The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2849
  • Lol, you lot always come out for a party!
    @jlz666 I've said it before, but best banner ever! Especially now with more graffiti
    Just love it
  • And get those boys out. Not the sons...
  • lol @Jlz-666 @KimmieCV will definitely love and appreciate that uhhmm recycled banner!! lol!! yeah she's a trashy type in a good way, like down to earth regular !!
  • and I don't mind sharing the crown :D just nice to have pages turning!!
  • Blimey sorry @kathy......think you had multiple notifications there. Couldn't get the banner in :(
  • i hate to be a party pooper but i think i need a nap !! jeesh .. i can't hold out like i used to my eyes are closing on their own.. maybe 10 minutes will help..
  • @hunnybunny please feel free to use and abuse the banner in my album at any time!
    I think I need a day to find all the original boy pics. They're in a folder somewhere.
    Gotta go,Watching old Royle Family (bunny will know)
    Happy nappin Kathy x
  • OMG I'm frikken LMAO @JLZ-666 those pics are the funniest I've seen in a while!! :D and the banner!! I LOVEIT!!!
    @Kathy Thank You ❤️And if your already sleeping then sleep Well!
    @TomPuss grumpy cat cracks me up! Thank You :D
    @bernersenn ( I hope I spelled it right!) @hunnybunny @karen68 Thank You too!
    I've just finished eating a Fantastic BBQ my bro made and We're not yet at the cake, need to make some room! LOL it's been a really lovely day!!
    Thank You all!!! ❤️❌⭕️❌⭕️
  • I'm off too, and yep, Bunny knows....
  • @kimmiecv caught you just in time. Have a great time munching on that cake!!!
    Goodnight all, wrong side of pond to party any longer...
  • Thanks @hunnybunny, sleep tight!! :)
  • Kimmmmmeeeeee!
    @kimmiecv You made it before my eyes closed....just! Happy Birthday honey! So happy you loved the pics,they were fab to find! Tried to find some Boo as well,not just kitties!
    So great that the folks put a good BBQ on for you!
    Enjoy the rest of the day hon. Sorry I've got to go. Hate these bloody time zones.
    Love ya!
    (Might just sleepy lurk........)
  • Hahaa I'm glad I at least got to answer back before you hit your pillow walk! Sleep tight @JLZ-666 and Thank You for the funnies, awesome banner and cute little wee garage boys! Snicker :D
  • Awww hey @kimmiecv! Enjoy your cake! Need to go pillow walk(I've missed that phrase)
    Hugs XXX
  • Awww Damn!!! I missed the Birthday girl!!! @KimmeCV Happy to hear you had a wonderful day and delicious barbecue!! is it true what @jlz-666 card says,, your really 29!!! heeeheee your getting up there kiddo!! sorry i missed you I'm just exhausted today idk why!!
    Enjoy the rest of your day Pahtnah !! :D
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Oh for goodness sake now my phone is losing its marbles too it has Kimmie's birthday in for today!!!!!
    So -
    Happy belated birthday to you
    Happy belated birthday to you
    Happy belated birthday dear Kimmie
    Happy belated birthday to you

  • @Mumsie42 (((((((Hugs))))) I haven't seen you in forever !! your phone must have retained bad habits from mine! lol
  • Awfully Quiet in here ???
    @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp?????
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPPP just getting in. Did yard work then went to my friends house for a few hours.
  • OB The Blues
    "Wake Up!"
    A customer!
    Just a sparkling water for me, but drinks on my tab should anyone pop in
  • Thanks for the Drink @hunnybunny :D
    OB Umm Wake up please...ahhh never mind.. rest your head
    *fixes herself Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion !!
    need to go bounce more balls!!

    Bouncy Bouncy!!
    Hope you improving daily @Pa !
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
  • @Gumby Waaassupppp??? you all ask? Blabbing DDD is up lol!! Driving me Nutters!! watching a one hour Soap Opera recording on DVR umm for about 2 hours now and only half over!!
    On that note *fixes herself another Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion...hmm adds another shot of that stuff!!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Thank You @mumsie42 :) it was a lovely day!

    Sorry I missed you @Kathy, I hope your eye is getting better! :)

    @Rat9 your in my thoughts and prayers! I hope your getting stronger every day!! :)
    @kimmiecv nice to see you popping in the BP :)
    @rat keep us updated bro, we wanna know how you are feeling.
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp?????
    @KimmeCV sorry i missed you Again!!! we are like 2 ships lol!!
    I'm about to go eat dinner bbiab
  • @gumby
    Ditto for @kimmiecv and @rat

    I'm out of here, brain frazzled, trying to book train fares for a 100 mile trip. One change of train. if you book it all it's x number of pounds. If you book the two sections separately it's cheaper. Have to do for return journey as well. Bloody confused my old brain...
  • Where ya going @Hunnybunny? I'm jealous lol your always going somewhere,, i can't wait to retire and move in with you HheeeeeHeeee!!
  • As always, I see something and reappear
    Don't know if the link works, it's BBC which is a bit dodgy...
    Question: what happens in the US if you don't have medical insurance? Or money to pay? You are surely not left to die on the trolley in A&E just because your AmEx didn't swipe
  • @kathy Devon, friends 60th Birthday party. Retire, I'll chuck out Mr Bunny...
  • Now I'm really off xx
  • No lol @HunnyBunny Most people that work have insurance through their work,, others have government (taxpayer) funded insurance. it will just go back to the way it was, that's all. As it is now people can't afford to use the Unaffordable Care Act, premiums are to high. you just go to the Emergency room and get free care,, they cannot refuse you, nor can first responders in the case of immediate attention , like a car accident or heart attack, they would treat u and call an ambulance that would take you to the hospital.
  • Sounds good @HunnyBunny I'll save a bit more money and pack my bags lol!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
    Hope your feeling well and improving daily! Miss you lots..
    I know Snicker and Snort are just chomping at the bit waiting to catch me ;)
    I'm actually looking forward to having Snicker drag me off to bed believe it or not In miss those pups ! and @@Kimmiecv is taking her chances ..
  • Greetings @all! These last few days it's been too hot to type. . . it was even an effort to water my house plants, I'm absolutely knackered. .
    It should be cooler on Sunday - a very important day for our town because of the Tour de France cycle race, which first started out from here in 1903. To mark the occasion, they'll be making the final run to Paris from here. Big day and lots of celebrations! Here's a video, sorry it's in French but it'll give you an idea:

    @kathy Thinking it's time for a little sweet music to help you sleep and soothe your eyes. .

    Lullaby and evening prayer from Hansel and Gretel:

    Chris Rea: "Somewhere between the stars":

    Kenny G: "The Moment"

  • Lovely Lullabies @Tompuss thank you I'll be sure to put my headphones in and listen again while i drift off.
    My eye is doing much better as well♡
    Everyone check out Badges and Ranking forum!! 2 new badges @Pa ♡♡♡♡ Your dream come true!! @Sunshine
  • OB to Celebrate the Fruition of 2 new badges Drinks are on The House!!
    Now I'm off for a bit!!
  • Woot @TomPuss I love the Tour de France. Today's stage through the Alps was spectacular. Can't wait for Sunday (Froome winning!)
  • And @tompuss that clip is amazing. If those pioneering Tourers saw the kit they had today...
  • @Gumby Waaaassuppp???
  • BtW @Pa I have a vacation day tomorrow so no Snicker or Snort after me tonight.. as much as i miss them , i don't need to be dragged off my stool lol!
    now pay no attention to me, go collect your Badges!
  • @KimmieCV You can make a fortune!!

    Yucky Ewww Gross!! But hey Entrapaneurship ? sure where's autocorrect when you need it??
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • Hey @kathy, @hunnybunny So glad you liked the videos! But @kathy, I don't think I can bring myself to look at yours!!! Maybe @jlz666 could try it out at BS&T? "S" stands for "slime"?? -:)
    Drinks all round to toast the new badges and @rat9 and @sunshine!
    @tompuss I don't think I have ever watched any bicycle race. Sounds like it could be ok as long as there was plenty of refreshments AKA BEER :)
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