The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2338
  • Early night for me.

    Goodnight @all
  • Two page changes in a row! Where's the princess?
  • I was serious @HunnyBunny. You da champion of Timber Tumble. Some of the levels that are left require to much luck to entice me. Level seven for instance. The one you got top score in this morning, requires a destruction of the cable the two monkeys on the right are hanging on. It is, as far as I can tell, pure luck to get that cable to fall straight down so that something might fall on it. Lot's of points when it does, but I never could find a way to make it happen with anything resembling regularity. And level five? I can see skill potential in the second shot, but how is that first shot anything but luck. Not really happy about the second shot now that I think about it. lol

    I haven't been flinging much of late, but it's been fun pushing you to new heights when I did. But it was simply a distraction for me. Not a goal. Not taking anything away from you. You had to work to get where you are. Awesome flinging. But it looks like this mornings rabbit stew will be my last for a while. So in conclusion, *in my very best fake French accent* Listen very carefully, I shall say zis only once'. You're better in Timber Tumbler than me.

    Edit: For old times sake.
    Don't worry @HunnyBunny.
    I'm not hunting wabbits.
    Wabbit season is closed.
  • @hunnybunny I think my local bunnies just take whatever's convenient, then split before the neighbor's cat shows up :)
  • @Ma. Are you serious? You don't eat peppers, tomatoes, or cucumbers? No wonder you have a problem putting on weight. I couldn't enjoy eating without some of the above. What are you're thoughts on onions? Please tell me you can use onions in your cooking.
  • Mmm.. sliced cucumbers floating in cider vinegar, ice cubes and lotsa black pepper. Dunno what that's called, but it's yummy.
  • Maybe some crushed red pepper flakes, a few sliced cherry tomatoes, and possibly a few very thinly sliced red onions as well. Definitely yummy.
  • Thanks @Mumsie :) what do i mean @hunnybunny 7k ? Me no good at these math things lol..
  • I hate onions @pa.. however i do like the flavor. Just not the texture:/
  • @Kathy remember my Amazon stuff w/free-slow shipping? Shipped today, arrives tomorrow. I'd make those meanies give you a pile of $5 gift cards.

    edit: same w/ onions. Love 'em chopped in fried rice or casseroles. Hate onion rings.
  • @Kathy No Southern or Cajun dishes for you. Southern women can't cook without the Holy Trinity (mirepoix).
  • @Kelani Hate corn mealy onion rings. Love lightly battered tempura-ish onion rings
  • @TomPuss -- Had a great time looking at loads of Theo Jansen videos! All our Dutchie friends, or anyone nearby (by U.S. standards) should make a point of seeing them! Thinking of buying a miniature one for a Christmas present. Might end up being a present for me, but...
  • Look out @Estar. Colonge trip may be back on.
  • Ok, @Kelani -- This cucumber in cider vinegar with ice-cubes -- Do you actually drink it, or just fish the cucumber out.
  • The man definitely has a lot of skills. Woodworking, engineering, biomechanics, fluid dynamics all needed to build those.

    The other cool feature I liked is the ocean detector. If the beest walks too close to the water, a dangling tube sucks some up, and makes it change course.
  • @mvnla2 well, I have been known to drink pickle juice, but for these, you just leave them in the cider for a few hours and fish them out. Not bad for quickie pickles.
  • @kelani -- I just had to ask, 'cause I saw something on TV the other day that said drinking vinegar was the new culinary rage, just like kale was a year ago. Kale's OK, but I'm not about to drink vinegar.
    Theo Jensen was a graduate student in physics.
  • Hey !!! It's Tuesday! ! *scurries around setting about baskets of earplugs. .on all booths and on the bar.. one by the table near the door
    .and on the patio..

    Welcome to WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday. . Better late than never!!
    HH level #14 I cannot even reaach my previous score! !
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee! !
  • Drinking pickle juice works wonders for a hangover! !

    Edit : or so I've heard; )
  • @mvnla2 Well, some people just like the taste of kosher dill pickle juice. :) But the vinegar thing does seem popular. My dentist was told he'd have to take Nexium for the rest of his life. He started drinking 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar per day, and no longer needs the Rx. I don't see how adding more acid to an over-acidic stomach can help, but he swears by it.
  • Ohhh duh lol @hunnybunny I meant 2.7 m ? Or 2.7 something hundred thousand?
  • Wheres @fenikus today?
  • probably trying to intercept my amazon shipment.
  • Lol @Kelani could be.. that guy gets around for sure!!
  • that sneaky serb's always up to something!
  • Lol @kelani he sure is..I see he's gained a 'ccouple points' in HH .. nothing to speak of:;)
  • @Kathy I actually just fell asleep while trying to get points in HH/TT. lol
  • Lol @Kelani you taking tips from me? Haha I just had a very strange occurrence in HH but stupid me not payin attention. Ithrew Stella then iwas typing on my phone.m when looked again the WHOLE top thingie that glides back and forth was GONE !! But like I said'stupid me flung yb before my brain thought to think of looking at score..reregistering the fact that it wasn't there..duh:/
  • So did you miss out on a score. or...just did it?
  • Naw I missed out on a good score :/ that's what i get for being distracted:(
  • I can't for the life of me get close to my previous score. ..block your ears.. it's still Tuesday. .
  • 1....2......3......
  • I have 2 #9 scores level #1 #14 I want to try and secure myb top 10 status so I'm trying to get those 2 down a bit not looking good:/
  • well, if your game is in the same evil mode mine's in, 3 weeks layer you'll still be saying that :P
  • Yep my game is in evil 'give kathy and Kel no points mode' hmm I'm waiting for a pop up to laugh at me Haha, . Well in 3weeks maybe this Will change. .if it takes that long I'm outta Rio and onto the rat pack next conqest.. let's start thinking bout that?
  • @Kathy well in 9 days, Stella comes out. I imagine most everyone who ain't on PC will be trying that.
  • @Kathy who knows. If it does, it probably won't be the same time.

    Yeah, sharepad needs to go. I was surprised when cousin didn't get one for her birthday last week, then I found out today I was wrong. Her parents didn't even know hers had been destroyed. They thought mine was hers. Oh well. lol.
  • Night Ma
  • @Kathy, @Kelani, took a train to NYC today. That's a solid 4 hour round trip that I could have spent flinging. But, I was too lazy to lug my iPad around the City -- clearly I'm not fully dedicated to the cause and deserved to drop down to #3 in HH.

    Congrats on joining the top 10 club @Kathy.
  • @TomPuss, great videos. Theo Jansen stuff put an amazed look on my face, while all those wet wagging tails put a smile on it :-)
  • @all You guys just got thro' Tuesday without a whine?? :-)
  • Thanks everyone, I'm doing a lot better today, no more back pain!

    Sorry @bernersenn, for not replying sooner. But last night I was sooo tired and sleepy, it didn't take too much longer for me to drag my aching bones to bed and fall fast asleep. Thanks for the suggestion! I've never heard of "diclofenac," but when I looked it up it translated into a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which is the same as OTC (over the counter) Aleve, Naprosyn, Advil, Motrin, etc. here in the US. Other stronger NSAIDs are obtained by doctor's prescription. I had taken a couple of Motrin tabs before going to sleep, and woke up feeling much better.
  • Wow, @Kathy you're #1 in HH! WTG, that is so awesome! I haven't been flinging much lately, too busy with work, setting up my business, and real life in general. Hubby and I are planning a long road trip on the bike this coming weekend. Getting outta here early Thursday morning and headed up north to June Lake to visit a good friend. I can hardly wait to get out of this oppressive heat!
  • @TomPuss, it's still Tuesday here on the West coast. But, I don't have anything to whine about tonight, since I haven't been flinging lately.

    But I'll throw a good one out there for ya if you wish? LOL
  • @SweetP So glad you're feeling better, no more aches and pains! Yes, Advil (ibuprofene) very good for bad backs. But @all don't take it on an empty stomach. Yes @SweetP, throw a long piercing one out for my troubles with TT#15 - lordy, it is soooo frustrating!

    @fenikus Happy you liked the vids! Thanks :-)

    @kathy Congrats - you're now Princess and Queen at the same time!

    @kelani Everyone so busy fantasizing about you, they forgot to whine. . .
  • Goog morning @all
    Thought I'd try a mid week round up so I wouldn't get lost ;)
    @kelani has a photo he wants to show but thinks it's just too gosh,darn cute that we wouldn't be able to control ourselves? Haahaaaa! Why don't you show it to an honest and trustworthy friend and they'll tell you if it's for public eyes ;D
    @hunnybunny is poofing into people's gardens eating their veggies?!
    @rat Sorry you couldn't see the chocs,it was the best I could do with this stupid phone camera. No I wasn't taking a last grasp at youth thank you very much,that's my normal colour!
    @tompuss great vids again! The dogs were fantastic in the water! Have you ventured out with your parasol yet? How's the weather over there? Autumn has just hit us with a big fat slap on the face. I'm pretty sure there was a teeny bit of frost on the grass at 6am. I haven't even had my summer holiday yet for goodness sake! :(
    @sweetp Glad your back is feeling better but aren't you maybe pushing yourself to much? You should still be taking it easy after all you've been through. Sorry,not a lecture,just words of concern! This weekend sounds fab though so enjoy planning the trip,that's half the fun!
    @kathy Huge congrats!! You are not only a fantastic flinger but an utter maniac to boot!!! How on earth do you manage to play the same levels over and over and over?!! Are you not sick of the sight of them?! Jeez hon,10/10 for sheer bloody perseverance! Glad you weren't really sick yesterday but I just hope none of your managers are secret lurkers lol!!
    Now this is just my opinion and I don't want anybody getting their knickers in a twist but seeing as it was mentioned I thought I'd have my say. I have to agree with admins that I don't see the point of a badge for this kind of thing. It's no way taking away what Kathy and others have done but awarding one day then that person slips the next day doesn't make sense. Maybe after a year when there's more scores on the board and they've still held it but before then? Hmmm...... I just think with the ever changing leaderboards within that time frame the badge would lose its importance. As I said this hasn't anything to do with Kathys great achievement,it's just my tuppence. As for the other game play awards,I haven't tried for over the moon(?) yet so it's still on my to-do list as maybe the rest are for a lot of newcomers. I do t know....maybe I'm not looking for another challenge right now.
    Oh and @kelani don't have a phone?! How do you survive lol?!!!! I break out in a sweat if mine isn't within 3ft at all times. Although to be fair my life is on that phone. All AB games and email (both personnel & business) In fact I have a worrying amount of my life on that phone.....
    Completely unrelated topic but this was just the sweetest sight this morning on way into work. @hunnybunny obviously you popped into my mind! I've yet to spot a rat and feel the same however LOL!! At the side of the road on a big grass verge were 2 teeny baby rabbits having an absolute ball together! They were soooooo sweet! They were doing that crazy dance when they jump over each other! I was surprised to see such tiny babies at the end of August,I thought they'd finished breeding or do they keep going all year round? Anyhoo I had to circle around the roundabout a few times as I tried to decide whether to stop and try to shoo them away further up the banking into the trees as oh my goodness they were inches from the traffic and there's also a lot of buzzards in those woods. Eventually after admitting I looked like a complete nutter going round in circles I had to drive on and leave them to fate :( Hopefully Mummy bunny called them in and gave them a lecture on playing by the roadside.
    Ok I'm rambling. Caffeine break over and back to work I go.
  • Oh jeez....sorry bout that novel.
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