The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2209
  • @ABcrazy glad that's not your butt. If it was, I'd send you Kathy's beeswax for Christmas :)

    btw, my sleepy no-secret tools-used guess is: slow-pitch softball.
  • Hope you can sleep》@mvnla2 have a greatn night and Sweet dreams (hopefully quiet ones)
  • @kelani not even close on the sport. No balls. You'll have to try harder than that.
  • @kelanipagechangerrightundertheprincessnose ! Noidon't think thats it
    O.k I'm fighting with my keyboard agin all night I'm sick of it!!
    See ya all in a bit.. going flinging.
  • G'nite @kathy sleep well. Happy 4th!
  • @ABcrazy figures. That was my sleepy guess based on the bag. I'm also trying to figure out what that cup full of stuff says. Oh, neat. we have the same electric pencil sharpener. :)
  • @ABcrazy -- Getting time to go to bed. I can't believe @kelani can see gold trophies in that pic. Looks like the owner of the legs was as tired as the pups (they look more like adults to me). You could always remove the pic from your album, if you don't want it to be a puzzle for kelani to solve.
  • @mvnla2 That plasticy gold color just stands out to me. Anyway. kelani's too tired to solve anything more complex than crawling upstairs and finding my bedroom. :)
  • @kelani good night! Who doesn't have that pencil sharpener? Guaranteed you don't have the secretary in the corner.
  • @abcrazy No secretaries here that I know of :) My last guess before I keel over is some kind of dog show, or whatever that sport is where the dogs do timed obstacle courses. I have no idea. :)

    'nighty all, and happy 4th.. er 5th
  • Night night @Kenobi night all I'm sleeping on my pillow tonight tired of Qwerty imprint on forehead which almost just hapenesld lol.m night
  • @kelani it's baseball!! Night..
  • I agree with you @Kelani. Looks like a greyhound on the right trophy. Or it could be that we're both tired and seeing things that aren't there. lol

    Night Ma
  • Great response @rat9 just what I would expect from the top man. I will have to try harder.
  • Look out @Ollygod! I have a pot of coffee brewing. ha ha
    What part of the UK do you live in? I lived for two years in Suffolk county in the late 70's.
  • You're safe @Ollygod. I used the coffee against @Kelani in BI #2.
    *Slowly he flung...pig by pig...point by point.*
    A little Abbott and Costello for ya Kel.
  • Sorry guys, I fell asleep on you last night. No, not baseball or dog stuff. Hee...hee...Hee. It is an Olympic sport.
  • That's it, @rat9, a little at a time, 8k might take a while to rustle up though.
    Be careful @Kelani that coffee is potent stuff.
  • Hello Guys, have a nice saturday.
    @hunnybunny, @kathy, @fenikus, thanks for your support. My father is doing much better today. Last year he got lung cancer, was treated with chemotherapy and radiation - and declared healthy again. Due to the fact that his tumor is burned inside his body, a large portion of the right lung, actually there's a large amount of scar tissue in its lung. That causes serious coughing and once in a while panic. (does it come back, etc).
    Anyway, today I supported him, are at home now. I'm glad that he is still among us.
    Something complete different: this night at 10 pm, our dutch guys are playing to Costa Rica. Let's see what that brings us.
    And, of course, re-starting to play Seasons, #9 to continue with.
  • @Rat, what brand of coffee do you use, or do you have a special way of brewing it. I'm 200 pts away from 2.5M mark in Beak1 and need that special oomph to break that milestone (you know from BR I have a handicap when it comes to breaking milestones).

    p.s. Sorry @Hunnybuny, @bernersenn. That was sneaky of me making a move on you in Beak 1 while you're busy with Seasons.
  • @bernersenn, your father sounds like a tough guy -- glad he's doing OK. Is he a soccer fan too? If he is, I get a feeling he'll be very happy after the game tonight.
  • @fenikus feel free to move - I'm done with this space stuff. Perhaps in the future, in any challenge? Who knows, as already mentioned - a few 100 pages back - I"m playing Space, but's it is not my favorite. Seasons IS a favorite, as Rio is
  • Mumsie sneaks up behind @rat and gives him a sneaky (((hug))) - congrats on your new badge! Then she 'poofs' home for a relaxing cuppa!
  • Helloes everyone! I'm about to go kayaking at a nearby lake. I just went kayaking for the first time a month or 2 ago. I LOVED IT!!!!!!! So anyway, has anyone else been kayaking before?
  • Good morning everyone! !
    Wow @theanonymoussomone that sounds like fun! !
    I've never tried it but I've been canooing before:)
  • @Ollygod Thanks for the coffee warning, and a belated welcome to the BP. Unfortunately for @Rat Costello, my afternoon snack is a double shot of Brazilian espresso. Great for flinging, and possibly, rocket fuel.

    @Kathy It's not baseball. ABcrazy said no balls. Baseball uses balls! She tricked us. The bag was a red herring!

    @ABcrazy ok then. Time for awake guesses. If it's not one of these, I give up. As it turns out, all my sneaky tools are on a computer that's MIA amongst the roomful of moving boxes.

    #1 Equestrian (Jumping or Dressage)
    #2 Hockey
    #3 Athletics (All the Track & Field stuff)
    #4 Rhythmic Gymnastics
    #5 Wrestling

  • @theanonymoussomeone never been kayaking, but I used to do a lot of solo whitewater canoeing. (it's fun and profitable to paddle up to kayakers in a 14ft boat and bet them you can do anything they can) FYI, if you're in a kayak and hear the term 'river maggot', they're talking about you. :) Anyway, glad you enjoyed it. Solo boating of any kind is just an amazing hobby. After the lakes, if you still enjoy it, you've gotta try some easy whitewater runs. They're even more fun, and the adrenaline rushes are a bonus. :)
  • Hi @TAS. Does kayaking in Alaska count? SWDNF loved it. Me, I'm not a true fan because of my neck issues. But I sure loved the view. Bears, eagles, glaciers, and mountains, oh my...

    Sneaky hugs. That's the best kind @Mumsie. You aren't expecting them. Thanks for the cheese embroidered dust cloth. But you know me, I don't dust too often. I like a speck or two of dust.

    @bernersenn You've got to start remembering to take that i-pad to the hospital with you. In my experience, and it's way too extensive, people in the hospital tend to sleep quite a bit while you're there. Soooo happy to hear your dad came out the other side of the big "C". Whoo hoo!! What's a little coughing considering the alternative.
    BTW, I understand your love of Rio and Seasons. I have a favorite too. You couldn't have kept me at the "River" after the Space update came out if you'd tied me to the boat. Go have fun and defend your standing.

    @fenikus My score surprise on 8-25 woke me up more than the coffee did this morning. I did not see that one coming. I looked for @Kelani to help me put together an understandable strategy for the walkthrough, but he was nowhere to be found. Y'all will just have to suffer through my ratty explanation. lol

    You've covered a lot of ground with your sport choices @Kelani. You left out something to do with sharpshooting though.
    Rhythmic gymnastics? I call that "string on a stick" and played with my cats for practice. Robert loved to practice. Cats sure can jump high and twist in midair. Hilarious!!

    Afternoon Ma. How many days do you have left to recharge and play Space? Do I see a top five in your future? Speaking of top scores, I've lost three in the last two days. They're dropping like flies around @Kelani's electrocuted body. Didn't anybody ever tell you not to touch your tongue to bug zappers or frozen metal poles? ha ha ha ha ha ha

    @Ollygod, I'm loving your challenge in part one of BI. Great scores. Not so much a fan of your part two scores though. They're a tad weak. You might want to work on bumping them up for a while. It's tough to battle two fronts at the same time with as little flingin' as I'm doing lately. Between you specializing in part one and @Kelani's utter destruction of part two, I'm surprised I'm even in the hunt.
    But I'll try.
  • See @Kelani. I needed you to help write the stRAT. I missed hitting the green fingers only. I aimed high by mistake, and hit the asteroid, ricocheting into the main structure TNT. Isn't that what I said? lol Btw, don't ask me to repeat the strat. Truly a luck shot and I ran out of coffee. But there may be something there for some dedicated flinger such as yourself.
  • Not sure of a#5 score Pa but I'm trying lol..
    @kelani I only guess baseball cuz I googled the logo on the bag lol..I didn't scrutinize the pic do i give up. .good guesses you got there though.
    I just order Rio on demand ive never seen it!!
    Gonna kick back and fling and watch
  • @kelani not even close on any of those 5 guesses. And the bag is not a red herring. It's swag from an associated athletic event.
  • @rat thanks. You're absolute right about the little coughing and the alternative.
  • Since when is there commercials on demand ? :(
  • @Kelani, put yer glasses on. The dude on @ABcrazy's bag is weightlifting. Oh and thanks for turning me into a stalker now (sorry @ABcrazy).
  • Y'all are cracking me up. (How's that for a good southern sayin?) @kelani you did name it in one of your last 5 guesses. The stick thing in the cup is a ruler along with a bunch of pens & pencils.
    @fenikus there isn't even a dude on that bag. The dude is on the sofa with the dog and he does weight lift fairly regularly, but only for conditioning.
  • @ABcrazy, then it's Javelin, judging by the shape of the trophy to the right of the ruler. Oh I don't know, I give up LOL.

    The dog on the sofa looks really grumpy. I guess he really didn't like the fireworks. My dogs LOVE them! I had a neighbor who did homemade fireworks display and they loved to watch them through a window!
  • I ricocheted off the green rock @Kelani. I aimed too high and instead of hitting only the fingerlings on the green rock, I hit deeper into the green rock. This diverted Laser Bird in a southerly direction where he hit the TNT instead of passing above it and into the far right TNT.
    Hitting the green rock or asteroid activates it.
    I hit the green asteroid.
    Green rock I did hit.
    Hit the green rock I did.
    How can I say this to make you aware that the green rock activated when I hit it with my first and only bird?
    BTW, In my walkthrough posting I said "Instead of hitting the tips of the green asteroid, I went too deep and ricocheted off the asteroid". I didn't realize that was so confusing. I went too deep into the green rock. It activated. Nuff said?????? lol
  • Nope, not Javelin @fenikus. :-)
    Actually the dog on the sofa is just sleeping. He's not bothered too much by thunder or fireworks. The big white one on the floor is the one who gets anxious. She's not too bad but she does get mildly panting and looks for cover somewhere in the room we are in.
  • And before you pick the word deep apart @Kelani, I barely hit the body of the green asteroid. But it was enough to divert Laser Bird. As I said, I went TOO deep. But I didn't go REAL deep. ha ha ha ha OK?
  • It's got to be wrestling then @ABcrazy. I got it. Yea!!! Ding, ding, ding. Give that man a cigar.
  • :-D @rat nope.
  • No cigar...?
  • I've got some Cubans here, but no cigar for you @rat.
  • @fenikus there are 2 trophies to the right of the ruler.
  • Now I know why we kill Nigel !! I always Wondered seeing he's a bird and all!!
    I saw a show about those drinking theifing monkeys lol on Nat Geo wild too hee hee!!
  • Awww *sniff** good movie :)
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