The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2208
  • Aww @ABCrazy S'ok no worries. . Can't believe you lost power !!
  • Time to light up the emergency kerosene lamps and pull out the generator @ABcrazy. What? You're not prepared? Now I know why you have your head drooped over in shame. lol
  • never touch the grid on an electric fly swatter. Ow.
  • Nice flinging @Pa :) its not over yet..I finally get to hide inn my room..hee hee !! Oops no
  • I can't get a break! ! Hes 10 !!!
  • @rat good smak for hurricane season. That geni don't like settin with gasohol in it. So far cell phone glow working good enuf. Bout to pull out the candles. Just can't believe the power is out this long. Seriously? This neighborhood is too old.
  • Lol. Hwdnf just freaked over on old candle burning a little too vigorously. Beeswax candles burning more... Naturally? Not bad.
  • Bizwax sure is getting expensive.
  • I'll trade ya @ ABCrazy I'll take the power outage you theemichelle the 10 year old!! Deal?
  • A guy at my work is a beekeeper he's gonna bring me some beeswax and honey after vacation :)
  • lucky @Kathy What're you gonna do w/the wax?
  • I dunno @kelani I never had beeswax before no idea what to do with it!!
    Ill send it to you if you want. ?
  • @kathy make candles. They're awesome
    Weird how quiet it is here. The fireworks are booming in the distance. The dogs are panting nervously. And..... We are actually having to converse. 0.o
  • @Kathy you can do lotsa stuff with it. If you get a lot, you should sell it on ebay. :>
  • Swipe's hiding in the bathtub, but then again he's always there or in the sink.
  • Zzzzzttttttzzzztttt...... Powers up now. (Blink blink)
  • Put a little PRI-G in your Geni's fuel tank @ABcrazy. It'll help keep it fresh. And I much prefer kerosene lamps to candles. Candles scare me. Except for short term romantic scenarios.
  • Woohoo @ABCrazy good you got powah back!!
    Awwa @kelani poor kitty :(
    Really I can sell beeswax? how much would i need?
    Make candles @abcrazy I wouldn't have the first clue how.?
  • @Kathy you know those little flat boxes that baking chocolate comes in? A hunk of beeswax that size sells for $20 in one of my furniture refinishing catalogs. About $40 a pound or so.
  • @Kathy to make candles you just need an old crock pot or double boiler, then dip a wick in it about 5,000 times. :) Or you could make a silicone or plaster mold of a candle, then pour hot wax in it.
  • @Rat lol. That looked like "Put a little prig in your fuel tank". That's the last place a little prig would want to be. :)
  • @rat never heard of pri-g. Sea foam or stabil yes but not pri-g. What's the difference? I'm sick of trying to clean out gummed up carbs. Help?
    @kathy melt the bees wax, dip a string in it, dip. Repeat till you have the size candle you like.
    Hmmmm.... Now where did that 15 yo son of mine go?
  • Lol @kelani uhmm I'll just send you the wax.. sounds like you could make more use ok f it than i! I'll probably just end up with a container of beeswax wasting space and gathering dust honestly:/
  • You don't have too buy it @kelani I'll just give it to ya.. I'm getting it for nothing anyway ya know:/ thanks for the link I'll check it out . Concentrating on flinging now that 10; year old isn't up my ass!!
  • @Kathy I was flinging too, but now I've gotta go damage someone. My across-street neighbor's doing his fireworks. Every few months, this jackass randomly comes outside and fires a handful of rockets that always land on my roof. One exploded 10ft above my head.
  • No Way @kelani how rude!! Go get him !!
  • @Kathy Nevermind that he's drunk, @Rat-sized, with 6 similarly huge and drunk buddies. If one more rocket burns a hole in my shingles, I'm gonna take my 3lbs of homemade black powder and turn his Prius into a rocket of my own. :>
  • Weary pups had enough of weather thunder and fireworks boom boom. They done.
  • Nevermind that power outage darkness.... Whatsup with that?
  • @ABcrazy can't beat lazy pups and a butt shot. What are those two gold things behind the couch? Trophies?
  • Awww @abcrazy poor pups :/
    Look like me after dealing with the 10 year old lol
    @kelani yepppers best to stay away from that crowd..!!
  • Lol @kelani whatdja do scope out the whole room? Hee hee I just saw the pups and legs haaha..
  • Level #13 is really funny to watch that debris creeping around the planet lol..rackingb up points though:/ still creepy. .
  • @kelani seriously? Yes. Trophys. Part of the family business is coaching a sport. (Paranoia setting in) don't notice the logo on the bag on the floor.
  • @Ollygod -- Welcome to the BP! Hope you visit often. If you read back a few pages, you will see that some of the people you're competing with have posted more details here than in the walkthroughs. Good luck!
  • Haha @ABCrazy you shouldn't have mentioned it now he will! ! Hee hee..
  • Hey @mvnla2 hope you had a nice fourth :)
  • @benersenn -- Good to hear that your father is OK. Hospitals are an awful place to spend any time. Not because they are bad per se; they aren't. But you're usually there because someone close to you is seriously ill.
  • Ss..ok @kathy part of the fun will be to see if he can figure out what sport..
  • Lol @ABCrazy I'm sure he's studying it as we speak hee hee!!
  • Just to be clear, that's not my butt..
  • I'd really freak if he can figure out what Internet radio station were listening to..
  • Hee hee kinda knew that @abcrazy if those were your legs.. well I'm just sayin' I'd be wondering haha..I didnt look close enough to see the butt hee hee!
  • @ABcrazy I did notice the logo. Repeatedly. 8) Fear not. I just thought it was a very cool looking bag. I'm too sleepy to use my secret tools to figure out the sport right now, but give me 10 minutes tomorrow morning, and I'll be happy to oblige :P

    @Kathy I saw the cute pups first, but a pair of disembodied legs does tend to grab one's attention eventually. :)
  • Are you a nurse @ABcrazy?
  • Hi @mvnla2 happy 4th!
  • Hi @all -- The fireworks just started here about an hour ago. But wow! There are some really noisy ones; must be much closer to here than usual. Not a neighbor, unless a really wealthy one. Sounds more like some city's display. Wonder where. I think it might be over now, so we can go to bed, I hope.
  • I know the sport!! @abcrazy ;)
  • @rat no I'm not a nurse. A good friend of mine is, and I did a stint as a volunteer EMT in my neighborhood way back when.
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