The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2848
  • Ohh it's late but I had to pop in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY @TomPuss!! I loved the videos too! Hope your having a Fantastic Birthday Week!! :)

  • @rat9 Welcome back to the living!!! I was so bummed I'd missed you but So Happy your back on the mend And you popped in for the requisite night ma! LOL :D
    @Kathy thx for the heads up! I so wanted to send @Rat9 my love once he got his arse back in here! LMAO
    Kiss kiss to you both!!!
  • Nite nite@Ma❤️
  • Where ya been Kimmie?
  • Good morning guys,
    Another day, and happy again.

    @Kathy thank you for explaining my words. It was exactly meant that way.
    have a nice day
  • @tompuss I don't think the orange cat looks too happy to be forced to sport that hair!
  • Lol @catsnbirds I agree. Cat with orange hampster on head....
  • Oops forgot to say @catsnbirds sorry your guy didn't win today. But Federer to win, absolutely
    Not going to make predictions about the ladies final. One I like one I just can't stand!
  • @hunnybunny Thanks, at least now I won't have to cheer against him tomorrow in the final!
  • Woot Brit will win at Wimbledon
    Heather Watson and Koniten -v- Jamie Murray and Hingis in the mixed doubles final.
    I love the doubles. What fun...
  • Mr Rat (I can't believe I'm going to say this) but really glad to see you, even if you can't snarl, fling and abuse Mrs Bunny
  • Lol @KimmeCV pops in and steals the PrincessPageChanger crown!! Wooot!!
    Kimmie you can Have the crown just pop in more often!!
    @Pa hope your having a good day! be sure to tell Mrs. Rat how thankful we are all to have you back in the walls , and with heyougettouttamyway's!!
    @Tompuss Looove that kitty, yes he looks pissed off to have that thing on his head Roflmao!!

    @Hunnybunny @catsnbirds @Karen68 Again I no speak tennis!! lol but sorry your guy lost catsnbirds , but go Federer ¿?¿
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of @Sunshine's super secret flinging potion please!
  • I'm off to Bounce!!
  • Hey @kimmiecv! XXX
    Hi Mr @rat! So nice to see you!. I've been absent for quite a few months but I'm fully aware of your situation and really happy to see you've found your fingers again ;) So sorry you had such a bloody miserable time in Europe :( Just as well you've been here before and don't blame us for your illness? You probably brought it over and infected us all! I hope they looked after you well in Paris? Wishing you a speedy recovery X
    Might have a Murray winner after all @hunnybunny? Congrats to amazing Fed... Wow! They all need to learn from him. More life,less work.
    That's one scary ass Trump cat @tompuss,I know who I'd rather be leading the "free" world........*purrrrrrrrrrrr*
    Long day tomorrow but hopefully see everyone on Sunday X
  • @kathy wassssuuuupppp
    @rat YO
    @everybody else hello
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
  • Nighty Night @Pa♡♡♡♡
  • hmmm Quiet in here, not a mouse is stirring... ohhh Wait *cups ear , here's rustling in the walls, sigh of relief, there is someone here*
    OB ...OB where are you? *quietly creeps around the bar and see OB curled up taking a nap*
    Ah well he must be worn out from the pages turning so fast the last week or so, not used to it!
    I'll make my own Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion.
    Offf to the courts, and i don't mean Tennis courts lol!
    Hope you all are enjoying the tennis uhmm match?
  • @Pa Space challenge today, not your favorite Cosmic Crystals , but I'm case your up for it..
  • Mrs Bunny walks in. Hoping Mr Rat might pop in, if only to control the bloody rodents in the wall, who keep scratching the plaster with their nasty ratty claws, Scratch Scratch....
    And wonders "Cosmic Crystals 7-2, Winter WonderHam 1-9, why did I bother?"
    Waste of flinging time
    OB takes her to Mumsie's Rocking Chair, pours two fingers of Whiskey, and leaves her there to doze, peacefully....
  • *Peeks in the window to see if there's any sign of life yet, sees OB up and about, polishing the bar top, Mrs. Bunny dozing in Mumsie rocking chair with a glass of something (, imagine whiskey) and tiptoes away so as not to disturb The Bunny, she had a hard day on the sling!
  • @kathy Nope nobody here. WASSSSSUUUPPPP
  • @Gumby ssshhh... can't you see @hunnybunny dozing in the rocking chair?
  • Dammjt @KimmieCV I seem to have misplaced your baanner, and I'm typing with no contact's in and one eye open lol soorrry Pahtnah!
    Hope you have a great day♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • Less than two hours. Not a set lost the whole tournament. NUMBER 8!!! Federer perfect again!
  • Woot, JLZ, love that last card..
    Kimmie, should you pop in
    No point in posting anything else, @jlz666 has it cracked!!!
  • And @TomPuss popped in before my post came up, with two more
    Hugs both, three, include Kathy, four!
  • Birthdays, I can smell birthdays. Especially when I got tipped.

    @kimmiecv happy birthday, I hope you will have a beautiful day
  • @jlz666 Wonderful choice! LOL!
    Hey @hunnybunny, @kathy, @bernersenn looks like a good party!
  • @tompuss it is.
    OB, drinks for everyone. Make it a softdrink for @rat
  • Wooot We sure can @jlz-666 I thought i heard Champagne pop!! :D
    Wish the Birthday girl would pop in!! I'm so mad i couldn't find the banner!!
    I've got cobwebs in my hair, searching Estar storage area!!
  • Crapolla as our Cali girl would say! I was concentrating so hard on the photos I forgot to look up! Hey there @hunnybunny,@tompuss. I swear I started posting when there was nobody here. Cheers to everyone!
  • I was meaning the party was pants @kathy but bless you! Lol!!
    Let me see if I can find that banner....
  • huh ? @jlz-666 the party was pants huh¿ oh me confused as usual!!!!lol
  • thanks for the drink @bernersenn, glad you could join the party!
    @tompuss lovely to see you as always!!
  • You're welcome @kathy
  • Hello @jlz666, @kathy, @bernersenn, @tompuss, @catsnbirds, @hunnybunny did I miss anyone?
    Quick pop in to wish @kimmiecv a very Happy Happy Birthday! Hope the day treats you right!
    Lovely pictures, food, drinks, what a great spread!

    Of course I'm overjoyed about Federer winning Wimbledon, not much to say about it other than amazing!
  • @karen68 I don't have anything with tennis. But I like it when Roger wins a tournament. Probably my swiss-tic that makes this happen. Had the same with Martine Hingis
  • Wooot !! Great job @jlz-666!
  • That banner is about 4 yrs old lol! It was estars creation for my birthday. When it came to her birthday we were so useless that I had to graffiti the original! Not much has changed huh? ;) Actually its's got an image bar across the bottom.....yeeeeesh ;(
    Maybe that should be the pub fixture lol!
  • Lol @jlz-666 At least you were able to create it heeehee,, I looked back all the way to 2012 at all the Julys and could not for the life of me find Kimmie's banner!! I'm sure Estar created one?
    That's for posting it,, Now is officially a BP birthday party! lol!!!
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