The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2311
  • @bernersenn, I always wondered why dogs like to roll themselves in nasty stuff. Never researched this but logical conclusion would be that their wolf hunting instinct kicks in and they want to disguise themselves before hunting their prey.

    I think I trained my dogs not to do this anymore, but I remember when I first got my older dog, he got himself into something of unimaginable "aroma". I have a video of me bathing him outside, for like an hour. I would smell him while doing it and you could hear me exclaim: "It still smells!". It took 3 baths altogether plus some special wipes to get rid of the stench. If I posted that video on youtube I could title it "Complete and thorough dictionary of Serbian swear words" ;-)
  • @Rat -- Yeah, the 911 was a "4" passenger car if two of them were under 10 years old. Unfortunately, I had the "privilege" of riding in the rear seat twice, and not when I was young. Hmm -- Maybe that's the origin of my back problems....
    (Actually, I know it's not the origin.)
  • @Rat -- Speed limit? What's that? It implies that there might be cops patrolling the road??? Spoils the fun.
  • @mvnla2 has CA reduced its middle-of-nowhere speed limit in the past 15 years? When I was driving around there in 1997, I think NM was 80, AZ was 85, and CA was 75 from Needles to Barstow. Now the websites all say 70 mph everywhere.

    Sometime I'll have to tell you guys the story of how my Southern politeness actually got CHP to not write us a ticket for going 105MPH out of Bakersfield.

    edit: the iOS/Android cursed level is Mine & Dine 17-14 Apparently only PC can make the 1-birder shot.
  • @Mvnla2 You'd need to have someone of @Kelani's diminutive stature driving a 430SC to fit a bag of groceries on the back seat. I think it's called a four seater just to lower the insurance rates.
  • @rat @mvnla2 My 911 has 'back seats' too, but the passenger can't have legs. The MR2 doesn't even pretend to have a back seat. Both have surprisingly roomy trunks though.

    I would love to do a GT in Ca, but that will have to wait for some future time. I have at least had the pleasure of riding a motorcycle out around LA and Oakland.
  • FWIW, my 'diminutive stature' can barely fit in the back of either of those cars.
  • Thanks @sweetp its a 2-stroke so it does put out some smoke. We just got the tank painted. I couldn't resist having some fun with it. It's a fun little bike to play on.
  • @mvnla2 and I thought that patrolling was a bad european habbit. Over here you must be very careful when driving a car.
    @fenikus I think that we do not even know half of what we should know about dogs. There is ie that the dogs prefer to drink on another place as where their feed bowl is. Try it yourself, plave a container with water outside and they prefer it above their waterbowl inside. Weird.
  • @Kelani -- Not sure what the max speed in CA is for the middle of nowhere with a speed sign posted. Know it's at least 70, but I did think 75 was sometimes allowed. The max speed for no sign is 55.
    @bernersenn -- Ever heard of CHP (the CA Highway Patrol)? There used to be a TV show about them, and their sole purpose in life is to catch speeders on interstate and state highways. (OK, they will help motorists in need, people who had accidents, etc.) They sometimes use planes in conjunction with cars. If you are driving I-5 (the main N/S freeway in CA) you are asking for a ticket if you go much above the speed limit, certainly no more than 10 mph. Never be the fastest car around and keep a sharp eye out for the CHP. They can be on motorcycles or in cars (not to mention planes), and have recently started using SUVs!
    @Kelani -- My first car was a 3-cylinder Saab -- the kind where you put special oil in the gas tank. It was basically a glorified lawn mower. You should have seen the expression on gas-station attendants faces in the West when we insisted on putting oil in the gas tank. Are gas-station attendants totally extinct now?
  • @Kelani -- Would love to hear the story about your southern politeness and no ticket for 105 mph. In return I'll tell you about not getting a ticket for speeding on I-5. Lots of fun!
  • @mvnla2 @kelani we even get tickets when driving 3 km too fast. And be lucky when you can see these people, we don't. They even have a new toy 'the traject control'. They measure the time that you use on a defined part of the road. That can be also a tunnel (as in the swiss).
  • @mvnla2 @bernersenn Lovely holiday pictures, both!
    Nighty-night @all xoxo
  • We still have no reply from wonderland on level #1 HH
    Sorry I've been out all day..hi everyone Hi @romo Welcome !!
  • @bernersenn, didn't know about dogs and water drinking thing. I thought it was an oddity of my older dog who likes to drink water from anywhere it's accumulated on the deck after rain. I thought he preferred rain water. The female dog couldn't care less -- she always drinks from the bowl. Shrugs, it is weird indeed.
  • @bernersenn, do you have skunks in Holland? Little critters that lift their tail and spray perceived threats with a foul smelling fluid from their gland. Even though they'll chase groundhogs from the yard, my dogs know to stay away from skunks. They chase it, but know to stay away the exact distance so they don't get "skunked". How do they know, I never trained them?
  • Arghh @fenikus my friend had a white husky , once we were at the beach late at night and all of a sudden she came crying and wimpering AnD Stinking To High Heaven!! It was awful! ! We had to drive home with her inn the car about a 20 minute ride..the looongest 20 minutes of my life lol!! Poor thing she couldn't understand why we didn't comfort her:(
  • @fenikus we do not have skunks over here. My only sorrow are vipers, as they live pretty much in Switzerland. You can hardly see them but dogs do. And they wanted to inspect everything. Although it is not fatal every time you are facing a bad time if it happens. We didn't have the experience - and hope we never will.
  • @kathy that is bad, that is really bad. The dog you can wash, shower, etc. The inside of your car you cannot. Argh
  • Vipers as in Snakes @bernersenn ?
  • Yep @bernersenn lucky for me it wasn't my was the dog owners :)
  • They bathed the dog in tomato juice, not good for a white dog! Took forever to get the 'pinkish tint' out of her coat:/
  • @Kathy, that sounds…baaaaaaaddd. @bernersenn, skunk smell is so pungent, it makes you gag and want to throw up. I cannot imagine driving for 5, let alone 20 minutes with that stench. @Kathy, how long did they take owners to "de-skunk" the husky?

    My older dog used to live outside the house with previous owners before I rescued him. I am guessing that he had encounters with skunks then because when I got him, he knew right away what to do when encountering one. And my younger female dog imitates everything he does so I haven't had the "pleasure" to deal with skunked dogs. Knock on wood.
  • Interesting fact: skunks apparently make good pets if you remove the "stinky" gland.
  • Ohh @fenikus yep it was Awful.. it took a few baths after a few days out in fresh air the stink started to diminish probably a good 2 weeks before completely gone
  • @kathy yes, snakes. Little snakes, about 16". In the Dutch they only only a few locations.
  • Really that is interesting @fenikus Pepe Lepew haha
  • OB looks like I'm going to need one of those Double Flying Marmosets with a ginger ale on the side to keep it down. .yeppers there flying away with my 5k
  • @bernersenn, so interesting that you mention Switzerland has snakes. The other day I was looking at your vacation photos and thought to my self: "this looks like heaven on earth, and there are probably no snakes there either." I have a snake phobia, I start feeling weird even when I see them on TV. Are these little vipers poisonous?
  • @fenikus think of this: the only place in the world without snakes is Hawaii. And yes, they are poisonous. Not as deadly as the rattlers, however they are related. The issue is that when you not detect in time that your dog has been bitten and brought to the vet, it will be fatal. This happens to many dogs each year. Especially in the southern of the Swiss - Ticino. Each year we can read in the papers about such an incident. Even people get bitten. They only exist in low wood - so when traveling on stone area or meadow there is no danger. The Swiss is a lovely country, as I love the mountains, the glaciers.
  • @bernersenn, didn't know there are no snakes in Hawaii…I am moving there! The other day I was mowing my lawn, sitting 3 feet above ground on my lawn tractor. Saw one baby snake run away to the woods. Little garden snake, not even poisonous. I was sufficiently freaked out that I had to stop and go back into the house. It's weird, I'm not afraid of any other animal or insect.
  • @Kelani, you have to spoil everything, don't you? I was already packing my bags...
  • @bernersenn - Ireland doesn't have any snakes either! Apparently Saint Patrick got rid of them all!
    @all not only can you Get a ticket for doing 33mph in a 30 mph limit but we now have 'smart' motorways which have cameras in the overhead gantrys which can detect speeding and you will get a letter informing you of the penalty!!
    @romo - welcome to BP! Not sure whether anyone has told you that there is lots of information on page 1 !
    Had a lovely game of golf now chilling out with a lovely cup of tea!
  • @fenikus your not alone in your seemingly unrationable fear off snakes (I am not afraid of them
    I know my brother would run from the room if he saw a snake on the t.v (screen) screaming. .I couldn't tease him much because of my own unrationable fear of anything that is creepy crawly and also bees, wasps, hornets etc.
  • At least with a snake you know its there. .
  • @fenikus don't worry, it's one extremely rare and harmless species. :) One bikini walking by and you'd forget all about it. I hope.

    I wanna move where there are no wasps/yellowjackets/hornets, but that'll put me so far north, @bernersenn and the Dutchies will be the southerners :)
  • @kelani that's a wow story. I think you met a decent guy, pleased with some compliments. And lucky
    About the snakes on Hawaii: that is new to me, but you're never too old to learn, isn't it?
    @fenikus, those little snakes are here all over the place. Mostly laying dead on the road. That I think is sad, because they do not harm to anybody
  • Well I'll be back. .my lovely daughter has challenged me to 'the ice bucket challenge'
    I need to go get a bag of ice:( kids.. who needs em' lol jk bbfn
  • Oh yeah cool story @kelani :)
  • @Kathy wow, you read that fast :P Pays to be nice,

    btw, @bernersenn @Kathy - wonderland posted his screenshot on HH1 for you guys, but he has a very small amount of powerups remaining . I'm tempted to ask if he used them. He may not know they're disallowed.
  • @kelani what about the mosquitoes? My poor wife has been bitten countless times this summer - due to all these rain. Weird, mostly I am in her neighborhood and not bitten only once.
  • Oh @kelani, wonderful story, brilliantly told! lol, truly!
  • @fenikus re: skunks. A police dog trainer once told me dogs naturally avoid them because to their superpowered noses, even an "unfired" skunk still reeks, even at a distance. The closer doggy gets, the more overpowering it is. He compared it to being hit by pepper spray.

    @bernersenn Crap. you're right They have huge swarms of huge mosquitoes up north. Normally, they don't bite me, but I don't want to test that with a billion mosquito swarm :)
  • @all weird thought: somehow this PB reminds me to 'Cheers'. Sam Malone as OB, the setting, the people on the bar, crazy isn't it?
    This afternoon I heard the song "Who'll stop the rain" from CCR. I wish we know someone that has the ability to do so.
    For now it's over. Nighty nighty
  • @TomPuss Thank you. I've got lots of em. :) If anyone wondered how I remember the dialogue, Adam was secretly recording it on his laptop. He sent me a transcription, then lost the audio file. Idiot.
  • @bernersenn lol. Be careful who you call Carla or Diane! :D And if anyone calls me Cliff Clavin, they're not my friend anymore.
  • Took some reading up, Mr Rat revelling in his glory, car and motorcycle stuff, leaderboard guardians, et al, interesting
    But @kelani you really stood on a corner in Winslow, Arizona? I'm impressed...
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