The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2238
  • Happy Birdday @Kelani :D
  • @kel/princess/kanobi enjoy your day

    I'm flinging (rather badly) in Beak Two.....

    Although I have made the first page of the leaderboard. Eventually. Thanks fellow flingers for your strats, even though some make no sense at all. Kel?
  • Hi @EStar babe, @HunnyBunny @all @fenikus I so love Jim Carrey - helpless with laughter!

    @kelani I'd give you the link to a cabaret guaranteed free of Adam's apples, but I might be in trouble with the censors. Let me think awhile . . . . OK, there are two really tricky steps to take:

    #1 try to find something called YouTube
    #2 type in an equivalent for "Mad Equine"

    Nighty night everyone, enjoy the party! Over and out xoxo
  • @tompuss just finished replying but you're probably in bed.
    I'm sorry but they're WHAT!!!! Noooooooooo! Isn't Patrick Evans the conductor? They're certainly not the most elegant cancan dancers I've ever seen but noooooooo! Are you sure @kelani?!
  • @JLZ I forgot to mention, I love that photo you posted of the Bday Science Experiments. You can use their respective fountain heights to tell the kids who will be scientists from those who are dumb as bricks. :)
  • @hunnybunny Where'd you find that marmopic? There are 15 levels coming out on the Rio2 Blu-Ray tomorrow.
  • @Kelani, @JLZ, I found another "Patrick Evans" video by the same youtube poster. Can't post a link here but this time I'm pretty sure it's free of Adam's apples. Just in case, quickly switching to "Mad Equine" channel for antidote ;-)
  • You're welcome @kelani! I'd love to try that experiment one day but I'd probably come in the brick category! I've watched the vid again and I still can't decide. You should see some of the girls in my gym class! Just sayin ;)
    Sorry @tompuss I missed you by seconds :( Night night XX
    @karen68 Isny it funny how chocolate can trigger a girls radar half way around the world?! My house smells delish but yep @estar I need to get rid of them! They actually freeze really well but that still means eating them! It's a wonderful feeling finding one in the freezer when you need a choccie hit!
    @rat you're like my hubby. He loves the chewy end bits but I love the squidge! It works perfectly ;)
    Time for Tea and TV.
    Enjoy the rest of your birthday Kelani!
  • Mrs. Bunny, welcome back. It does sound like we have a Rio update on the way!
  • Did you enjoy your shower? @fenikus LOL! How am I meant to explain watching questionable dancing girls to hubby?!
  • Doesn't matter.......he's watching "game of thrones" he's oblivious ;)
  • @fenikus They could be female. You see how awful I am with guessing ages. Why should that be any different? :P

    btw, the Rio update is if you drop $23 on the Blu-Ray. I think everyone else gets it later.
  • @Kelani, say I dropped $23 for the blu-ray, how would I get the game to my iPad?
  • @kelani Facebook
    Rio2 Blu-Ray? Never knew such a thing existed.
    Sorry, I'm a bit do-lally today. Another afternoon of torture at the dentists.
    What seemed to be a slight toothache and a midly discoloured tooth, has turned into toothy hell, and loads of dosh :-(((
  • Well nobody can question the authenticity of the mad equines anyway ;)
    Wasn't the original Rio game a code on the DVD or am I losing my mind? Why does that sound familiar?
  • @hunnybunny You have my full sympathy :( Toothache is Hell. Codeine then bed should help.
  • For anyone who saw that. Sorry! For some reason, that youtube link I just posted embedded itself. Never had that happen before.
  • Hmmmm I wouldn't bet on it @kelani! What's with the *seriously* Anyhoo I hate opening champange bottles for fear of explosions so I'd be a right nervous nelly trying that.
  • Oh and the gym class is Body Pump which is weight training exercises so yep @kelani there's some scary shapes in there ;)
  • @kelani try this (and anyone else interested in kicking sexual stereotypes to hell)
    I love ballet and Matthew Bourne kicked it to hell and back again

  • Sorry @jlz haven't said "hi"
    And my toothy ache was weeks ago, now into paying the dentist for work I never knew I needed. Didn't make myself clear, I expect. Again......
  • @TomPuss The mad equine search went much better after I figured out which 'mad' you were using! @hunnybunny repeatedly calling me mad earlier may have helped. Before that, I saw endless pages of antisocial horses punting stupid people and My Little Pony animations. :)
  • @kelani repeatedly? Twice
  • @hunnybunny hi! Oh ok,it's purse pain your feeling? Hmmm codeine still might help tonight tho ;) I still can't watch or listen to Swan lake after my Prague disaster! I'm trying to wind down for bed LOL!!
  • Just found the right page of mad equines, not my little pony at all
  • @hunnybunny he definitely kicked it. I had to watch it twice. The first time I was too creeped out to fully appreciate it. :)

    @JLZ The *seriously* was because you're smart! :) I refuse to believe anyone here could screw up dropping a mint in a bottle.
  • @jlz won't bore you to death then with my fab Swan Lake experience in St. Petersburg
  • @hunnybunny no kidding. I sure asked for the wrong bday present. :P
  • As @kathy says "gone flinging"

    See you tomorrow
  • @hunnybunny happy flinging, and hope you feel better :)
  • I've seen more fails than wins with that experiment @kelani so once again,I wouldn't bet on it ;)
    Time for bed folks.
    Happy flinging,crushing,dancing or what ever else takes your fancy on a Monday evening ;)
    I've a feeling some peeps will get lost in the wacky world of YouTube!
    Nighty night @all
  • @Mumsie Thank you, and it's a lovely cake! Sorry for all the confusion. I'm 39. I didn't realize the 'big scary' birthday varied so much in other countries. :) I do agree, they're all just silly numbers, and you're living proof. I think you stay more active than most 20yr olds :)
  • Sorry @jlz that I missed you, I got caught up in real life and then.. yup bounce bounce on the WiiFit time for me.

    @Kelani sorry I couldn't stay for you bday party, seems like time wasn't on my side tonight. Anyway I do hope you have one heck of a birthday and maybe all your wishes come true!

    @all this star shining so bright is looking at the moonlight, knowing it is time to say to you all a wonderful goodnight!
  • @estar you showed up, what more could a kel ask for? :) I hope you're able to catch up on some of that missed sleepy time tonight.
  • Hope so too, luckily this time the alarm is set for 7:15 my time, hubby is off work tomorrow pfieuwwww ... But 1 AM closing in already, so looks like a 6 hour sleep not the wished but never obtainable 8 hours :p the rest of the week will be brutal as he is only off work tomorrow,so wed/thurs/fry 6AM it is brrrrr
  • Night night kelkel!
  • Are you asleep yet @Estar? I've got important news for you.
  • Mister @Rat almost, just one more check hahahaha...
  • Yea! You passed the test. Enjoy your sleepy time @Estar.
  • Oh no. Look who showed up just as I was congratulating her. Shame...shame on you.
  • Man, that was mean :P
  • Kimmie and I used to test her every once in a while @Kelani. She's been known to stay a lurker for hours.
  • Good night Star.
  • :p The only test I don't mind failing mister @rat and you are so right, it always takes me at least an hour to have lights out.
  • Night night Mister @rat
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