW, I agree with everything @Tiffin posted in his daily challenge post.
  • Whoo Hoo!!! Another double Bunny Whammy. Stole her top score in level 20 and the TT lead at the same time. Rabbit stew for supper tonight. It's your own fault @HunnyBunny. You called me out. ROTFLMAO
  • Yes E* is on vacation. .I'm not trying to start a crusade @Kelanin I'm justsaying the top score on #15 is highly unlikely from a player who only has 5 score entered total in scattered episodes.. I'm not saying it isn't possible that score.. but highly unlikely anyone who wants to take the time to add up All the possible pointa and enter that ad a score well then let then ave it I guess. .
  • Just had to share this one...sooo funny, you won't stop laughing!
  • What's funny about that @SweetP?

    Edit: Much funnier after the edit @SweetP. Precious.
  • @Kathy @Kelanin is a new one. Yay, now I'm a pigment! :) I agree about #1 on #15.

    @fenikus as do I. A bit of an overreaction, though.
  • Lol @kelani iswear I have No idea why my phone has such a problem with kelani..I didn't see that one.. You should see the ones iDo catch..!!
    Uhmm sorry @Sweetp I agree with Pa I was waiting for the'funny' part hmm
  • I agree with @tiffin also. .idont think it was overreaction just Honest indignation.. I'd feel the same.I think.. maybe ill re -read
    @Sweetp did you see my comments about #15 high score? Actually the top 5 but#1 for now. .
  • I sure hope @HunnyBunny checks her messages before she goes to bed. I'd hate for her to go another day thinking I didn't hear her trash talk. Message received Mrs. Bunny.
  • Lol @Pa I'm sure she will..
  • @Kelani, @Kathy, maybe it was an overreaction on @Tiffin's part (I think it may have been Slim's indelicate tone insisting on data files that ticked him off). But I've been bothered by the increasing BP talk as of late re: "suspicious" scores and flingers. I think there's a much classier way to discuss these things and still keep leaderboards clean. Anyway, I was in that frame of mind when I read his post…and who knows, maybe he's been lurking in BP.
  • @Kathy I dunno. There were three scores 11-13k ahead of everyone. If they'd left Tiffin's #3 score and removed the first two, that'd be unfair to those two people. If they'd left all three up for the entire challenge, it'd have made the challenge pointless, and people would be complaining about that, too. So, they picked the option that upsets the least amount of people.

    I say overreaction because if he proves to the admins' satisfaction the score is legit, it'll go back up. IMO Anyone who posts a high score (esp. ridiculously high) should expect that it'll be questioned, and be prepared to prove it.
  • @fenikus well said, unfortunately humans are hard-wired to get mad about unfairness. I'd love to hear about your classier way of handling it. All I know is, I ain't a classy guy. :D
  • Well, I think there is no harm in questioning scores and consulting each other re: whether we think them possible. But I would simply limit the conversation to just that.
  • Speaking as someone who has had numerous 10k leads over the masses. It's not that you're asked to prove the score. It's how you're asked that makes the difference. One makes you proud to show your work. The other challenges your integrity and irritates you. Please treat everyone how you would like to be treated. It's been a little vicious of late. Just sayin.
  • For example, if Romo ever finds his way to BP, I sure hope he doesn't read back what was said about him before he was collectively deemed as legit player. Just sayin'.
  • @fenikus I'd hope to think i didn't say antything bad about anyone:( I did in addition to mentioning here ask Dkey for and explanation. .I just mentioned it to see what you guys thought? Idk what you mean by 'classier'
  • @Kathy, I wasn't referring to anyone or anything in particular. It's just that my perception of the general tone when discussing high scores as of late has been that if you're not part of the "BP crew" and you have high scores, you are automatically "suspicious". Again, it's just my perception.
  • I went back and read what I said about @Romo on the 8th of August. I wasn't mean at all. And I very quickly called him a legit flinger. What I posted would not have offended me and I hope it didn't offend him. I friended him that same day and trash talked with him in PM's, but not in the BP.
    But I agree @fenikus. We need to be a little more compassionate.
  • @Kathy If you did say anything bad, here's where you need to go:
  • That's oddly specific @Kelani. But funny!!

    Are you a charter member of the Bad Kathy's association @Ma?
  • I remember seeing some incredulity when Romo showed up, but nothing malicious. As far as the Us vs. Them mentality, I haven't seen that at all. It's usually more Us vs. Us :D There's just been a lot of flag-worthy scores posted lately.
  • @Rat Something tells me she's been there before. :)

    edit: Also specific:
  • When I was coming home from grandmother's house, I saw a new store had opened. It was a converted house and had a cute roadside sign that said @Kathy's Place I wanted to stop and get a pic of it, but too much traffic.
  • Oh, I get it @Kelani. You're making these pictures. I thought you had found these on the web. Ha ha ha ha ha
  • BBFNIMCBLIDK unless I get dinged by @HunnyBunny.
  • Uhmm @fenikus I don't think that is true that if your not a part of Bp crew your high score is 'automatically suspicious' I think its just a matter of we are all flinging the same levels so its natural to discuss it amongst us..before we became 'a crew' we would still independently question these suspicious scores?
    And Noooo I've never been in detention. .Who Me..haha nope not me never never never. .don't even know what detention means nooppe not agood girl. .hee hee
  • Bye @Pa
    I'm going flingin'
  • @Rat lol scared you, didn't I? Nobody's that good. :D

    Have fun @BadKathy
  • Hee hee @kelani ill try
  • Oh my that Marmoset on #15 does some pretty neat tricks. . Wish i knew how to record...he just skimmed across alll the inner tubes before picking one too bounce on endlessly! Really literally skimmed quickly across them all and back!
  • Ok, never mind then @Kathy and @rat9. I thought it was funny.
  • I also think @fenikus a legitimate flinger would respect the questioning of a 'ridiculously high score'and if able be understanding and willing to come forth with any help they could give to
    #1 prove the score
    #2 help with tips so others could improve

    A person who has used pu's or cheated in some way IMO would be defensive and unwilling to try to provide proof
    In Tiffin case I think he stated his case and was just insulted at the way the proof was asked for
    I will say again as i have before..I have nevet once seen manu be questioned or challenged on any scores. He is just accepted as the mighty flinger that he is..but I imagine if he was questioned he wouldv also be forthcoming with explanation but a little miffed at the questioning of his reputation.. does that make any sense?
  • Sorry @Sweetp lol to each their own sense of humor:)
  • Then again Slim may have his reasons unbeknownst to us ? Possibility:)
  • @SweetP I thought it was hilarious once you had the link correct.
  • @SweetP I thought it was funny. I was tempted to send the uploader a link to "better cameras" on ebay, though :)
  • Did i miss the funny link @pa ?
  • Yes @Ma. She posted after we looked at it.
    I don't get the license plate @Kelani. Decipher please.
  • Ahh, Bends...BMW
  • Nope I still dont get it ? Ahh well
  • @Rat it was that one or LOL BMW. Given her flinging prowess lately, bends seemed more appropriate.

    I found @fenikus car too:
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