The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2132
  • I may be late to the launchpad , too. No way am I letting bryonjames keep that stolen high score.

    congrats @fenikus you're a Certifiable nester! er... certified. Sorry.
  • Yes @hunnybunny a tale long and sad to speak of
    Pa you don't need no 'stinkin' spacesuit. . Your a natural; )
  • @Kelani, to answer you question re: what's holding me up: I've also been "under the weather" for well over a month (I think right around the point where I hit 2.584). It took extraordinary willpower to try and keep up with you and @bernersenn but the 2.6M race was too fun to pass up. I thought I could get there first, but you beat me to it, fair and square.

    I'm not done with the episode by any means, but now that the race is over, I'm taking a little break. I think I can get to somewhere between 2.61 and 2.62M and I'll get there eventually. If you can beat that, I'll throw in the towel and be the first to congratulate you.
  • Hi @Rat9, @Kelani, the plaque on my suit reads лучше не пердеть.
    @Hunnybunny, I hope you had a great time!
  • Thanks @burpie that made me laugh!
  • @Burpie -- I'm sure NASA has solved that problem. Why are you getting a Russian spacesuit?
  • lol @burpie Get one of those deluxe models. They have activated carbon filters in the rear.

    @fenikus sorry to hear that. Hope it passes soon.
  • @mvnla2

    NASA Space suit: $12,000,000
    Gently-used Russian space suit $40,000
  • Welcome back @burpie! Sounds like you had a most relaxing holiday, and ready to whip some Space flinger a☆☆ses!

    You're most welcome @Kathy, I miss her too.
  • @Kelani -- I'm sure all of us can afford it, since we're paying in virtual $.
  • спокойной ночи
  • what did you say @Hunnybunny? are you planning to give them a run for their trophy in Space? Go get 'em ! heehee.
  • @Mvnla2 It's all virtual money these days. Nobody carries cash anymore. I wish I knew what that pesky negative sign they keep putting in front of my balance means.
  • Haha, I missed you guys :-)

    It's 1 AM and time for bed, so good night from me too!
  • @mvnla2 My virtual cash bank balance is so low, I have loansharks with steel pipes parked outside.

    @Rat once you get comfortable with the current virtual cash scheme, they're gonna trip you up again by switching everything to bitcoin.
  • Woohoo I got a1 birder in level #7 !! Didnt amount to a hill of beans though:(
    OB a Marmoset killer and some crispy pig ears please..
  • Hey Pa .. pay no attention to that - sign next to your balance I don't. Haha;)
  • I just pretend it's a rebellious + sign.
  • Bitcoin @Kelani? Money that changes value drastically from day to day? I don't think so. I've got no money that needs washed.

    Edit: I mean "laundered".
  • @Rat you get bonus points for knowing what that is. It is a creepy system for sure, although basing an entire world economy on the dollar's imaginary value isn't much better.
  • @Kathy I came across an old 2012 post of yours in Jungle Escape which may be one of your first mentions of the whiiiine. :)
  • Lol @kelani probably I did a lot of whining in JE actually gotta get back there and finish up/catch up;) I lost interest when the pop ups started but now that I'm used to them i should finish up:/
  • Rio used to be my favorite eepisode back then. .
  • @kelani @Kathy -- Kathy joined in 2011, so I would assume she has some posts before 2012???
    As far as bitcoin is concerned: sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me.
  • @mvnla2 Maybe not many post I was kinda scared to talk or join leaderboards for a while after joining:/
  • @mvnla2, how do you play "pork side" in Star Wars II? Do you throw pigs at birds?
  • @mvnla2 I'm sure there are earlier posts, but this is the oldest where she mentioned a whiiine, but didn't even use that word. She said 'complained' .

    @fenikus Rio challenge today :P Just making sure.
  • Lol @kelani which level was it? I find it funny to see my old posts. Even funnier when I get a reply 2 years later which happens often believe it or not. .
  • Thanks @Kelani, I would have missed it again. I desperately need points in RR but that top score is going to be really hard to beat.

    Never mind @mvnla2, I forgot that I can just look at the walkthroughs for the pork side. So you throw pigs at birds. Are there different types of pigs that do different things?
  • @fenikus yeah, although people are getting the 139k quickly, probably due to your shot. Interesting what you consider 'repeatable' :P
  • Never mind I'm going to sleep..*hands OB the flashlight for safekeeping*
    Nighty night all.
    Night Pa♥
  • Night Ma
  • *bird addict sneaks in the back door to clean and polish @Kathy's flashlight then sneaks out again...*
  • @kelani other than one darned smirking marmoset I just nearly hit 176k on BR #13
    The points are there........
  • Your right @Hunnybunny. I've seen higher than 176k potential. Dang-nabbit rabbit!! That pesky marmoset has nine lives. I think over 180k is possible.

    Someone's been busy at the River @Ma. I'm talking about YOUR score. WTG
  • @fenikus -- You can check out the walkthroughs for the rewards chapters to see the whole cast of characters in action. Turns out the pork characters are frequently more powerful.
  • @hunnybunny In your almost-176k on #13, do you remember if that square made of little flat stones (in the center of the level) fell over? And what marmoset is vexing you? The 2nd one from the left on the lower green platform survives every once in awhile, but not often enough for me to kick stuff.

    @Kathy That's more than a 'few points'. Very nice :)

  • Thanks @Pa thanks @kelani ;)
  • Guess it's time to go fling! !
    *oohhh bright shiny flashlight !! ; ) thanks @bird-addict ♥
  • Это конец вверх. Не складывайте, шпиндель и не разбивайте.

    Amazing, it means the same thing in all languages.

    @Kathy wanna trade? I'll go fling and you go saw those huge concrete chunks into blocks for a retaining wall.
  • Shame on you @Kelani. @Kathy doesn't weigh much more than one of those blocks.
  • @Rat I think the BR Top 5 weighs less than these guys. They're driveway chunks from when we replaced our sewer line. The smallest is 4'x3'x5" / ~660 lbs.

    Shame on me? Many great ladies wouldn't hesitate to pick up a sledge. Plus, their lower center of gravity makes them superior at it. No, shame on you for assuming tiny blox and inadvertently saying @Kathy is over 700lb. :)

    edit: If I'd been smart, I should have scored them with rental concrete saw before turning the skid steer loose.
  • Unlike you @Kelani. I know what @Kathy weighs. And she knows I know. No confusion, huh Ma?
    And again, shame on you for putting her on the hard labor chain gang making little stones out of big stones.
    Besides, she's busy making big scores out of little ones at the river.
  • @Rat I thought she might like upgrading from river rocks to bigazz rocks. Also, whoever poured that driveway used those smooth river pebbles as the aggregate, so it's almost the same. :P Doesn't matter now, though. My concrete blade just sailed off into the next zip code. Guess I'll try to reclaim my #13 spot.

    How's your thumb doing today?
  • *slumps in. Drops sledgehammer on the floor' 'whew sorry @heyyougetouttamyway didnt mean to scare you .'OB can you help get this ball and chain off my ankle' and I'll have a shot of tequila please:)
    Nope @Pa no confusion here hee hee
  • @Kathy *hands you a big icy lemony sweet tea* Nice job! That was really smart of you to skip the sledge and just throw birds at the rocks. The bomb one worked great, and y'know, I don't think my neighbor will ever notice his porch is missing. :)

    edit: oops. just saw your post *spikes tea with tequila*
  • @kelani regards your #13 question ( how the hell did I sound so proper? )
    I've barely played 13 since The RatStrat first appeared. My initial score was OK, but in an attempt to catch myself some sushi grade tuna, ie leap back into sixth over the unknown Japanese player, I decided to revisit some unplayed for a long time levels. I made 2k on a couple.
    And then 13......
    Everything went well, although I wasn't concentrating too much, balloon bird did his thing, everything was falling, 171k. Yippee, 2k over my (average) score. And nothing happened, why? That darned marmoset was left. As you look at the structure, there's the lower green plank, and the smallest TNT ever. That marmoset was there where the TNT should have been,blowing him into smithereens, just smirking.....
    Where he came from, left or right, I have no idea, or about the pile of stones
    Ah well back to 13......
  • @hunnybunny An English friend of mine says his cure for sounding too-proper is to pretend he's chatting in the worst pub in Manchester. :)

    I wish I could get 171k after the first bird! :P I'm kidding. I know you meant 141k. At least I hope you did, otherwise you missed a 196-199k score. :) Thanks for the info. I think our uncooperative marmoset is the furry bugger to the right of the miniTNT. His little high chair gently folds down sometimes.

    Also back to 13...

    edit: rofl on skinny-butt Kathy pic. :)
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