The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2205
  • @fenikus Yeah, it takes me a few hours to get used to the switch. That level was just confusing to me. btw, I'm actually looking at the radar for that line of storms over you. What big city are you nearest?

    @Kathy Maybe the sirens are for a fire? If you're in Boston, you've got at least 1-1/2 hours before the line hits.
  • @Kelani, I'm just outside New Haven -- a bit northeast.
  • yikes the radar looks like we gonna get hit hard!!
  • @fenikus So no wind? That's weird. According to the radar you should be getting cats 'n dogs rain, with 20-25mph winds right now, and more of the same for the next 40-50 mins. The nastier golf-ball hail stuff is over Worcester, on its way to @Kathy. The nastiest tornadic stuff is over Manchester, NH, but who cares about them? :P
  • @Kathy I know! I was looking at hurricane and that line up near you guys was so huge it made hurricane look like a little shower :P We never get cool storms like that over here :( Darn mountains.
  • Here's the Radar I'm looking at. Close, anyway :

    edit: the Newton MA radar just cut out or missed an update, so it looks like all the big storms aren't there anymore. lol.
  • ackkk @Kenobi see where it says Quincy in that map I'm one town east of that! !
  • lol the town tow truck has been parked on the corner all day!!
    just waiting.. running gas and A.C no doubt.. with My hard earned $ should i go thank him.haha..
  • @Kathy that's good. :) The big one will miss or just clip you in an hour. Boston's gonna get fully spanked, though. @fenikus has one more bout of leaky roof coming, but will live to fling another day! :P

    Where's the tow truck driver?! Maybe they're just leaving one there full time since you have so many accidents there :)
  • lol he's in his truck @kelani. . yep that and the fireworks at the beach up the street.. probably hoping for some illegal parking tows.. or drunk drivers in their way back.. surprises there not a cop there also..although he may be hiding up the road.
  • and here comes all the traffic and annoying loud teens..
  • Ahh, the on-call towin' man. Bet he's loving getting to sit in his cab and do whatever he does, while you're paying him overtime. :)

    lol. Tell them there's free beer in....*checks map* Framingham! That'll fix 'em :)
  • Roflmao haha @kelani. . but i have to pay the the gas to get him there. .!!
  • o
    k enjoying one last cigarette before the storm hits..
    seriously i gotta tear myself away from 8-9 I'm getting nothing! !
    OB a PigKiller please make it a double!!
  • the calm before the storm @kelani.
    the wind here is gusting but lighly and still hot. .but the breeze is starting to cool.
    and ya why is the storm coming from the west? I thought it was out at sea?
  • is it 2 different fronts? cause my weather channel says its 20 miles sw off the cosst of cape lookout
  • ya We aren't even getting the hurricane. :( just a stupid thunderstorm:(
  • @Kathy well, it was a HUGE thunderstorm, w/golf-ball hail. The front that's gonna hit you was a monster earlier. Probably more damage caused by that one than this hurricane will do. It may be your lucky day, though, the storms just weakened a lot. They could power back up in a bit, but it's dark, so probably not.
  • what difference does Its dark mean ? @kelani we've had some powerful storms in the middle of the night?
  • @Kathy Well, storms pop up in the afternoon, because the sun's been heating and evaporating all day. The night ones are like a car going 200mph turning off its engine and coasting. Strong winds and atmospheric instability can make strong ones form at night, but most of the fuel comes from the daytime heating. The hurricanes do the same thing, they almost always weaken after sundown, then crank back up in the afternoon.
  • ohh very interesting @kelani ;)
  • @Kathy the huge one drifted north, so it's is over Waltham. Umm, one is reforming over Dorcester, so those nasties will miss you. Unless this radar's being flaky, a big hole just opened up, so you may get a downpour in a few hours, or not get a drop of rain at all. Gotta love the weather :P
  • Why On earth would Rovio give ya this weak little freakin red bird to shoot at freaking Huge boulders to Destroy Whole level! ! arghhhhh !!
  • @Kathy riiiight. it's boring sciencey weatherman talk, and you know it :P

    edit: well in this level, he does do the job. Some others, I wonder the same thing.
  • only in new England @kelani could snow tomorrow for al we know haha... I've seen 80º in December and snow in April. .
  • not doing the job for me @kelani. .not red.. or the weatherman lol..
  • the scary part is I've turned on the sound and started tapping the screen before he hits the boulder.. I'm enjoying his mmph sound as he fails and slams his head!! uhmm I really should try to find points somewhere else lol..
  • @Kathy lol. I like those sounds, especially that little *owww* one. It's cute :)

    Definitely only in New England. We get nothing like that down here. Just y'know, hurricanes every so often :P WIsh we were prone to random snowstorms. I'd love that.
  • I'll trade ya any day @Kelani..Road Trip !! wahooo!!
    uhmm cept it would be quite a commute to work lol.
  • 9 on PC is pointless since that wooden ball won't stay in the grav field. It's worth 1,300 much-needed points.

    edit @Kathy deal! Don't worry about commutes, I'm pretty sure they're building a secret underground base for some spooky defense contractor beside the Google data center here. I'm sure they'd let you waltz right in :)
  • no matter about the wooden ball @kelani is the 10k where did it go that frustrates me..
  • I've even got the ship to fall to the planet but not enough points:/ I have 65650.. but haven't been able to match it since:/
    now its raining..
  • still muggy and humid no thunderstorm yet:/
  • @Kathy the strategy I'm using destroys that ship, but so far only 65090 from it. I may have gotten 65,950 once, but I reset it too fast. My 66k was on ipad, of course. That ball does matter, but most of it is in the lava chunx hitting rocks.

    Yep, there's a little sprig from the big storm that formed right over you. lol. I think they're all moving off and fizzling out. There's still heavy rain near Uxbridge, but it'll probably die out also. Everything between that and you shows clear. I got ya all paranoid for nothing. :)
  • @mvnla2, what is Rovio Cloud? Is that something that backs up your games and scores?
  • lol @kelani I don't even know where uxbridge is.. but funny you mention it .. my daughter mentioned it the other day.. she had a horse show out there coming up.
    @fenikus ABO and ABSW have the cloud but not other episidoses yet.
  • @Kathy it's waaay out there, between Worcester and Woonsocket, RI. Nothing special left on the way, just rain. At least when morning comes, some of that humidity should be gone.
  • I hope so @kelani. .:)
  • @fenikus I'm sure there is a forum here somewhere about the Rovio cloud.
    but there is an icon on the opening screen where you sign in and create an account like I said only on ABO and ABSW.. some people had trouble with it but i didn't. also there is a forum on how to back up all.
  • Welp, hurricane hit Beaufort and Morehead City. I was looking at the northern outer banks, there's a house everywhere they could put one. The photos even show a few houses that are still sitting in the surf from the last hurricanes :P

    Must be nice to have $2M+ to buy a house that they know won't exist in 40 years.
  • ya @kelani ? really .. guess i wouldn't want that much money if it was just enough to not care about:/
    oh and btw while you and fenikus are here.. even though i fell asleep on keyboard.. I'm still gonna stick up for @rat9. . guess you guys can laugh but He IS #1 on beak 1 and I take his advice Always.... ahem.. I'm ahead of you @kelani and right behind @fenikus and I haven't flung half as much as both of you.. neither has he.sooo..ya HE is the King of Space ;D

    That said back to normal chat ;)
  • @Kathy You've spent waaay more time on Beak 1 than me. I just started it again 2 days ago. :) I knew you were gonna stick up for him eventually. :) I must repeat that fenikus and burpie did all of that. I didn't say *anything* mean this time...I think. :) Besides, I almost always use the sage @Rat advice, but some of those tips take a surreal turn during their journey from his brain to his typing finger. :P
  • lol @Kelani I know but seriously You can reduce power without moving the dots;) I didn't see the burpie part...I know that you know and @burpie and @fenikus knows The Rat Rules Space.. even @AngryBirdsSpaceTryer knows lol.. although he is getting better:)
  • uhmm @kelani I beg to differ on that 'I spent way more time in beak 1 than you? I thought I just started my second pass?
  • where is @ABCrazy with the fireworks display? hmm..
  • I hope @Pa is o.k in this storm :(
  • @Kathy I went to Beak2 3 days after the game came out. That whole time I've been there, I only saw you talking/posting about Beak1 until a few days ago. Maybe your first pass was really long? If not, what the hell were you doing all that time? :P

    When @Rat said the reduce power/stationary dots thing, I said "I've never tested it, it's impossible to test in Space, so I'll take your word for it as resident Space Veteran". As far as I'm concerned, He can be Space King all he wants. :) burpie may take issue with that, but I can't touch any of their scores on the old levels, so I'm happy to sit in my 3rd or 4th overall spot, whatever it is today. :)
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