The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2307
  • Thanks @hunnybunny noo haven't seen Pa I was wwondering the same earlier? Hasn't been 36 hours though breally?
  • OB I'll have my post prandial now please - perhaps a small brandy? Thank you. @kelani whatever made you think I was napping?
  • Woohoo! Princess is in the room!
  • @kelani hope I get this right. Byepad leads to PCCL?
  • Really @kelani when is ByePad time? And just try harder damn it!! I find if you stick with a level long enough you bound to get a few points.. even those not worth speaking of.. but it actually wre those that put me at #9 from #13 in just a few days:)
  • Drinks for the princess please, OB!
  • Awww man The Princess has been wanting attention lately haha..
    Hi @Mumsie :)
  • Thanks @hunnybunny. .drinks for all OB on the Princess.. I'll have a Double Flying Marmoset with ginger ale inn the side to keep them down! ! Hey it worked before dont be snickering at me..hee hee..
  • @Mumsie Whoops. I saw you say dinner and post prandial. The only other time I've seen that used here was Mrs. Bunny referring to a nap. :)

    @Hunnybunny wha?? I'd better schedule you for a Kel acronym refresher course.
  • @kelani with the exception of #3 ..
  • @Kathy The last time I improved on any of those levels was Aug 4th. I've played them daily ever since. Sometimes for hours. Exactly how much harder should I be trying? :P

    edit: whoops, except for what whopping 20 points on #3 last night.
    edit2: byepad time is mornings and 5pm-noon every other day.
  • OB a large Sauvignon Blanc for me. And throw a couple of ice cubes in. I know, I know, it's an awful thing to do to your best vintage, but I just like very cold white wine......
  • Heee heee I'm watching lemurs get high by eating millipededes haha tooo funny! !
  • Soooo @kelani is today a No- byepad day?
  • @kelani
    Byepad = no iPad
    No iPad = PC
    PC = PCCL sometimes
    Do I need the course?
  • Haha and drunk beees !!! Heehoo very relieving change from the never ending news:)
    Ahhh * kicks feet up on stool..leans back.deep breath.*
  • @kelani post prandial "whatever takes your fancy after dinner" I think a little snifter and a nap sounds fine
  • @kathy Nat Geo again?
  • Yep @hunnybunny Nat Geo I got tired of the news..
    What's Pccl ?
  • Kel's acronym PC cursed level
    I seldom, if ever, fling on a PC, so I trust his wisdom there
  • @Kathy I just got it back 10 mins ago. Heh, I've seen the drunk bees before. They're neat.

    @Hunnybunny OK, you don't need my course, but a logic one couldn't hurt. :P The statement is a bit apples/oranges. Kinda like saying Doorknobs lead to slipping on a cheese danish and falling down the stairs. :)

    Actually, the PCCL acronym became obsolete last night. A certain lurky Canadian showed me a level that screws over iOS/Android. So, I guess it's now CL = cursed level.
  • @kel I'm blonde! What's logic?
    Please do not make any comments, I'm allowed to make blonde jokes!!!
  • Ohh I see @hunnybunny
    On level #15"I think i just got Robbed of a High score! ! I got 212k Without the aWB carcass falling down the box chute!! There's a lot if points there. .hmm usually Even With her falling down there I'm only getting 207 ish!!
  • lol, someone trusting whippersnapper wisdom. That oughta perk @Rat's ears up.
  • Sok @hunnybunny i got it.I have notifications on so i get all posts here mention or not;)
  • Post prandial means after dinner and is usually (in my part of the world - but maybe different in Wales!) means a drink ! Usually brandy and yes a snifter of brandy sounds good! I don't do naps! Never been able to sleep during the day even when I'd been up most of the night on call!! HWDNF on the other hand can 'power' nap anytime!
  • Huh?@ kelani that went totally over my head..yes the drunk bees are funny the ants too..
  • Well I'm off to bed, golf tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (Wed & Thurs in Celtic Manor @hunnybunny - shall I wave as I go past?) so need my sleep!
  • Night @Mumsie sweet Dreams and great Golfing wishes!! Get a hole in one for me!!
  • @Kathy like funikus said, ignore the chute. The points are in the stones.
  • Ohhhh thanks @kelani I missed that. .
  • Just had my pre prandial.
  • zat make you @drunkikus? :)
  • Huh @kelani? Whos drunkikus @fenikus ?
  • Not yet. Per prandial will get me close but post prandial will surely finish the job :-)
  • Then, instead of a nap, I will fling. My best work is when FUI.
  • @fenikus really? So your secret is to block out all distractions, like TV, then get hammered? I never would've guessed. :P
  • @mumsie Celtic Manor is about 15 miles from here. Tempted to drop in and meet you :-))
    @all post prandial stupor has set in

    Good night

    Here, here, ratty, ratty!

    Where are you Mister @rat?
  • Hands over to OB a bottle of Camus VSOP cognac that my aunt brought me. My favorite but hard to find in US. OB, please bring this stuff out when patrons ask for a pre/post prandial drink.
  • Mumsie heard the chink as @fenikus handed over the bottle to OB and pops back in, settles in her rocker, cradling the glass between her hands and breathing the delightful aroma in takes a sip and leans back and sighs contentedly!
  • Ok you force me to ask what the heck is prandial? After dinner? After nap..before nap before dinner..before after dinner nap?
  • I could google it but I'm to lazy.
  • Wow, pretty indignant backlash in today's challenge scandal.
  • Did I hear somebody calling out the Rat? My ears have been twitching all day.
    I'm so sorry @HunnyBunny. I haven't been in the BP for a few days so I missed your excellent score on TT-20. Not only did you take the lead in TT from me but you got another top score at the same time. CongRATz!!!! See...I can be nice.
    But that was also a lot of colorful trash talk coming from such a sophisticated lady. Ha ha ha ha ha ha
    It almost sounded like a challenge. If I was hunting wabbits, I would take the lead back from you by beating your new top score on TT-20. What are the odds I could do that again? Not good...I'm not really a good Rio flinger. And don't worry @HunnyBunny, I'm not hunting wabbits.
    As @Kelani would say, the above statement should read, "Look out Mrs. Bunny, you got my dander up".
    I didn't understand your statement "Woo Hoo (read my ABN glossary @rat) TT #17". What does it mean?

    The leaderboard guardians have been busy. Three people removed from the challenge? Data file requirements? I'm with @Kathy, I don't know how to do that.

    Hi @bernersenn. Some more colorful language in the BP while I was gone. When is it time to wash your dog? When he smells like horse piss. ha ha ha Maybe even the day before he smells that bad. What did you mean by (see @rat)? Never mind. I get it. You were pointing out that you used the word "maybe" correctly. lol

    Hi @SweetP. Enjoy your test drive.

    @Kelani Did someone say there are Whippersnappers about? You got my attention.

    Get some sleep @Mumsie. It sounds like you're going to be busy.

    What's a prandial @fenikus?

  • Okay the top scorer dkey on HH #15 has only 5 scores entered in All of AB.
    2 in Rio 2 in sw I think and idk where the other is.I've asked for a strat.
    I really think those top 5 scores are bogus. .anyone care too help in the investigation?
    Attn..@Sweetp and sorry to keep bothering you with these things but you seem to be the easiest to get in touch with these days..I know E* doesn't really get involved with the boards so i didn't want to bother her with that. .
  • What @kelani? Your talkin in riddles tonight. .
  • How dare they beat you @Ma. Go get em.
  • Hi @Pa missed ya there ))
  • Ya ikr Pa..
  • Btw @HunnyBunny. I feel good enough to fling this evening so I'm looking at TT-20.
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