The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2708
  • @The Boss feel welcome to join in anytime, not sure which episode you need help on level 18 ?
    And if you go by a different name on site, like you @ name so you will get notice when someone mentions you.
  • Does orange have some coka cola?
  • Level 22 El porkado
  • BTW awesome idea about the bloated pig
  • My hands are aching in pain due to extreme flinging
  • @kathy, no we're not going on vacation. We passed by Mustang Ranch last year on the way up to Virginia City.
  • Nice to see you again @Boss. I'm afraid I don't know what El Porkado is! I'm sure someone will step in and help you. Yes,the BP is awesome :D back 5 pages.
    First of all. @hunnybunny what horribly sad,sad news. Once more we've lost a comic genius. I've genuinely shed tears since the news broke a couple of hours ago. I'm pretty sure nobody else will know her but RIP Caroline Aherne. A bloody amazing comedian,actress and writer. Taken by that awful disease aged 52. So,so sad. My favourite TV comedy was The Royle family. I could watch it over and over and still laugh my ass off! Jeeeeeez Still can't believe Victoria Wood has Caroline? *sob*
    So back 5 pages......
    What do you mean "The infamous @jlz-666"? @knitchy?
    Hi @gumby!
    @rat I'm so sorry you were home alone for your birthday. Makes me feel worse for forgetting......or not there a difference? Ummmm I forgot to remember lol! Glad it all worked out though. I'm afraid I'm not up on all things country. Think I've heard of the singers??? Sorry!
    Enjoy your trip anyway! Oh BTW,my words came out wrong earlier. No you're not an annoyance.....well not all the time;) The effort to post pics in here is.
    @sweetp Thank you for the history/geography lesson lol! I'm not bad on US geography but have to admit I was as stumped as the country singers reference lol! I've not really watched the walkthrough vids yet,I'll hopefully get a good run through tomorrow,so don't know what the problem has been. I did watch one and was slightly confused by the set up but got it to play ok. As long as you stop it after you've watched it I guess? I don't particularly like changes to things that work perfectly well so thank you for taking the time to put out individual vids for everyone. You must be the busiest bee in the nest right now! X
    @Bernersenn What a size little Wolf is! Gosh he's just ripe for cuddling! This will be one heck of a long week waiting on him joining the family. Your "little girl" won't know what's hit her again!
    @hunnybunny still can't believe Wales got through! I bet there's some hellish hangovers today!
    @karen68 @catsnbirds What a match! I won't say anymore until you confirm you've seen it. Although it sounds like @catsnbirds is out of contact for the weekend. Yep @Karen68 the weather down in London has been awful. Makes a bloody change! We're having a nice summer so far! Sorry your weather isn't great. Hope you get to enjoy the fireworks though.
    @tompuss has your weather improved? How's puddy cat? Keeping out of trouble I hope? Sorry,I haven't watched your vid yet as it took me long enough to read back the pages. I will though.
    @kathy No problem! I know things aren't easy in your kitchen,especially with MiL so I've tried to find some easy recipes for you. We'll get some meat on those bones I promise. However I agree with @mvnla2 Eggs on toast are great....but for breakfast. Not your main meal :/
    So I've put my scores in for Summer Camp and they're not bad but need to work on them. I'm liking it but not the freezing at the end of a game as score tallys. Is anyone else finding this? I just wait because trying to move on seems to crash it. So yep @kathy,even though I can't play as much as you guys,I'm in! Due to my new "eyes" I'm loving flinging again!
    @all I finally had to admit defeat to my headaches. I had my first ever eye test 3 weeks ago and yup........I'm now having to wear reading glasses! As my late Nana used to say "old age doesn't come itself!" I've done ok to reach 43 without them but my work was suffering and my headaches were blinding. Still getting used to them and I only need them for reading....or flinging :). I can't believe the difference! WTH have I been aiming at all these years! Squinting at an iPhone has taken its toll but WOW! I'm reborn LMAO!!
    Awwwww Hell.....I've done it again haven't I? "Just a quick note" I thought. "It won't take long" I said......yeah right ;)
    Anyhooooooo,have a fab 4th July/Canada day weekend everyone over the pond. For us boring Euros *cough*.......for the time being......:( Have a great Saturday!
    I'm going to apologise to hubby for coming in from work and ignoring him to write this,pour a large red and watch him cook dinner :)
    I'll also raise a glass to "our Denise" @hunnybunny :(
  • Hi The Boss your @mahd that's the name that you will get notifications :)
  • @mahd if you read page 1 of the forum there is a menu , you must be 21 to order alcoholic drinks , and drinks you can just make something up lol, no need to stick to the menu:) and about elporkado, i have no idea ,is that bad piggie? Most of us just play the regular Abo ,Abseasons, rio and space, some SW.
    @mvnla2 may know but i think she's on vacation :(
  • @jlz666 you're right. It is now less than a week, but days and even hours are getting that slow. Cuddling? That is these little dogs loves the most, so do we.
    Less than a week...
  • @jlz666 Nice to see you:)
  • @jlz666 I didn't know. Came home from a nice walk, two pubs and and an early curry (the upside of exercise being a long walk!) and checked emails
    My favourite episode of The Royal Family is "The Queen of Sheba" I laugh and cry all the way through it. Especially when the men are painting to Jungle Book music
    Raising glass now " cheers"
  • And I was about your age when glasses became inevitable, but I'm short sighted, so need mine for driving, cinema, theatre. Another upside here: you can now buy fab designer prescription sunglasses........
  • I've been wearing glasses , since i was 7 , severely nearsighted, now wear contacts and reading glasses lol
    @ jlz-666 I do hope your flinging on the iPad and not the phone?
    Hi @ hunnybunny:)
  • So sad about the attacks in Turkey,, and now Bangladesh,, not sure where Bangladesh is exactly but seems so many people from the around the world were there for some reason of another:(
    When will this stop!! My heart cries for these unnecessary tragedies:(
    My prayers for all the victims and their families:( once again...
  • @jlz666 another favourite: Mrs Merton interviewing Debbie McGee "So what was it that interested you in the multi-millionaire Paul Daniels?"
  • Nighty night sleep tight. Plus, could I get a Lawrence hawaiin pizza?
  • Oops, I mean road to El porkado
  • Bad piggies
  • I also wish for peace on earth
  • sorry @mahd I can't help, i haven't played bad piggies, you might check through the forums, there may, most likely is a forum about bad piggies. .
  • @jlz666 lol welcome to your forties! I've had glasses since my 20s for distance but graduated to bifocals in my early 40s. Ah, the joys of getting old :)
    Awesome tennis today too.

    And now my hubby is flipping out - time for penalty kicks. Hate when they decide a match that way.
  • @jlz666 hello, I did not read the novel you wrote just above LOL
    @kathy WASSSSUUUPP I just saw the song you posted to @rat I remember listening to the Dr. Dimento show on the radio ALL the time it was great
    @rat we used to have a radio program called The Dr. Dimento show, they played that song and many other weird songs all the time
    @hunnybunny hello my long eared friend
    @theboss welcome to ABN and to the Bloated Pig
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !
    @all The Boss is @mahd so he will know you said welcome :)
  • @jlz666 watching THAT Mrs Merton episode with Debbie McGee Thank you BBC
    @karen68 also watched the penalty shoot out. We were for Italy, for two reasons: love Italian food, and happened to be in Pisa when Italy won a first round match. Their enthusiasm for football was infectious. The town rocked...

    Good night, God Bless, prayers for World Peace. Have I mentioned there's a beautiful bronze statue in Cardiff Bay of a man clutching a candle in a candleholder, when you walk past you have to touch the bottom of the candleholder and pray for world peace. It's polished so brightly where so many people have touched it.....
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams ♡
    next time you pass that statue please touch it and say an extra prayer from me..
  • sorry humnybunny lol, didn't mean to do that, thanks for the pic:)
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams
  • I thought I saw @JLZ666. Nope, must have been my imagination.

    Rub the bronze off that statue for me Mrs. Bunny.
  • Wish me luck everybody. I'm headed to Vegas in the morning to invest my retirement fund. I think it's got a better return than the market at the moment.
  • Lol @Pa your probably right, but i know you better..heehee good luck with whatever you decide to spend:)
  • @Ma The wife's nervous. lol I keep telling her we came into this world with nothing. It's a no lose proposition.
  • These"Security officials" urging people to travel and enjoy are nuts!! And not telling the truth, they are just trying to placate people so as not to cause alarm,, plus it helps the economy it people travel. All ulterior motives.. And No I'm not a conspiracy theorist.. Just my thoughts,,
  • Well @Pa ya can't take it with ya,, right? Don't you mean a no win situation? Usually dealing with gambling institutions of govt run lotteries, "The House always wins in the end" or did i hear that in a movie lol..
  • See...that's what I said. You get me @Ma.
  • Naw @Ma. It's a no lose situation. I can't be worst off than I started. I didn't have anything at the beginning. About travel, at least it's cheaper now. he he
  • Uh oh! The wife is reading over my shoulder. She wants to TALK. I think I found the downside to my plan. ha ha
  • Oh oh @Pa Hi Mrs. Pa ..uhmmm I agree with Whatever you tell him to do!!
  • Enjoy Vegas @Pa and @Mrs. Pa rembember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas , or was that another movie¿..hmmm going Flinging..
  • Thanks @Ma. The wife's on board now after I explained it to her. If I invest our retirement fund in a guaranteed money market type account, I can't get much over a 0.1% return. In Vegas you can get at least 95% return on every dollar. 95% is a lot larger than 0.1%. It's a no brainer*.

    *You'd need to have no brain to believe this dribble. ha ha
  • Hope you win @Pa with the money the Mrs. Allows you to gamble away hee hee:) then you can say "See i told ya so" :P
  • It's sad that people actually use that type logic to chase a win. I've seen it. Sad...
  • Oh, I'll win @Ma. I'll win. Just as in AB Space, I'm good (read lucky) at electronic games. I'm an idiot savant when it comes to gaming. Or maybe I'm just an idiot! he he

    Btw @Ma, I'm the one that sez "Yes dear".
  • Kk @Pa whatever you say lol,,yeppers I believe ya, you'll win I'm sure:D
    Nighty night @Pa ♡ good luck :)
  • I really mean I Know you'll win (read get lucky ) I feel it in my bones. . (or is that just damp weather,and old age ) hmm.. we will see..hee hee..
  • Since that birthday last week I feel something in my bones too @Ma. Who am I kidding? My bones have been aching for years. ha ha Normally I feel lucky and bring home a stack of W-2's. Not feeling it this trip. Uh oh!
    Good luck at Summer Camp. I never got to go. My older brother ruined a lot of things for us younger kids. ie. kindergarten, boy scouts, summer camp, etc.

    Nighty nite @Ma.
  • Hello everyone
  • Good morning, time to start some flinging huh?
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