The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2265
  • quick pop back in - @estar - theatre tickets, or tickets for a football game? or another sport he likes? a spa day? A trip to see a friend - train tickets and an overnight stay? that's me out of ideas!
  • hee hee thanks for all the ideas my dear friends! As a matter of fact he never goes out and doesn't seem to hold an interest in doing so. The same as my parents... no hobbies, don't really like to go out, no special interest... But we are planning to take him out to dinner, but he isn't the fancy dinner type, so it won't be that "gifty" if you know what I mean. Love the DNA test thing, not sure how to go about doing that though. @Kathy I think buying a gift nowadays is hard anyway, only kids with no money of their own is fun to buy stuff for. The rest (at least in my surroundings) can and will buy what they want... maybe it's because I am getting older, or we are consuming too much, but there seems to be little left to wish for (myself included)
  • He does love red wine... did see a puzzle like wooden thing, he has to solve the puzzle in order to get to the wine... but that is not really 65th birthday material to me... also this is the age of retirement over here. hmmm... think e-star think....
  • You'll think of something @Estar .. the trick is STOP thinking and it will just come to you. Or bbrowse around ccasually till something jumps out at you:)
  • I know @kathy weird how that works, if you look for something it won't show it self. Stop and you will find it... I have to turn in for the night anyway, so I better stop cracking my brain.
  • Or be really snooty and hire a personal shopper :P

    edit: nightynight E★
  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I am sure it will trigger something when I sleep on it tonight. have to turn in now, hugggs to all my birdie friends!!
  • (((((Hugs))))) @estar sweet dreams my friend♡
  • Spending money for someone to spend more money @kelani ... not really in my genes, to spend money on something I (probably, eventually, most likely) can do myself. Brrr it makes me shiver to even begin to think what such a person would charge to find something for my finlaw. hahahaha LOL
  • @Estar, for a man that seems to have everything or can afford anything, I would think about things he would never buy for himself or treat himself to. Off the top of my head, a nice 60-90 minute therapeutic massage comes to mind. Around here, you can get it for 50 euros and up.
  • [[[hugggs]]] @kathy enjoy your sunday afternoon and evening!
  • @fenikus need to check that with hubby, me personally, not the person to treat myself to such a thing, you are right, but I would not want anyone giving me such a treat as I hate the idea, not so much because of the other person touching me, but just the fact of having to go out and knowing I HAVE to relax hahahaha I know I am weird. At the hairdressers they have this massaging chair and they spend a lot of time to wash and massage your head... I always think... relax woman!! let go of all the muscles and relax!! this is supposed to be relaxing! hahahahha... hubby is the same, but maybe you are right and FinLaw could love it.
  • again thank you all!! makes me smile you are all jumping in with ideas!
  • btw, for the DNA test, you have to get a cheek swab and mail it in. Kinda hard to pull off if you want it to be a surprise. Unless they're a DEEP sleeper.
  • Wow, the biggest storm I've ever seen in this area is rolling across eastern TN. Cloud tops at 65k feet (12.3 miles). 100% chance of 2.5" to 3" hail.

    It has Vert. Integrated Liquid 98 kg/m² That is one big blanking hailstorm.

    Edit: and it just dropped a tornado.
    Edit2: which is heading for Dollywood(!)
  • Huh? @Kelani be safe.. we had a few thunderstorm today and i suppose your current storm will reach us somewhere in the middle of tonight:/ crap on toast!
  • @kelani -- Reverse Polish is a very logical way of entering numbers and symbols to do a calculation. I'm sure Wikipedia can explain. I think scientists much preferred it, but it didn't catch on with the general public.
    @Hunnybunny -- OK, everyone needs to treat this as a national security secret. I'm pretty sure I'm 67; so yes retired and on social security. Gaah! I'm older than @Estar's FiL. This is why I hate calculating my age. I much prefer not to remember it.
    @SweetP -- Hope you got a little break from the heat today. I actually got a few sprinkles on my way back from the grocery store, and there was actually thunder this afternoon. Hope it stays cooler for a while.
  • @Kathy it's headed ESE aka My Way, but the mountains will kill it. They always do. After this front pushes through in a day or two, you shouldn't have any storms for a while.

    @mvnla2 I'll have to look that up. Looks like you finally stumped me with something. :) And hey, 67 isn't old at all. :)
  • @kelani -- Had to go look -- It's an HP 15C. You could actually program it to repeat calculations with different input.
    @Rat -- Just remembered your comment about slide-rules. I think we still have a couple somewhere. Bet most whippersnappers haven't a clue about what they are or how they work.
  • I know how they work, but I've never actually used one, excluding little sliding gauges for unit conversions and such.

    edit: a few high-end woodworking accessories use them.
  • I did see my weather forecast @Kelani I think we are going to get residual storms coming from the south..anyone else get a friend request from thatguy97 or something like that? I haven't checked profile.. but i assume..
  • @Kathy really? weird. Your storms should be coming from the west, or northwest for the next few days.

    Nope, no friend requests for me today, not even ThatGirl. snrk
  • Lol @kelani..idk ya usually our weather comes from the west but sometimes a storm comes up the coast , even if it's a little inland. I think the whole country is experiencing bad weather right now. .except San Diego of course where life is beautiful all the time;)
  • Wowv another friendship request from kyhos what's going on here?
  • @Kelani, have you figured out yet what those + signs to the left of the Reply button in Walkthroughs do?
  • I've tried to forget how to operate a slide rule harder than you've tried to forget your age @Mvnla2. I succeeded.

    You sure are popular Ma.
  • Huh @Pa why do you say I'm Ppopular? Ooh the random freind requests? I dont get why?
  • @fenikus I thought they were just part of the button.
    edit: they let you expand and collapse replies.

    @Kathy Normally, yeah, but there's a cold front pushing through from the west. After this rain passes tonight, we're set up for awesome weather for 4-5 days. You should also be getting that in a day or two.

    whineedit: Grr. HH3 is still being mean to me. *waah*
  • @Kelani, they're more than part of buttons and not every reply button has a + next to it. Its purpose is easiest seen on HH 2 walkthrough because there are 4 posts in blue meaning poster checked off "submit alternate strategy" checkbox. Now, if you click the plus sign on any of those posts, the page will show only posts in blue and only the original ones. It's neat.
  • @fenikus yah, you're right. I edited my post once I remembered I'd played with them last week. :P It is a pretty neat feature. Just hope someone didn't post the winning strategy w/o using the NewStrat checkbox.
  • Uhmm I don't get it @Kelani @fenikus what do you mean? I noticed that sthe ones i replied to are dark ?
  • @Kathy if you press the + next to the reply button, it hides all comments that aren't new strategies. The button turns into an -. Press it again, the non-strategy comments come back.
  • Hmmm @Kelani, I haven't been checking off "submitting alternate strategy" box until very recently…I started with BR or maybe even with Beak Impact. I used to think that when you check that off, your strat goes to admins and they consider changing video strategy to yours.
  • Ohhhh I see @Kelani thanks; ) that is a cool feature;)
  • @fenikus lol. Yep, I bet they'd get right on that :D I still wish Alternate strats gave extra points. It makes no sense that a text/screenshot/video strat that encourages play and site usage is worth the same as "ThanX youuuuu11!!!1 I gotz Hiskore wif ur awesum strat!!!1"
  • Idk, @Kelani…those thank you notes keep the site friendly and keep strategists posting their write-ups, screenshots and videos. They're important too, of course as long as they don't abuse the system like that points troll.

    Edit: now those whiney posts, I'm not sure about...
  • BTW, @Kelani…because you alerted me that I was booted out of my top spot in HH and because you took it upon yourself to defend the honor of BP while I was getting my act together, I was kind to you and took the HH lead back with only just over 2K points.
  • @fenikus sure, they're nice to see, but they only benefit the strategy poster. Strategies help everyone, and require a much larger time investment.

    of course, if strategies were worth more, there'd be a ton of bad strategies to weed through :D Guess that'd require strategy voting capability. nevermind :P
  • Now let's if I can catch me some wabbit tonight…haven't had wabbit stew in a while.
  • @fenikus how nice of you. I'm having major jerky play issues, even with wifi and bluetooth off.
  • @Kathy oops, I also got the friend requests from thatguy and khydots
  • @Ma It looks like those two guys that sent you friendship requests have both only been members for two hours. They have no profile and haven't entered any scores. But they've sent requests to almost everybody.
    I don't think I'll accept their friendship.

    Edit: I'd wager they're going to pull an ugly stunt before their done.
  • Yeah, and tons of people already accepted. lol Some people really need friends!

    @Rat what kind of stunt? I've seen a half-dozen people(bots) do that, but they never did anything.
  • Yep @pa their probably a tag team lol.. I'm not acceepting thier request either probably up to ssomething. Keep our eye in the leaderboards.
  • Ditto I. They tried to friend me. I accepted... But I don't know. It's strange @kathy! (Sorry to butt in in the middle of your conversation) Should I cancel friendships with them?

    @kelani I accepted because I need friends xD xD
  • @Bubbles Aw! I think you could prolly do better than site spammers, though :P

    edit: I don't think they'll be around too long. Friending the entire site is kinda... attention getting.
  • @bubbleslover Hi (((((hug))) no don't cancel you can be our lookout;) keep your eye on them; ) and just a word to the wise you have plenty of friends here don't accept every friendship request you get. .♡
  • Actually ya @bubbleslover cancel them. .
  • I agree. I think they might be either doing something weird or it's just two kids seeing who can get more friends. Either way, it is strange. @Kelani
    I also agree I could do better. Now just lemme take a few seconds to friend everyone >:D just kidding! Lol
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