The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2269
  • @bernessen -- If you're correct about BL's first name, you've been visiting this site much longer than me. Will have to look up what I think it is.
    @SweetP -- I think I heard the thunder associated with the lightning strikes that killed one and injured several.
    @all -- In LA, we have thunder and lightning maybe once every few years. Rain, when we get it, comes without lightning.
  • @all -- Took me so long to catch up, I got a page change!
  • @Kathy I'm glad 'bevshmev' is no longer ahead of me :P

    @mvnla2 we had a huge light show in TN/NC last night also. Biggest storms I've ever seen in the mtns.
  • @BirdLeader -- Trivia question. Your fans want to know:
    * What was the first username and nickname you used when you started this site?
    * Who was the first non-admin to post?
    My own personal question:
    * Did FujiToast make all the original videos? Does he still work for RocketPond?
  • And who was the very first member to join? @mvnla2 ? Non-admin
  • @Kelani -- No light show. Thunderstorm was in the afternoon; all I heard was thunder.
    @Kathy -- I have no idea who the first member was.
  • @mvnla2 lol I know. .I meant add that to the list of questions for BL ;)
  • I didn't know @Fujitoast worked for rocket pond? Wherev did you find that @mvnla2?
  • Chirp ...m
  • Me no like bugs:0
  • Heat wave coming when bugs are loud :/
  • They seem to love you, though. One tries to cuddle with you every few days. :)

    There's about 50 million outside you're welcome to adopt. I think they're cicadas.

    edit: If a heat wave's coming, it'll be after this week.
  • Yes the cicadas get loud when is gonna be hot the next day!! Not next week lol.. you'll see tomorrow will be hot and probably humdid.. my dad said so.:)
  • Ok, @Kathy I'm flinging as hard as I can. *prays to AB Goddess, "oh please, please give us the luck we need to get into the top 6 in TT!"*
  • @Kathy Well, they're not playing by the rules this time. Tomorrow's supposed to be the coolest day so far in July. 81/55 and not gonna get above 82 until next Weds. :D

    edit: I'm just glad they're staying in the trees and not swarming my house.
  • Who believes the weatherman @Kelani ? I believe the bugs lol and my dad rest his soul:) we shall see ;)
  • @Kathy I am my own weatherman! It's a hobby. :D I hope the bugs are wrong. I don't think my AC's stopped once in the past 3 weeks. It really needs a break.

    edit: rofl It JUST shut off as I typed that.
  • Ahhh sorry @Sweetp I didn't see y there:/
  • Lol @kelani Murphy's law!!
  • I'm surprised that @birdleader or @Amslimfordy didn't pop in today v seeing it was ABN birthday :/
  • @kelani i watched a show yesterday on natgeo wild about swarms !! Very scary how methodical these bugs and even some animals are :/
  • @Kathy thank you! my new favorite phrase is 'artificial coldness' . Dunno why, but I like it. ♫ whistles ♫

    I also prefer natural icy-coldness, mostly cos it's outside, so I can go out there. :)

    edit: did that show talk about army ants? skerry.
  • Yes!! Army ants.. and killer bees !!! Also wilderbeast but there just dumb all jump off a cliff cuz they were trying to get to the water lol they took the high road instead of the path:/
  • Who was 'Murphy'and why did he make those stupid laws lol..trivia question ?
  • You got no insulation @Ma. You'd get cold in the desert.
  • Popped in! Thanks to all your weary flingers, the community within the community. :)
  • Lol @Pa ya I would. .I went to Arizona once andv at night i was freezing!!
  • @Kathy Ed Murphy. I think he was an inventor, but he didn't invent that law. It shows up like 100 years before him.

    Swarming insects suck. The day killer bees show up here, I'm moving to Canada.
  • 'morning @Birdleader! Congrats on your site birthday. NIcely done.
  • Hey @BirdLeader :) thanks for popping in..Congrats on 4 years !! My how this community has grown:) ty
  • @Ma @Kelani It showed up first at Muroc AFB. My old stomping ground.
  • Did you notice we had a few trivia questions for you @Birdleader?
  • @Rat Just checked, Your Edwards/Muroc example was in 1949. In 1877. Alfred Holt said to an engineering society. "It is found that anything that can go wrong at sea generally does go wrong sooner or later." Then in 1908 stage magician Nevil Maskelyne said the actual phrase.
  • So where does 'Murhpy 'come in ?
    And yes @BirdLeader as Pa mentioned we have a few trivia questions that i don't think any amount of searching we can do will answer. .maybe something special for the first member or first commenter would be cool:?
  • Thanks @kelani I'll check it tomorrow. I'm gonna be a hurting kitkat in the a.m nightly night. .. night @Pa
    *places flashlight on uhmm passes flashlight to OB. . ..ya ya i know just put it somewhere. Thanks nightly night. M
  • Night Ma
  • I always heard it came out of the AFFTC at Muroc @Kelani. But my info was word of mouth. So....??? It was logged in the project manager's log as Murphy's law when a test went wrong that Capt. Edward Murphy was performing. I met some of the Engineers that claimed the copyright. Were they telling me a fib @Kelani? At least that when I was told it got it's name. But you're right that the adage has been around in different forms forever.
    BTW, that law got used a lot at the AFFTC over the years. During testing, if it can go wrong....well, you know.

    Edit: I also got to meet and talk with Chuck Yeager on numerous occasions.
  • Good morning guys, had a good night sleep. Now doing a little work (about 8 hours). @Kelani, about Murphy, I love these things.
    I got my ears prepared for the whining, so let it come.
  • Good morning @bernersenn. Thanks. Your article validates my last comment. My favorite, we had it up on the wall at work, was Murphy's Second Corollary.
    "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
  • @mvnla2 no, you are member since november 2011, I joined july 2012. That's the moment where my scores became above average.
    No, I googled a little. :-)
    @Rat you're welcome. I love this black humor
  • On the other hand, we have "Chuck Norris". He would be #1 on all the episodes in just one night
  • Good mornin' everyone:)
    *set baskets of earplugs on all the booths and on the bar*
    Welcome to WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday! !
    I'll start out just because its Tuesday! ! I hate Tuesday! !
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee! !
    That's all folks.. work bell ringing:(
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