The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2267
  • @Kelani, "as well"? I never said TT was safe for you. Do you know what mano-a-mano means? LOL

    Edit: Okay, lemme spell it out for you: I've managed to get to #2 spot in TT and I'm on the roll…or should I say on the "tumble".
  • @fenikus Oh, I saw your TT score, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. :)

    Pick up another 8k, and we'll talk :>
  • Crap. Those big Tenn. storms made it across the mountains. Lotsa nearby cloud-to-ground lightning, so I'm unplugging for the night.

    Happy sawdust hunting @funikus Wanna borrow one of my axes..or maybe a chainsaw? :P
  • Fine @Kelani…just don't complain that I didn't yell: "Timbeeeeer"!!!
  • Keep shaking that tree, @fenikus Those points will fall out eventually. :P

    lol it's attack of the forest metaphors. Ok, I'm gone now.
  • Pig Days Level 3 wishes AngryBirdsNest a happy birthday!!1!
  • It's ABN Birthday ? Happy Birthday !!! @BirdLeader @All members Congrats! !
  • How do we know it's your Birthday? Is it listed somewhere? How many fingers old are you?
    Oh, well, Happy Birthday ABN.
  • Idk @Pa :/ maybe @Estar knows?
  • Have a great day everyone.
    See you later @Pa work bell gonna ring..
  • Happy Birthday ABN!! Huge congrats to Birdleader & the whole team!!
    @rat the 3rd "Pig Days" level in Seasons celebrates ABN's birthday. And it's an awesome level too - of course :)
  • Good afternoon @guys. Missed you yesterday - lots of family issues. Ok, what do I see now? It's birthday of the ABN? In that case happy birthday (or birdday?). Awesome.
    @fenikus, @kelani, I'm on my way chasing you - lost lots of time last weeks. Remember me...
  • @Karen So Rovio knows ABN's birthday, but all we nesters know is that it was created the summer of 2010. Shame on us for not finding out and/or shame on Admin for keeping it a secret.
  • What exactly did Rovio do? Create a whole new level, or stick that notice on an existing level?
  • @BirdLeader and ABN Admins! Happy Birdday! Wow, what a marvelous present from Rovio! In case anyone doesn't know, the present is an ABN birthday level in Pig Days!
    FYI -- I don't think ABN's birthday has been kept a secret, but we in the BP don't seem to have kept very good track of it.
    Maybe it should be on the birthday forum, @EStar? (Gotta check to see if it's there.) The story of ABN's creation is somewhere on the site, maybe under about?
    Trivia question: What was BirdLeader's original @mention name?
  • About old days, we had many video's from @fujitoast . I can remember thas he was introduced as one of the best videogame players in the world. That phrase I cannot locate anymore.
    And indeed, great gesture from Rovio.
  • @mvnla2 that old name was AngryBirds4You
  • @mvnla2 I thought I saw something about it in the old forum once. No idea where.
  • Birthday, looking up the URL at says that the name is registered at 2010-08-08. How is that?
  • @bernersenn the site probably launched without the domain name. For years, mine was before I registered my domain names.

    edit: We could always look in the Internet Archive
  • @fenikus looks like we annoyed someone in HH.
  • @kelani who or what is HH (on a car it means Hamburg)
  • @Kelani, who did you annoy and where? I'm here to defend your honor! lol

    Happy Birdday ABN! Shall we have a party? I'll start...
    Everyone, have a round of drinks on me! OB, would you also bring out a couple bottles of Cristal, please.
  • @bernersenn Hidden Harbor. Fen and I were battling over first yesterday. I stole it earlier, then he stole it back. Overnight, someone else passed both of us up :)

    @SweetP Aw thank you! :D Defending my honor here would involve banning ▲that guy▲ from the HH boards, so I guess we'll have to let it slide :)
  • @kelani that one - not played it yet. We'll see.
  • Oh dang it @Kelani & @Bernersenn! Well thar's just something wrong about that new sheriff! You guys need to do some whhiiinnnneee-ing, and I don't care if it's a day early, either! *passes out some earplugs*
    Just let us know when to put these on!
  • @sweetp someone hurting you? Who, names please... Long time no sheriff seen - there was no reason for it, lol
  • @bernersenn I hope you play it eventually. It's a really good episode, and there's a shortage of good strategies posted :)

    @SweetP I only have an hour of ipad time between now and tomorrow night, so hopefully fen will take care of it for us :) Do you guys still need earplugs if I growl instead of whine? It's pretty quiet...

    Grrr. HH3 is being a PITA. Can't break 186k. Grr...
  • @kelani next friday my holiday is starting - saturday to the Swiss for 3 weeks. Gruezi
  • @kelani @fenikus the "three musketeers" are united again. Hello world
  • @bernersenn nice job! :) I see we also have a bunny musketeer (musketette?) wioth us.
  • @kelani correct. @hunnybunny, don't be mad at me. Hurted me actually to not include her. Ok, we do it different, from now on we're talking about the four musketeers. Ow, forgot my friend @rat that would be five - that's too much, what do you think?
  • @bernersenn four! We are there together.......
  • And coming up @sweetp and @kathy

    Come on the girls, three musketeers and three muskerettes!
  • Back to TT I think. HH (only tried four levels). Rinse repeat. Rinse repeat. Please someone tell me it gets better.......
  • @bernersenn you posted a comment days ago about me and @sweetp beating you. You couldn't believe us girls could do that.
    Let me tell you, I bet me and sweetp can do at least a hundred things better than you! And that's just for starters....
  • @jlz666 @bonneypattycat coming up fast in TT
    Go, girls, go
  • @hunnybunny sure about that hundred things. Nowadays I believe everyting, lol
  • I tried to post a list of reasons why men are better at AB Space, and women are better at all the others, but I got yelled at. :)

    edit: grrr 4 days playing it, and I keep getting within 1k of my score on HH3.
  • @fenikus @kelani that unnamed points seeker in TT walkthroughs is a huge friend of an unnamed admin. We'll see........
  • Nah, no one's hurting me @bernersenn, but thanks anyway!

    Gonna go marmoset hunting so I need some energy. OB, a Mango 'Rita please!
  • @hunnybunny not just TT. At least four other episodes. :) Wish I had that much energy.
  • @kelani let me give you a good advice as (probably) much older guy: never mention this.
    @sweetp what I meant "who was the Sheriff" at your door?
    Did I already mention that I goto Swiss in a few days? That is where my heart is. Isn't it @tompuss?
  • @kelani you're good at this sort of thing, other than Burbman (I presume he's a man, given his name) I think the best overall flingers are women. Although it's difficult to tell with some names, look at @annach @karen68 @pellystar (might have the wrong sex there, but everyone thinks she's female, must ask!)
    Multi flinging women, can't multi fling men lol
  • @bernersenn lol, I agree. That's the funny thing, though. It makes the ladies look waay better than us. :0
  • @bernersenn Yes, I know that's just where your heart is! Have a wonderful holiday there - my turn soon can't wait.
    @all nighty night xoxo
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