The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2340
  • Aww man @kelani that's bad:( too bad I have a perfectly good computer sitting inn my closest, granted is probably 6 years old and probably needs updating. .if i had a way I'd happy to give it to ya! So without the disc there nothing you can do? Wth happened in the first place? Or are you just tryng to get out of the picture lol..
    And How on earth do you Not have a phone! ! I used to have that old Nextel with the beep beep button also.I liked it actually. .I could throw that at a cement wall and it would survive. .of course I had no reason to do that lol..way before angry birds and it wasn't capable of internet anyway.
  • @Kathy It's not a computer I need. It's access to the 6 hard drives inside it, and ability to get stuff off of it. This computer was heavily customized for use as a recording studio. The downside is, that made it kinda flaky for anything that ISN'T recording :) Also, it's 11 years old. :P
  • Uhhmm @kelani what disc do you need? Is it something that someone might have? I have access to that sort of stuff at my work ? If it's something my IT guy could get for ya.. he as tons of old stuff as lots of our computers are really old.. I'm talkin reeeallly old..
  • @Kathy yeah! a beep beep nextel. I forgot the name. :) I don't have a phone because I don't need one. Unless there's a change in the grandma schedule, or a Dr. calls to confirm an appt, I don't get any calls.
  • Lol @kelani *beep beep*
  • Don't feel bad no one Ever calls me either. .the only thing I use my phone for is to come here..or listen to music at work lol..
    Edit: 'here' meaning the 'nest' in general not just BP lol..I do have a life outside of BP such as pm's walkthroughs etc...
  • @Kathy don't worry about it. I just found a disc and it didn't work. This thing's hilarious, it can record 6 stereo channels of audio at 4x better than CD quality, but it apparently can't run the latest Firefox. lol. I'll just throw some stuff on a DVD-R, if it'll let me. :)
  • I need to get a pic of it. It has so many cooling fans running, it sounds like a small jet's idling outside.
  • K @kelani but if i can help let me know:)
    Argghh I Hate that new Acura ad.. totally murders Frank Sinatra song!!"did i say that already?
  • @Kathy someone said it. Don't remember if it was you or not. I haven't seen it yet.
  • Was probably me lol..its awful! !
  • @kelani -- Haven't you backed up that computer?! If not you really should. Why worry so much about turning it on? Said by someone who has had an irrecoverable hard drive crash, losing several months of work, not to mention the more recent iPad crash that lost several months of AB progress, from which I haven't yet recovered.
  • @mvnla2 have you since backed up? I'm sorry I forgot you lost progress also. .jeez between me you and Sweetp. .youd think everyone would have run for backup!
  • Well i think my 2 #9 levels are going to stay #9 for now (or until @fenikus surpassee, or someone)
    @fenikus are you still setting the 2.7 challenge? If not I'm calling it a win for me for now and moving on..i feel so all alone in HH:(
  • @Jlz666 was right on that account. :) you can only look at the same levels over and over again till the thrill is gone lol..
  • @mvnla2 There's over 3.6TB of data on 5 hard drives in a redundant array. It is it's own backup. The last time I turned this thing on, 1TB drives didn't exist, so a separate backup of that size would've cost 5-figures.

    I worried about turning it on because it's inactivity that kills hard drives. The magnetic charge slowly degrades. If they're constantly used, the charge stays 'fresh'

    On the bright side, I found the pic, and a few thousand more. Now if I can get it off that box and into the real world..
  • OB I'll judge a hmmm..well..ya a Marmoset killer please:)
  • Lol ! @kelani sooo its not your everyday computer that you use! ! I thought it was. .now i understand i think. .you found the pic?
  • @kathy -- Yeah, after the horse was out of the barn, I closed the barn door by backing up. I also backed up last week when Slim was asking for data files. Hopefully I will continue to backup more regularly. There's nothing like a reformed sinner, but I feel I should have learned this lesson several times.
  • I hear ya @mvnla2 I should have learned long ago..say after my third progress loss lol.. but i guess a few of my horses will never come home. .or should I say 'cows' or pigs actual lol
    Anyway i finally learned with some insistence of a friend and the help as well;)
  • @Kathy god no. Like I said, it's 11 years old, and specifically built to be a recording studio/storage.

    lol, even though it's fast enough, I can't install Firefox or Chrome on it. The universe does not want me to get my files off that box.
  • Ahh well @kelani some memories are best left as just that:/
  • Most of us here probably dont have 'an old computer with stored memories' lol mine are all in a cardboard box inn the closet! ! I'm thinking of upgrading to a Rubbermaid bin soon though lol:P
  • Ok, I can upload it. yay. :P
  • I have a rubbermaid box also, from back when they used that stuff called film.
  • Yay !!! We get to see the controversial Kel pic finally:) !! or do you want a second opinion first?
  • I have some rolls of film lol can't remember wtheck is on them? I'm hoping for something but I'm afraid they may be too old:^
  • Naw, film lasts if it's not exposed or left in heat/cold/fish tank
  • Roflmao !! Ya that's fine to share @kelan!! Don't anyone click that link until Kel says you can!! Only if your name is kathy
  • OK, if you say so. :P I thought it was underwear, but remembered it's a pair of swimmy trunx. :)
  • Really Kel so if the film has been in my cardboard box for years it may be o.k? Ahh wth it doesn't cost that much I've just been lazy.m
  • I have 2,800 high-quality kitten photos. lol. I don't remember collecting all this stuff.
  • What !! Blame kathy Not!! Lol s' ok you were a cute kid!! That's a cute pic..the other one is kinda far away.. funny not how I pictured you .m though hard to tell cuz far away. .
  • @Kathy I hope you didn't picture me as a 3-year old! The other one is from 2002, and I'm blurry because it's not about me, I just happen to be in it :)

    Blame Kathy. That has a nice ring to it :D
  • I don't get what you mean @kelani ? Is not about you. .you just happen to be in it.? Aww man the lady next door screaming at her poor dog Again!!
  • 11:11 put your hand on the wall and make a wish!
  • Of course by the time I type its too late lol..
  • @Kathy It's just supposed to be an artsy photo. See how the mirror's all perfectly in focus? That's what the pic is really of, I just got caught in the reflection. Anyway, it was just the last shot on my last roll of film. I was on my way to sell that camera.

    I uploaded a few more, but they're private until I change my mind :P

    Tell that lady to cut it out or I'll call the law on her :P
  • The lady Barbara got this dog 2years ago.. was just a pup..cute little thing. .pit bull I think.
    She couldn't wait to walk her around (jemma ) and show her off. Now all you here is 2minutes at 11:00ish her letting the now Dog out to pee and yelling 'Jemma hurry up' ' lets go Jemma' c'mon Jemma' ughh some people shouldn't own pets:(
  • Ohh I see the aritstic angle now that you say it Kel lol.actually pretty good:)
    I'm thinking off it one of these nights. .poor pup:(
  • @Kathy Is she being mean about it, cos that sounds more complain-y than yellin, ex: "c'mon you blanking stupid blankety-blanking mutt."
  • I also do the gripy thing when it's 2am or rainy and Patty acts like she needs to go pee, but really only wanted to bark at stuff.

    Aw, my Amazon package took 36 hours from ordering to arrival at my town, but it missed the mail cutoff by 3 hours.
  • Ya I guess she is doing the complainy stuff. .but I Never see her walk jemma like she used to. .that's the only thing I ever hearmm where in the first 6mos or soo she'd walk her everyday :(

    Edit :I take it back I think she's being mean:(
  • @Kathy we should fix her :>
  • @fenikus Rio MM #17 challenge today. :)
  • But how @Kelani? Lol ..
    I'm already out of the top 10 club knew it wouldn't last long:(
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