The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2709
  • Oh and by the way, how does this site know your score?
  • @mahd Good morning you say? What part of the world do you live in?
  • @mahd It doesn't know your scores until you enter them individually under the honor system.
  • I live in Pakistan
  • Good morning guys.
    Gambling? I once heard a theory about winning the Jackpot. Here it is:
    The chances of winning the Jackpot are equal to the situation, where you place a bottle in front of you. Then you take a pistol or revolver, shoot right up in the air. Bullet goes up and up, slowing down. Then gravity wins and the bullet returns to earth. Well, when it drops exactly IN your bottle you had the same luck as when you win the jackpot.
    Think of it.
    Any way, enjoy your trip to Vegas, @rat
  • Hi @boss. Saw your name and thought "is Bruce Springsteen joining us"? Lol
  • Anyone here from Pakistan
  • @bird leader, why is my rank stuck at 160? Sorry, I don't understand this ranking/scoring system
  • I am hungry. What are you guys serving? (In th category of pizza)
  • @kathy, please give me a kathy pizza
  • Hello orange bird
  • Got to do some flinging. Bye all
  • Good Afternoon all :D
  • Great pic, thanks @bernersenn
    @ mahd hope you enjoy the pizza:)
    About points you get 5 points for your first comment on a walkthrough ,, forums don't count, as you gain points you move in rank, see about on the gold bar above, on the drop down menu see badge and rank that will explain it:
    Of to flinging:)
  • Hi @mahd not sure about members from Pakistan but there used to be members from India and Bangladesh, a few young boys, who loved cricket. I think they mainly left to play different games. Are you a cricket fan? Mainly Americans here, who no nothing about cricket
    Check out the members map. I think it's: go to gold bar above, click community, click all groups, click members map

    @rat I gave up gambling years ago, a mugs game, but good luck..

    And sorry fellow flingers who are suffering bad weather: today is perfect! Hot, blue skies, gentle breeze, just ate "picnic" in the garden. Wonderful British Day
  • @hunnybunny that hurts. Suffering bad weather? Suffering bad sommer. It is yak, awful. Temperature will vary this week from 64 and 72 degrees. And rain of course, plenty rain
  • @bernersenn yesterday's football was yuk as well. Only caught the ET and penalty shoot out. Dreadful play from allegedly "top" teams....
    We're backing Iceland tonight if only to annoy a French friend!
    Wolf is looking amazingly cuddly :-))))
  • not sure if i can do this right but I'll try @mahd the link to badges and rank page
  • Yay it worked!! I'll try to do the members map for you @mahd
  • ok here goes @mahd The Boss ,@mvnla2 can explain more about the members map as she created it,,but as I said she's on vacation, hope this helps :)
  • Thanks guys
  • Your quite welcome @mahd , always happy to help, if we can:)
  • I love coming to the nest and especially the bloated pig
  • Happy to hear that @mahd :)
    btw saw yout post in the ideas forum, i don't know how to make videos of game play either:(
  • Nighty night all xx
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams ♡
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUUP
    @rat Wassuup
    @hunnybunny sleep well, I missed you again :(
    @mahd welcome
  • @gumby Waaasssuppp! !
    I'll be back gotta vaccum This sux!
  • @kathy the daily challenge is driving me insane, to get a top score you need to go thru the ice and then take out all the pigs. BUT you have to make it thru the ice with at least 22k points and then kill all the other pigs. Every time that I get 22k+ and get into the pig pit there is always ALWAYS at least 1 pig that survives. WHHHHHIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEE
  • @Gumby I'd stay away from the challenge if i were you, ,it's ugly lol:)
  • i tried too @gumby, that one stubborn pig won't quit, even with a black eye
  • @kathy I have had so many 505k scores if only the last pig or 2 would die
  • Well @gumby that's the breaks when you have a stubborn bacon bit:(
    I'm out soon, listening to my book, or should say trying to.. You know the deal lol BD
    Nighty night
  • i know your not here @Pa
    but i wouldn't feel right without saying
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Wifi is everywhere. Even the middle of the ocean. Just ask @hunnybunny.

    Nighty night @Ma
  • Finally dropping in after a few days out. @mahd I used to run a pizza joint in college, two slices and an order of spicy wings on me. Blue mongos for anyone having them, but it's probably early morning if you are reading this. So have the morning mongo!
  • @bernersenn wolf is growing g up so fast and so cute! I wish I could hire home on for a week to chase of the squirrels ( not squirrel61) eating my plums and beets an tomatoes!
  • And @kathy just saw a Boston burger joint that makes a 1/3# burger and puts on 1/3# of cheese. My kind of place!
  • Hi @bernersenn. You may have only received one picture but it was a good one. How can you not love that face? Precious...with a hint of yearning for attention.
    I solved the bottle problem. Just shoot a massive number of projectiles into the air. It worked for me today. True, it was a small caliber projectile that went in the bottle. But every little bit helps.

    Mrs. Bunny. I mainly come to Vegas for the comps. Free front section seats to concerts, cruises, gourmet food, and if I get lucky and win a few dollars all the better. So go ahead and call me a mug, whatever that is. Ha ha
  • To everyone else...Wazzzupp!
  • Good evening @mahad
    Happy 4th July to everyone over the pond!
    I'll take the hints about my novels ;) No more from me.
    @kathy,yep still on the iPhone. I've only got shared scores in ABO on iPad and don't want to start again in Seasons,Rio,starwars and space. I'm seeing better although it's still not ideal.
    @bernersenn Wonderful photo. He's going to be a handful in more ways than one :)
    @karen68 Yep it's a slippery slope! What's next I wonder? The optician said the most common age for eye degeneration is 43 so I'm spot on. I like them though and everyone's been complimentary so that helps. Are you watching the matches today? Fed is going to be hard to beat. He doesn't even break sweat :/ Andys game is just about to start and I'll admit to being nervous. He has a habit of doing that to people lol! Think it's going to be a tough one *gulp* that better? Short and sweet ;)
  • Dammit I knew there was something else.
    @sweetp I'm not getting your videos to work in Summer Camp. Your personal ones that is. It's just a black screen with error please try later and some sort of code. It happened yesterday and again today. The nest vids work and the ones you singled out. Very strange.
  • Good Afternoon all!
    hee hee @jlz -666 I knew you couldn't get away with a short note lol, but still overall you did well :D It stinks when your locked into one device for AB games, you'd think by now Rovio would make something that can transfer scores from one device to another, short of backing up and restoring to a new device there's not much can be done. of course Rovio won't do that, they make $$ each time someone has to start from scratch I'm sure!
    just take time out to exercise your eyeballs ,so they won't be under to much strain;)
    Happy Independence Day to all who celebrate!
    i haven't read back yet so sorry if I've missed anything.
  • Yawnnnn. Nighty night sleep tigt
  • Night night @mahad
    That WAS short @kathy lol! Yeah I couldn't quite shut up but I tried ;)
    You wouldn't think it was too much to ask would you? It works with Candy Crush and ABO so why not the rest? Don't understand but it is what it is. I'm stuck with it.
    Nervous? Why was I nervous? It helps that he was playing an unbelievable child. Seriously,my 15yr old nephew has fewer tantrums.
  • Oh and good luck tomorrow @kathy Without making light of the situation,enjoy your solid food today ;)
  • Nighty night @mahd ,sorry I'm late lol, having a family party ,Sweet Dreams anyway :/
    huh @jlz666 Did i say nervous? nervous about what? me confused, better read up lol..hmm
  • thanks @jlz666 is not gunna be a fun couple of days for sure, I'll take all tune lucky wishes i can get lol
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