The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2310
  • @Kelani, so you used to drive a girly car and you call motorcycles cute. Hmmmm…no wonder they call you "Princess".
  • @fenikus Are you sayin I need to shoot bird five at the boxes because I'll get more than 10k?
  • Ooooooh @ABcrazy, is the second one a Ducati?
  • @Rat, the 5th bird *may* bring more than 10K. boxes are worth that much and stuff on the floor another 1-2K. But big red doesn't always land on that "stuff".
  • Close @fenikus it's an Aprilia. Also Italian, at least as 'exotic', and waaaaayyyyy fun on the curvy roads.
  • Night everyone got a couple more points .. not much to speak of.. but nice till sleep on being #5 overall in HH.. sweet dreams all
  • Night Ma
    WTG on 15.
  • Since I won't be here when @HunnyBunny wakes up, I gave some leftover rabbit stew to OB for her. It sure was tasty.
  • @rat My 911 is an 06 and is incredibly smooth. It's amaaaazing. My MR2 is a 91 and is relatively crude in comparison. Japanese vs German engineering regardless, I think auto tech has progressed tremendously over the past 20 years. At least within the 2 seat sport market that I love. :-D
  • @sweetp Nice looking ride. I hope we can share the joy of a nice curvy road sometime. I'd be happy to show you my fave roads in Texas and roll with you on yours in CA. There are also plenty of fun ones in between! Cheers!
  • Uuuuuuuggghhhhmmm. Sorry. I didn't mean to chase everyone off. Errr..... Looks at floor. Have fun flinging.
  • OB Pigkiller please, and anything anyone else wants if/when they show up..
  • Hey we've just had extended mid-life crises between him & me ok? Yeah that's it.....
  • @ABCrazy I don't remember what the year of the 911 was I rode in in 1994, but I do remember being very disappointed. It was fast, but very rough. It also could have been the condition of the desert hill roads. Very poorly kept up. The wife's 430SC, on the other hand, gets smoother the faster it goes. And it hugs the curves. She drove the "Tail of the Dragon" the last time we were in TN. You two would have fun.
  • @Rat9, that Tail of the Dragon is one helluva ride! A couple we know took a ride there and said it was pretty scary, kinda suicidal thrilling! (that was the way she described it)
  • @rat I've done the 'tail of the dragon' on my bike a while back. Interesting side story for another time. I'm sorry your 911 ride was disappointing, but I believe it for the time frame. You want a ride in a race car or a luxury car? You probably got a ride in more of a race car where the driver is just the controller of the machine. I think the race car cum luxury car has truly evolved since the 90s. Your wife's 430SC is the epitome of the idea.
    I just prefer the sport side of the spectrum while enjoying the luxury benefits that have come along.
  • @sweetp Kerrville & Luckenbach is close to our vacation property where we ride. We bought there because we love to ride out there. Absolutely great riding out there. I can't begin to describe the grin on my face while riding last week.
    Been riding in CA too. Want to do more!
  • @ABcrazy, I forgot to mention I love the name of your dirt bike, "Mosquito Killer," also that Aprilio is sweet!
  • @ABcrazy, hopefully hubby will take me to Kerrville/Luckenbach someday. If you like winding, curving roads, you have to try the Nacimiento-Fergusson road that stretches from the US 1 (I call it Pacific Coast Hwy) in Big Sur all the way to US 101. It's considered to be one of the best motorcycle riding roads in central CA because of the ocean views, and traveling through the Los Padres National Forest. That's the route we're taking on the way to Ely.
  • Well, goodnight everyone, too sleepy to stay awake longer.

    See you all later!
  • Mumsie pops in quickly very contrite as she realised she never said thank you to @fenikus for the lovely cognac and a special thank you for getting the blues to whisk me home to bed! Off to golf!
  • Hi @mvnla2 Is this correct place which you said? I just return home after having great holiday with my family. And could you let me know how I can get the notification if someone left message here? Maybe click "Star" symbol then make it Yellow next to "General" charaters or something else?
  • Hi Romo. You caught me having some coffee and a cigarette. Most people don't know you by @BeautifulVVorld. We've only mentioned you as Romo. Welcome to the Bloated Pig. Ask OB (Orange Bird), our bartender, for anything. It's on my tab today.
  • @Kelani -- So what is the IOS cursed level?
    Not to mention why are there 4 new pages overnight? Have 3 more to go.
  • Good afternoon to you all. You all wrote down four (4!) pages of comments since I left. That is what I call production. I'll have a quick scan.
  • @romo Welcome to the BP! You'll meet a bunch of crazy people here, most of them harmless ( I think). . . . Anything and everything are the main subjects of conversation. Enjoy!
  • @rat I just read your comment about that smelling of the dogs. Something with horse piss. They really need a bath after they rolled themselves in horse piss. Better? Colorfull, thank you pal
  • @SweetP Loved your dining doggy video, roflmao!!
  • @bernersenn Sunny? Picturesque? I live in hopes. . :)
  • Where do your dogs find horses in your back yard @bernersenn? lol
  • @ABCrazy -- No wonder that your students wonder why you're teaching! I just sent @SweetP a route full of nice twisty roads in CA between LA and Monterey, if you're interested.
    @Rat -- I forget what Mrs. Rat drives? Likely no match for ABCrazy. OK I see it's a Lexus xxx. ABCrazy will have no problem.
    Took a look at the Tail of the Dragon. If they allow semi's on it it would be no fun. Now on the Nacimiento-Fergusson Road (not highway), once you get a few miles from the coast, you will see almost no one, and they certainly don't allow trucks!
  • @bernersenn OB still has some leftover rabbit stew from last night if you're hungry.
  • @rat large dogs (I think they are) need large walks. And let me say this: they detect this crap long before I realize. Then it is a rapid movement and bingo
  • @rat although I didn't had dinner I don't wanna eat our big friend
  • You might want to take another look at "Tail of the Dragon" @Mvnla2. I don't think you're giving it the respect it deserves. ha ha
  • Did you hear that @HunnyBunny? @bernersenn called you BIG.
  • @rat when do you plan to play HH? Nowadays I count #1 on my positions, argh. Actually I'm #4, so virtual on #5. And no, I do not explain this further.
  • @Romo -- Welcome to the BP! Yes, this is it, and on your first visit, food and drinks are on the house. You definitely don't want to click the star on this forum; your inbox will never recover. Follow @Kelani's linked page of instructions.
    @Rat -- HWDNF had a 96 911, and it got smoother the faster you went.
    For those that are interested, I can also supply a list of roads good for going >100 mph without much fear of getting a ticket or getting in a crash. The wide-open, largely uninhabited spaces of the western US are good for this.
  • @Rat -- Any road where most of the pics show a long line of cars negotiating the curves would not be fun IMHO. On a road with nearly no one else on it you can go the speed that suits you.
  • There are a lot of well maintained straight uninhabited roads in Antelope Valley just north-east of LA @Mvnla2.
    BTW, I didn't say Mrs. Rat would beat @ABCrazy. Just that they would enjoy driving together. Although her 430SC is very responsive for a large four(?) passenger car. ha ha
  • I think you're looking at rallies @Mvnla2. Most of the time it's a very lonely drive. Although they did lower the speed limit quite a bit in the last ten years.
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