The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2133
  • Ah @kelani my brain automatically adds those unused birds to the score, in hope, just in hope...
    And now I'm frantically watching the pile of stones, that I never really noticed before
    Addiction :-(
  • @Kathy np :D I wonder what you'd call that awful drink. ;)

    @hunnybunny my brain does that too. A bad thing when you have awful math(s) skills. I've accidenta-reset more potential high scores than i have digits. btw, don't worry about the square pile of stones. On my score, something knocked them over, but I haven't seen it happen since, so I don't think it's anything important.
  • Hmmm OB a quiet evening for you! Could I have one of Kathy's marmoset-killing drink thingies please?
    I'm still chasing you guys down the River, very slowly. I'm about ready to give up on level 6.
    Looks like another double-count bird score has popped up on level 3 of the River. I flagged it, hope they'll remove this one too.
    Hope everyone is having a good evening :)
  • Arghh sorry i missed you @Karen68 yep ddefinitely go with the Marmoset Killer @Sweetp creation actually. .stay away from @kelani llemonade sweet tea whatever concoction i had to put a shot of tequila in it just so it would go down smoothly lol;)
    Ahh level #6 is tough. .I agree. .that woodpecker strat is tough. M best off with@Sweetp strat and pray ;/ good luck; )
  • My gold star keeps getting unchecked:/
  • I'm still lurking @kathy :)
    Yuck, tequila to make it go down easier? I had a bad tequila experience in my university days, I still can't even stand the smell of it.
    All my 1-birders on 6 with woodpecker's strat have scored pretty low. Gonna switch back to @sweetp strat for a bit. Think I'll whine about it tomorrow :)
  • Ya that's the same as i got @Karen68 with that strat. Good luck. .
    Lol about the tequila I feel the same spot scotch doesn't like me so i don't like it.. tequila is actually the only hard liquor i can handle. .funny ha..I know it's wierd I don't drink it anymore just virtually. .:)
  • Same here @Ma. Don't drink in the real world. But in here I can be a lush.
  • @karen68 what's your current #6 score? If you get tired of the straight shot's repetition, there's a 3rd option that sometimes works. Like woodpecker's, but go in a high arc completely over the big marmoset. There's a few angles that will take out the cardboard boxes, make the right structure collapse and start the big structure's self-destruct thing. The hard part is getting it to collapse totally. The lower center part likes to stay intact.
  • Hi @karen68 -- BR-6 is tougher than BR-3 IMO -- you need less skill and more luck on 6 than on 3. FWIW, you can get a decent 140K+ score with 2 birds: two times with wp's strat I got 141K (which easily could have been 151K) and 143K. My best score of 145K is sweetp 1-birder, but my next best score was just under 145K with wp's 1-birder. Skip this level and come back to it later.
  • @kelani right now I'm at 139k with 2 birds a la sweetp, my best 1-birder using wp's strat has been 136k. So you suggest missing the middle entirely & take out the right tower. I've missed the big marmoset by accident many times but haven't brought the tower down. But then again I'm not trying to. I'll have to give it a shot.
    @fenikus yeah I'm hitting the wall a bit, it's almost time to move on & come back later. I'll try Kelani's idea for a bit then say goodbye for a while. Thank you both for the help! :)
    Going to peek at the challenge first, since it's Space @kelani I may see you there?
    @rat9 are you still unable to fling? Three days to go? Keep that thumb rested!
  • p.s. Oh yeah, for 140K+ 2 birder, you need to be well into the 90s after bird 1. With wp's strat sometimes the right tower is left but many times the pole with 3 small monkeys stays. In the latter case, send a moonshot to take out the metal piece that holds the boulder. That is how I got 143K.
  • @karen68 yep, high arc. There's 3 aiming points that can take out the right. You may get an easy 140-142k 2-birder , or get lucky and get the 1-birder.

    Yep, I'm gonna play the Space challenge tomorrow afternoon. I think this is one of mine.
  • Good luck @Karen68 in #6 I haven't tried that 'missing the middle'yet maybe tomorrow I'll give it a shot:) currently trying to get lucky in #5
    @kelani advice about close the app and restart seems to work on just about all of them when you hit a reapiting score block:/
  • I have officially given up on BR #12. I thought it was an anti-PC level, but of course it has a ton of PC users Top 100, so apparently I just suck.
  • Yep. levels 2,5,6,12 if you don't get anywhere after 100 flings, close the game and start over.
  • @Kelani, do you mean continuous 100 flings on a single level? What if you do 20 flings on #2 and then 80 on other levels and you come back to 2? I don't think I ever had the patience to send more than 20 birds at a time on #2.
  • @fenikus Once it starts. going to another level/episode doesn't make it go away, even after several days somewhere else. If it was me, I'd just restart before I came back to the level.
  • Crap I got logged out again! !
    Sorry @pa I missed ya there..♥yep i can drink all i want here; ) and the best is no nasty headache in themorning; )
  • I get ginger ale hangovers sometimes.
  • I agree @kelani @fenikus I've been trying it and trying to just go to another level but is best to back out of the whole app , force stop, clear cache and restart. .
    My keyboard has the hoodoo voodoo again so I'm signing out..
    *hand flashlight to OB for safekeeping*
    Nighty night all.
  • Yeah @Kathy. That's the best part of virtual drinking. No virtual hangover in the morning.
  • night Ma
  • @Rat haven't tried it, but I will now. It sounds interesting.
  • @Rat did you just edit your strategy out, or was I imagining it? I'm not getting anything unusual, just a 45-64k 1st shot with the bottom half of the center structure untouched. Although, one time I landed on top of the metal nubbed plank, and that was close to a 1-birder.

    edit: that right part of the center structure sure teeters a lot. Haven't gotten it to fall yet.
  • What level are you referring to @Kelani? *snicker*
  • @Rat har har. Did you just give me a fake strategy or something? Y'know, flinging into the bottom stone ball below the nubbed plank causes the exact same collapse.

    One strategy I still like is flinging to the top marmoset of the three on the front pole. It clears -all- that front stuff, and everything else falls right, with force. 90k is less frequent, but that + 1 birder should still be way more frequent than the usual strat.
  • I have no idea what you're talking about @Kelani. But it sounds like something I would do if I couldn't fling and had loads of time on my hands. ha ha

    BTW, I used @SweetP's strat on level 6.
  • @Rat One of these days... Payback. :) I used @SweetP's strategy also. I'm glad I got it to work on ipad. I've never gotten a 1-birder over 130k on PC.

    Ah well, gotta fix some supper and sleep. Have fun finding someone else to toy with. :)
  • Thanks @fenikus, @kathy and @rat9, for the @mention on my #6 strategy. Even I can't get close to my current score anymore! I'll have to try doing @kelani's reset after 100 resets and see if that helps.
    I tried woodpecker's, and got the one-birder twice in about 300+ times, but both didn't yield higher than 125K! I think I'll try @kelani's alternate strat, going over the top marmoset. It's a tough shot, mostly landing on the horizontal cement plank! Or, the sail gets in the way and Red ends up landing to the left of the marmoset.
    Good luck @karen68, I hope you get that one perfect shot for a high scoring 1-birder!
  • @SweetP I had numerous potential 150k+ one birder scores on level six by hitting the horizontal board above the one with the metal nub. But after the right tower collapsed, somehow the far right monkey was always still there laughing at me. (numerous means FOUR out of thousands of flings. Well, maybe not thousands. But it felt like it.)
  • *gets @Kathy's flashlight from OB, gives it a really good shine, replaces the batteries and lights a candle that sees her safely to dreamland*

    Oh, almost forgot! Here are the earplugs you'll all need! *places baskets out on the bar, each booth, and near the front door*

    It's WHINE TUESDAY @everyone! Get your WHINNNNEEEE out and good luck in your flinging!
  • Leave those earplugs out tomorrow. You might hear a whine this Thursday @SweetP. I'm still on the injured reserve list. And after waiting soooo long for a new Space release. I'm not sure how I'm going to take it. Probably more of a whimper than a whine. I've thought about hitting my neck with a baseball bat to loosen or realign it. Too drastic? Maybe...?
  • Oh wow, this is driving me crazy! I just got the right tower again, but the middle section is still standing! Aarrrggghhhhhh! No, it's wwwhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeee!

    Hah! I know what you mean @rat9! Those marmosets can be very evil! Do you mean the horizontal wood plank with the square block and marmoset next to it? Ok, I gotta try that one next.
  • No, no! Don't do that @rat, Mrs Rat will never forgive me if you knocked yourself out with a bat!
    Please, do take care of your thumb first, and don't start flinging in Space before you've healed. I'd hate it if you re-injured it and it's worse the next time! It would take much, much longer to recover, and you'll be unable to fling.
    Besides, you'll have to answer to Ma, and you don't want to get her upset!

    Edit: the game is not going anywhere, so take care of yourself first.
  • OB, I'd like a Marmoset Killer please, with a double shot of Malibu rum.
  • This thumb problem is over twenty-five years in the making @SweetP. I don't think an extra day or two is going to fix it. I've got use of the thumb again. It's no longer numb. But it's causing additional pain during and, here's the kicker, for days after I fling. I'll try and use my right hand to get through the new Space release. Maybe it'll be enough to keep my overall #1 in Space. But for now, I can forget being competitive in Beak Impact. It looks like @Burpie is going to have all the fun with the new meat. lol

    Edit: Ironically, I'm right handed.
  • @Rat9, I'm sure some right-handed flinging will suffice to maintain your no. 1 spot. Sadly the update will probably be the end of HappyShake's and Goavs4's presence in the top-5. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Can-Attila around lately either.

    As for the Beak Impact top score, until that thumb heals or you become ABdexterous, I'll defend the honor of the old guard alone. I hope you can join in in earnest soon!
  • @Burpie Come to think of it, I haven't seen Mudslinger around either. I wouldn't be surprised if HappyShake showed up though. He's like a bad penny, can't get rid of him.

    I tried using my right hand at the river just to get the feel of it. You'd think me being right handed and all, it'd be easy. Ha! Barely scored an extra thousand.
  • I just checked HappyShake's blog and he's currently somewhere in Nepal. Probably delirious with altitude sickness or improvising a stomach pump out of a bicycle tire for the butter tea he just drank. I doubt if he will be joining us this month.

    (Mud)slinger still logs in from time to time. He'll be here for the update. So will Can-Attila.
  • @Burpie Nepal? I thought Africa was his last Hurrah. Does his blog mention when the real world was going to catch up to him? He can only outrun it for so long. Run, Happy, Run!
  • @SweetP, @All, that BR-6 really makes me wonder if there is in fact some evil code in some of the AB levels. I can't explain well what I think this code might be doing, but I've gotten that 1-birder with hitting the lower plank once and only once and I think it was within the first 100 flings on the level (i.e. early April). I've tried and tried later to repeat it, even dedicated 1 full hour to a brute force attack -- I figured if you send enough birds, it will yield. Not so, and I have not seen anyone report success with that shot lately. Things that make you go: Hm.
  • @burpie Could you elaborate on the 'reduced speed' property of your strategy on today's challenge? I can't get anything to push the meteor into the leftmost planet.
  • @Rat9 It seems Happy will keep running for the rest of the year and into 2015. His profile leads to a blog, which leads to a new blog, which all turns rather vague. Pictures of a German guy playing golf in the Himalayas, drinking beers with exhausted locals, gossiping with rhinos, etc. It seems he's ditched his transportation and now travels on foot. If he keeps heading east and swims from Singapore to Hamburg, he could be back by February.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, you nudge the small boulder south while Orange Bird continues into the elbow of the contraption. When OB lands in the contraption, wait half a second and inflate. On my phone, the aiming line goes a hair over the pig on the first planet and ends halfway between that pig and the edge of that planet's atmosphere.

    Once in a while a shard from the top right planet will bump the large boulder next to the left planet. If you play the shot often enough, a score of 88k should be possible.
  • @burpie I see. Thank you for the tip!
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