The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2341
  • Level #14 @ kelani :( oh well
    I'll think of something to help poor Jemma.. maybe I'll take the high road and offer to walk her when i get home from work. . We'll see it's all about the pup right:)
    I gotta go to slleepp soon.m one more smoke.brb.
  • K night night @kelani don't yell at Pattydog .let her sniff away and bark if needed:)
  • @Kathy lol. I let her scamper around, sniff, roll and do anydoggything she wants, but she is so loud and shrill, it's painful. Seriously, I'd rather have an air horn blasted in my face. So, for my sake and the sleeping neighbors, no barkfests allowed after midnight. But even if she does sneak one by me, I don't yell at her like your meanie neighbor. :)
  • Night Ma
  • Btw @Ma, once a member, always a member.
  • For the second day in a row Bunny has to pick herself up off the floor. "Upgrade to a Rubbermaid bin" ROFL @kathy priceless!
  • I'm sorry if you misunderstood me @JLZ666. Taking my two life long friends to the vet to be put down was the hardest thing I've ever done. Holding them in my arms as they went to sleep for the last time has left a mark on my soul that I'll take to the grave with me. But it was the right thing to do. Their suffering outweighed my my selfish desire to hold on for more time with them. Now you went and made a grown man cry.
  • Good afternoon to you all. Finally got time for this.
    @kathy about that same name? I suppose you meant the artist. Yes, he wears the same given name.
  • No no nooooooo @rat please don't cry. I only said those words because of what you said a couple of pages ago. I couldn't let you think that what you did was anything less than an act of love. You said "I've never killed a living thing in my life except for my two beloved pets" I know the enormous pain it brought you and it took courage to do it but because you loved him/them dearly,you ended their suffering. Maybe I did pick you up wrong rat but I only got upset because I didn't want you punishing yourself......
    Please don't cry.....
    Now I'm crying
  • @mvnla2 sorry, gotta ask

    1. Airplane mode off?
    2. Have you hard-restarted router and modem?
    3. Who's your internet provider?

    Don't give up just yet. Remember, I had this same basic problem a few weeks ago, when my laptop wouldn't connect, but everything else would.
  • @kelani -- Thanks. Will have to check later.
    1) airplane mode off. Just turned on and off again.
    2) later
    3) Time Warner Cable
    So what fixed it?
  • @mvnla2 my ISP either changed a DNS server address, or the primary server failed. On PC that address was hardcoded into my settings. All my other devices get the address dynamically, so they weren't affected. In retrospect, I don't think that's your problem. Most times, it's the router/modem acting flaky from a long uptime. Whenever you get around to it, pull the power plug(s) and let them sit for a minute.
  • Look at us @JLZ666. We're pitiful. Two World news hardened, intelligent, emotionally strong adults, all verklempt over the death of two small domesticated animals. I sure miss em though. But in my mind, Robert is always with me when I go hunting Mrs. Bunny in the nest. And I can't go to bed without making sure there's room for Ladybug at my feet. I've had other pets, but it's these two that will always be by my side as I trudge through life. It's amazing how deeply they wormed into my heart.

    Look out @HunnyBunny. Robert told me he wants to go hunting. So in his memory I'm headed back to TT. Sorry, but I just couldn't say no to him.
  • @all Just a quickie to say that some very urgent business came up today but will be back tomorrow to catch up here and do PMs too, I hate being late in answering. .

    Sometimes whining just isn't enough. . . today this is what I feel like doing instead:

    Nighty night xoxo
  • @mvnla2, since your laptop and hubby's mini connect fine to your wi-fi, I doubt resetting router/modem will solve your problem. It is a good idea to do what @Kelani recommended once in a while though, I do it about once a month.

    Try following steps 5 through 7 in this article:

    p.s. If it turns out to be a hardware issue and you end up buying a new iPad, I'd buy your broken one if it's iPad 3 or higher and you wanted to get rid of it. Highly doubt it but just wanted first dibs on it before @Kelani ;-)
  • @fenikus lol. What would you do with it? That's not an easy repair.
  • Play Angry Birds on it? Remember, I almost always play with wi-fi off. I don't need wi-fi to overlay my .lua files on another iPad. I would love a higher resolution screen so that I can actually see the entire scene and not see the cropped version.
  • Well actually mvnla would probably want to wipe her iPad before selling it so there'd be no AB on it. I still think there's a way to transfer the entire app from one iPad to another without using wi-fi. Would have to research that.

    Edit: Of course, that would mean no more fenni videos, need wi-fi for that.
  • @fenikus maybe hook it to PC and use itunes or something. hey, but remember, she's had data loss on that thing. Surely you don't want to entrust your precious scores to a known-flaky device? :D

    speaking of tedious repairs. I just saw the procedure for upgrading my laptop's memory. The only access is under the keyboard. If I disappear later today, you'll know it went badly.
  • @fenikus I thought Reflector used bluetooth?
  • Nope, wi-fi. It uses AirPlay server.
  • Ah. btw. unless it's been changed, you can only sync w/itunes. not add new apps :/
  • @rat two things
    Seeing my beautiful GSD put to sleep made my cry

    Second, I always knew you were lying and a ****
    Don't for one minute think the **** is the very worst obscene word. It's a word that me and best friend reserve for a special class of person. You just made it. Be proud!
  • @kekani that's a cute bottom!
  • @rat I'm stupidly emotional at the moment which means I'm not to be trusted with my words. I'm talking from my heart and not my head which is maybe not a great idea! I need to learn to curb my enthusiasm/love/rage/joy/fear/ecstasy/sadness....;D I didn't mean to upset you but I know you know I didn't. My baby boy is slowly losing weight and his Mummy is quickly losing her marbles ;(
    LMAO @tompuss! Yeah I'm hearing you! Read above ;) Hope tomorrow is better XX
  • @hunnybunny @kekani thanks you, and stop using @Kathy's phone!

    edit: it improved with age, so I've been told :P

    btw, what's so wrong about my coffee drink? :( Ingredients are just espresso, milk, cream, sugar, cocoa powder, and natural butter pecan flavor.
  • @bernersenn watching Ryan ten Doeschate on the TV
    I'd be surprised if you ever watched him too, albeit he's Dutch
  • @hunnybunny I can only say to this that I never watch tv. Incidentally I watch the german television. I don't like dutch people on tv, mostly only screaming and extreme vulgar. So, no, I do not know the guy
  • @JLZ two things

    1. What shot did you use to get your awesome score in the MM17 challenge.
    2. "just far enough not to scare". Are you implying I'm grotesque at close range?

    Man, as if calling my lil babylegs fat wasn't enough. :P
  • @bernersenn he's a cricket player. One of the best. The Netherlands have an extremely good, but second league, team, that occasionally beat premier league teams.
  • @jlz666 no! Not one of your beautiful cats. I'm sad now, too :-(
  • @hunnysan I'm sorry, never heard of him. Cricket is never mentioned overhere in whatever what. Not on tv, not in the newspapers (that's what I know about it)
  • Off to face up to the Rodent. I need help..........
  • @jlz666 that surely is a reason to be sad. Many hugs
  • @hunnybunny you're not getting any help, that is what I think. This is superclass flinging, not as us, we are just extreme good
  • Btw, I am playing right now in South Hamerica, not Rio. Repeat and rinse, remember...
  • Hee hee
    HWDNF just said, when I mentioned that I was up against the rodent again, "Well, you can't can't trust anything he said, he's a Rat"
  • @kelani @fenikus -- Three hours later, my iPad (2, BTW) is able to connect to the internet. Other than waiting 3 hrs (unavoidable). Last things I did were:
    1) Check that it still wasn't working. It wasn't.
    2) Turned airplane mode on and then off again.
    3) Left iPad off for 3 hrs.
    Seems like I remember the airplane mode fiddle being a possible fix once before. Unfortunately didn't have time to check WiFi immediately after turning airplane mode on and off.
    I didn't get around to turning modem and router off and on.
  • What "awesome" challenge score @kelani? Me thinks you've got the wrong birdie!
    No I'm sure you're not grotesque you silly man! Read above about keeping my mouth shut and sense of humour (did I add that?) in check. BTW baby fat rolls ARE cute!!
    @hunnybunny it's a long...long....looooooong story :( He has me up and down more than should be allowed. I wouldn't know where to start. I'm hoping I'm yet again being hyper sensitive with him but I can't take chances (he's got FIV) A different cry,a different look,a different eating pattern and I'm on edge. At the moment he's losing weight and sleeping tucked in close beside me all through the night so that's not good. He gets very sooky when he's not well. Sorry,I'm not going to bore everyone when in 2 days time I'm bitching that he's killing birds again! So is my life with Oscar....I swear he'll be the death of me.
    Sorry,drinking mug of tea and watch last nights "Bake off" :D
  • @jlz666 loving the bake off as normal!
  • Oh haha!!! I'm 2nd improved today lol!! Just did it the only way I knew @kelani. First through two chains. 2nd low down so body flies up and destroys/knocks over top structures which explodes TNT on right. It maybe walkthrough vid? Sorry.....that's not at all helpful but I was just happy to go up a few thousand. Didn't think it was even worth a walkthrough mention. Must pay attention.
    Sorry but virtual cakes are calling ;)
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